/ / Synthetic motor oil "Rolf": customer reviews

Synthetic motor oil "Rolf": customer reviews

Опыт эксплуатации современных автомобилей confirms: correctly selected engine oil (MM) increases the service life of an automobile engine. Advertising mess with brands MM often leads to the acquisition of counterfeit. And this is despite the obvious role of the lubricating fluid in the performance of an automobile motor. In this article we describe the relatively recently appeared on the car market engine oil, the developer of which, the company ROLF Lubricants, demonstrates flexibility and efficiency in the organization of production.

motor oil rolf reviews

Let's start with the fact that it is not bad protected from fakes andRolf oil has the proper quality (the manufacturer now works under German licenses in Russia). But, in addition, its characteristics were originally brought to high standards, which demonstrate more expensive oils. The balanced formula of the German developer meets the technical conditions of operation and modes of operation of the automotive engine. Perhaps this is why Mercedes Benz, an authoritative brand in the world of automobiles, recommends it.

Innovative oil

In 2015 came to the Russian market is inexpensiveand competitive motor oil "Rolf". User reviews show that it is suitable for both modern models of cars equipped with intercoolers and for models of twenty years ago, for example, “Zhiguli”. Therefore, it was doomed to success.

Diversified engine oil mixfrom the Rolf brand are semi-synthetic (most popular), synthetic and mineral motor oils. To the credit of the manufacturer, new brands are dynamically appearing in the line, replenishing the current 12 lines of brand ROLF Lubricants oils, among which the most popular are:

  • ATF - multifunctional fluids for automatic transmissions that provide smooth gear shifting.
  • DYNAMIC - all-weather semi-synthetic oils with high thermal stability.
  • ENERGY - high quality semi-synthetic oils with a high viscosity index.
  • GT - modern synthetic oils of the highest class, allowing to increase engine power.
  • OPTIMA - the best mineral oil to keep the engine clean.
  • TRANSMISSION - universal oils for mechanical transmissions with the increased replacement intervals.

Motor oil properties

RepeatThe most popular are semi-synthetic motor oils of the brand mentioned. By their properties, they are unsuitable only for heavy and powerful equipment, for which the load parameters are important. However, semi-synthetic motor oils are highly demanded for cars and buses.

oil rolfe 10w 40 semi-synthetics reviews

In addition to a wide range of potentialconsumers in the popularity of MM plays a role and the quality of this high-tech product. Worthy features brought developers to the oil "Rolf 10W 40" (semi-synthetics). Reviews of drivers of cars using its modifications "Diesel" and "Energy" with both gasoline and diesel engines indicate the high quality of the product.

High-tech MM practically does not change its properties in the range of -350C to +500WITH.It refers to low-ash synthetic motor oils (MM). A characteristic feature of the lubricating fluid is the stability of its formula in a wide range of temperatures, it is maintained even in the presence of aggressive substances.

The use of MM, according to user feedback,prolongs the service life of automobile engines by 30%, protects surfaces from corrosion, cleans and cools engine parts. MM "Rolf" has the following technical characteristics:

  • API class oil SL / CF.
  • Viscosity 10W-40.
  • Sulfate ash content 1.1%.
  • Kinematic viscosity 14.4 mm2/from.
  • Density is 870 kg / m3.
  • Flash point 2300.
  • Freezing point -350FROM.
  • Alkaline number 8 mgKOH / g.

Is the German brand Rolf?

ROLF Lubricants in the manufacture of this MM inGermany provided a balanced and supplemented chemical composition. Then the manufacturer, expanding its influence on the car market in Eastern Europe, opened production facilities in Russia. The quality of Rolf engine oils produced in Obninsk is determined by international standards ISO / TS 16949: 2002 and ISO 9001: 2008. Obninskorgsintez has been comprehensively equipped with the necessary equipment for the production of motor oils, including:

  • circulating double-booth, according to the criteria of ASTM D 2570;
  • Fifteen test benches to determine the corrosion effect on metals according to the requirements of GOST 28084.

Obninskorgsintez realizes throughdistributor network of motor oil "Rolf". Reviews of its use indicate that it is actively used for car engines about a hundred brands, among them:

  • BMW;
  • FIAT;
  • FORD;
  • GAS;
  • HONDA;
  • LEXUS;
  • MAZDA;
  • OPEL;
  • SKODA;
  • VAZ;
  • Volvo.

Important in the successful sales mentionedoil is a successful marketing move by ROLF Lubricants: a special high-tech metal canister in itself ensures that the Rolf motor oil in it is not forged.

motor oil rolf reviews

Reviews motorists, however, indicatedifferent consumer quality of this branded product. Some of them believe that the brand of oil “Dynamic” is less suitable for their cars than “Energy” or “Diesel”. The last two brands, according to drivers, can be used for a long time.

By the way, not all drivers criticize onautosite MM DYNAMIC. Most of them argue that in itself it is quite technologically advanced, but it can be criticized by motorists for the low content of detergents in its composition. In this regard, for the withdrawal of soot and soot from the engine is required to acquire them additionally.

For modern cars

Traditional among consumers is the question: “Which motor oil to choose: synthetic or semi-synthetic?”

In fact, the answer to it has long been known.For vehicles manufactured before 1980, modern filler technologies are not suitable. The latter are traditionally more active in synthetic motor oils. What is the difference, for example, with the brand ROLF GT SAE 0W-40, ROLF GT 5W-30 SN / CF. They, cleansing inelastic seals from time to time, gradually dissolve non-metallic parts. As a result, leaks occur in the engine, it loses its working capacity.

In each division of ROLF Lubricants,Among them, Obninskorgsintez also has laboratories that create new, more efficient products. For the engines of new cars, engine oil Rolf (synthetics) is purposefully created every year. Reviews of drivers indicate that the inspection with the replacement of the MM should be carried out every 10,000 km for gasoline engines and 7,500 km for diesel engines.

