/ / When do you need to make the removal of a particulate filter, and what does this part represent?

When do you need to remove the particulate filter, and what is the spare part itself?

В России, впрочем как и во всем мире, за In the past few years, diesel cars have become very popular. And the demand is relevant not only for off-road cars, but also for urban small cars running on diesel. The advantages of such motors can be enumerated for a very long time - this means lower fuel consumption, and high productivity, and a high level of reliability. However, despite this, this type of power plants has its disadvantages.

diesel particulate filter removal

Among them, a major drawback is the removaldiesel particulate filter, which is due to poor quality diesel engine simply clogged. In this article we will look at what this device is and when it is best to replace it.


Particulate filter is an indispensabletechnical device in all modern diesel cars, which purifies exhaust gases from dirty particles. Since 2004, on all machines that comply with the EURO-4 environmental standard, the exhaust system is supplied with this device without fail. In general, by its construction, this part is a kind of ceramic matrix, which is protected by a steel metal case. Due to the small cross section, this matrix allows you to maximally efficiently clean the exhaust and keep as much of soot in yourself as possible so that it does not enter the environment.

When to produce diesel particulate filter removal?

As practice shows, every 50-100 thousandkilometers on diesel cars this filter should change. This mileage is indicated for the Russian conditions of operation, while the Germans and the French ask this question at least 1.5-2 times less. By the way, it is impossible to neglect the removal and replacement of this part, since there will be problems with the catalyst (it can simply burn out) or with the EGR valve, which can fail at any second.

Reno particulate filter removal

In general, the most suitable season in which toto remove the diesel particulate filter - this is spring, or rather May. It was during this period that the atmosphere significantly changed its composition to less polluted.

Signs of what to do diesel particulate filter removal

Renault and many other European brands canlose power when you turn on the 3-4th gear. In Japanese cars it is easy to notice the white bloom on the candles. You can also find that during the combustion of fuel in the chamber of the internal combustion engine a lack of oxygen is formed. It is best, of course, not to wait for such signs, but to independently check the status of the filter. To determine the degree of contamination is very easy. To do this, remove the spare part and look at the level of its light transmission. If the walls are soiled that rays do not pass through them, it means that the removal of the diesel particulate filter should be carried out urgently.

removal of particulate filter in Moscow

If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraidharm the car, you can carry out the same process in the workshop. Removing a particulate filter in Moscow, for example, costs about 8-15 thousand rubles. Therefore, many motorists make cleaning and replacement of this part in the garage conditions. It is fast and economical.