Formula that has become the standard

On the marking of the MM canister you can see information on its tolerances, viscosities, specifications.

motor oil rolfe synthetics reviews

What does the cipher that characterizes,for example, oil "Rolf 10W 40" (semi-synthetics). Reviews of this oil confirm the stated characteristics. The letter W in the name of the oil indicates the suitability of technical fluid for the winter season. The number in front of this letter (10) denotes low-temperature viscosity MM. As is known, viscosity determines the quality of engine lubrication. The stated temperature range, where this viscosity is provided, is determined by the numbers following before and after the letter W. The figure 10 means that MM is effective in frosts -250C, the number 40 determines that with a heat of +400With the engine will also be protected by engine oil.

By the way, the lowest level of temperature is -25.0C is not suitable for more northern areas. But the oil from the same Rolf 5W 40 line functions effectively at -350FROM.

Open certificate tolerances

The motor oil status was determined by the Association of European Automakers (ACEA), American Petroleum Institute (API), Mercedes Benz (MB).

Recommendation from MB (229.1) and certificates ACEA A3 / B4-08, API SL / CF, ACEA A3 / B3-08 present for consumers Rolf oil. Feedback on the operation of the Rolf brand products is formed not only by motorists, but also by auto concerns, which have tested and approved it for operation. Many auto corporations officially recognized this brand in their proprietary specifications:

  • CAT ECF-1a;
  • CES 20077;
  • Deutz DQC-III;
  • Mack EO-M +;
  • MAN 3275;
  • MB 228.3;
  • MTU 2.0
  • Renault RLD-2;
  • Volvo VDS-3.

Versatility and functionality

High-tech, respectively syntheticand mineral (petrochemical) technologies produced motor oil "Rolf". Reviews of consumers of this product indicate increased protection of the engine from soot and soot from exhaust gases. Semi-synthetic MM with marking “10W 40” fully complies with the international dexos standard of the appropriate viscosity.

Original oil "Rolf" (synthetic andsemi-synthetics) suitable for all types of engines. With his help, a more gentle operation is ensured, not only for an automobile motor, but also for an oil filter.

Due to more efficient engine operationsignificant savings in gas consumption are achieved. Judging by the reviews, many drivers practically change it after 12 thousand km at the official norm of 7.5 thousand km.

Frost resistance test

Periodically automotive web sitespublish tests that demonstrate how effective at low temperatures engine oil "Rolf". Reviews of motorists testify to their authenticity. The darkened oil, which acquired the smell of intoxication, was taken from a car that made 9000 km. The mentioned MM was placed in a powerful refrigerator, which provides a temperature of –200FROM.

motor oil rolf 10 to 40

The cooled used oil has retained the properties that meet technical requirements. Thus, the MM "Rolf 10W 40" even in winter time shows its effectiveness.

Similar tests are periodically conducted with other oils from the Rolf range.

Engine oil is not a panacea

According to the manufacturer’s stated specifications(Obninskorgsintez), motor oil “Rolf 10 to 40” has a formula that prevents the ingress of atmospheric air into it. Thus, it does not form any foam or bubbles, even when in contact with it.

Впрочем, если автомобильный двигатель реально it is faulty, i.e. its parts knock or rub hard, while making whistling or metallic sounds, then no (neither synthetic nor semi-synthetic) engine oil will be able to provide normal operation for such a motor.

In this case, the driver should immediately contact the service station, because a motor malfunction can lead to an emergency.

Motorists Reviews

During the writing of this article, we noticed thatenough discussed among motorists motor oil "Rolf". Reviews about him demonstrate his popularity. Many people confirm that they use it for a long time for their cars. Among its main advantages is the remarkable ratio "price / quality" of Rolf Energy 10W-40 and Rolf Dynamic 10W-40 engine oils.

rolf oil synthetics

Однако опытные водители знают:to acquire MM "Rolf" should be qualified, fearing fakes, although the Rolf brand has not yet revealed any falsification. Unfortunately, every now and then in the press there are articles telling about the prevention of other brands by law enforcement officers of the work of entire factories that produce fake engine oils.

About fakes

For anti-falsification manufacturersMM under consideration is poured into a more expensive than synthetic, metal container semi-synthetic and synthetic oil "Rolf". Reviews of car enthusiasts for this marketing step contain thanks to the manufacturers.

В то же время, как свидетельствуют обзоры about 25% of motor oils sold in plastic containers are not originals. Nevertheless, even buying Rolf oil, poured into a protected container, you should pay attention to the typical signs of falsification, which are:

  • reputation of a trading company;
  • packaging identity;
  • price matching.

About refueling oil

Semi-synthetic and synthetic oil "Rolf"at the same time refuels to the engine of 3.5 liters. Often, the driver determines the need for refilling with oil right on the way by the flashing of the warning light.

oil rolf manufacturer

In this case, he turns to the technical center, where RolfEnergy 10W-40 or Rolf Dynamic 10W-40 is taken from a 208-liter branded barrel. Such packaging is used by certified dealerships. The warranty period for MM, if it is stored in a certified original packaging, is 5 years.


As evidenced by the prosperity of the manufacturer MM,Obninskorgsintez, currently in the trend of semi-synthetic and synthetic motor oil "Rolf". Its technical characteristics ensure the efficient operation of engines of any cars at temperatures from -350C to +500FROM.

synthetic oil rolf reviews

Engine oil developed by ROLFLubricants provides good fluidity and protection of engine parts, its high-quality cleaning from soot and soot at a low price. They are used by car owners of a wide range of car brands.

The manufacturer has taken care of protecting consumers of Rolf motor oils by providing them with good-quality packaging protected from counterfeit.