/ / Speedometer winding with their own hands: a scheme. How to make a winding electronic speedometer?

Doing speedometer do it yourself: scheme. How to make a winding electronic speedometer?

Vehicle mileage is a major indicatortechnical condition. According to him you can judge whether the machine needs urgent maintenance or not. He plays an important role in automotive sales in the secondary market. Everyone who is interested in buying a used car, first of all is interested in the seller, what distance he covered. Well if you get a responsible seller who does not use speedometer winding. But this happens less often.

Speedometer winding
The path traveled, a length of several hundred orthousand kilometers, can tell a lot about the car. Are its units intact, is there a need to replace consumables, or can it be delayed for the time being? The less mileage, the higher you can request the cost. Some owners do not go to any tricks to sell the car as profitably as possible. What is this ingenious invention and is it easy to make it yourself?

Compelling reasons

The number of people willing to make a smalladjustment in the mileage a lot. This suggests that the phenomenon is quite widespread. In this case, each owner will be able to find a decent explanation of his act. Basically, everything is written off on a faulty speedometer or the need to replace the instrument panel.

But if to be completely honest, the mainThe reason for speedometer winding is the desire to rejuvenate your car, at least to some extent. And, as a rule, making the necessary adjustments made for the purpose of resale. The so-called pre-sale preparation. After all, it is much easier and more pleasant to sell or buy a car with a small mileage.

Both sides will win:and the seller who filled the price, and the buyer, who seems to have received a relatively new car. Therefore, the topic of the race is the most discussed among a large number of former and future vehicle owners.

In addition to wanting to reduce mileage, there are thosewho try to increase it on the contrary. These are mainly drivers of commercial vehicles or vehicles used for service. This is also an excuse, and on the one hand, it is quite reasonable.

Speedometer winding with adjustable winding speed
Those fuel consumption rates that accountingvirtually any company takes into account, can not cover the real costs of gasoline or diesel fuel. And the speedometer winding allows to solve the problem to some extent, since the amount of compensation that is required when using a personal vehicle is basically able to cover only the cost of fuel. That's just the depreciation and wear of the car are not counted. In this connection, many drivers go to such a forced measure.

Speedometer and odometer

Everyone knows what constitutesspeedometer. This is a device that shows the speed of the car at any given time. But there is also such a thing as an odometer. Someone has already heard this term and knows what it is about, but not everyone is able to understand what kind of device it is. Meanwhile, it serves to measure the distance traveled by the car.

По сути, спидометр является комбинированным a device that integrates a speed meter and a mileage meter from the date of issue. Some cars have one more device in addition to the odometer - a run counter for the day. To reset it, a special button is provided (something like a speedometer winding).

Electronic speedometer winding
Поскольку одометр монтируется непосредственно в speedometer, many drivers often call this two devices a common word - speedometer. What is not quite true, because the function of the speedometer is to measure the speed of the car, and the odometer measures the distance traveled by it.

Varieties and speedometers

In cars you can find a different type of metering devices for distance and speed, but, as a rule, there are two main types:

  • mechanical (analog);
  • electronic (digital);
  • electromechanical (combined).

Mechanical speedometers are also divided into several types and can be:

  • centrifugal;
  • chronometric;
  • vibrating.

Electromechanical devices are divided intoelectromagnetic and induction. This is important to know, because it depends on the use of one or another speedometer winding scheme with your own hands. The readings, regardless of the type of device, are displayed in km / h, and in US countries mph (miles per hour). How exactly is the measurement of speed?

There are innovative speedometers thatcan determine the speed of the car using satellite positioning system (GPS, GLONASS). However, at the plants such systems are not installed and are rather an additional option, which significantly increases the comfort for drivers.

Mechanical speedometer

Принцип действия прибора в автомобилях с задним driven: the speedometer calculates the speed reading from the camshaft output shaft. In this case, the accuracy of the readings is influenced by the size of the tires, the gear ratio of the rear axle reducer and the device’s own error.

Connect the speedometer winding
To measure speed in front wheel driveCar speedometer relies on the left wheel drive. Here, the readings, in addition to the error of the device and the size of the tires, are influenced by the so-called curvature effect. That is, when entering the left turn, the speed will be less than the rectilinear motion. If the car turns to the right, then the speed on the contrary will be slightly increased. The scheme of winding the speedometer with its own hands of a mechanical type is not so complicated, as will be clear later.

Electronic speedometer

Virtually every modern carequipped with an electronic speedometer. Perhaps, after a certain time, it will completely replace mechanical counterparts, but as long as they are still present even in new models. The principle of operation of an electronic device is simpler than that of a mechanical speedometer.

Often the electronic device has in itsThe device has a magnet that is attached to the output shaft of the gearbox. The magnet rotates with the shaft, and the electronic unit is located nearby. At the same time, rotating around the circumference of the gearbox shaft, the magnet periodically passes in the immediate vicinity of the electronics, transmitting a signal to it and thus performing the function of the sensor.

And every time the magnet sweeps past the block,he sends a pulse to the speedometer. Inside the metering device there is a so-called black box (distinguished by heightened ingenuity), which calculates the speed from these pulses. To make the speedometer winding this knowledge does not interfere.

There is nothing easier to understand: the faster the pulse transmission frequency, the faster the shaft of the box rotates. All calculations are performed with maximum accuracy and have almost zero error.


It happens that metering devices fix the wrongcar speed. On the one hand, it is even good when the speedometer shows slightly increased readings. In this case, the driver will comply with the speed limit and will not receive a fine. And the manufacturers are calm, and the drivers do not violate traffic rules.

How to make a winding electronic speedometer
Another thing if the device on the contrary underestimatesreal speed. Then many companies would simply go bankrupt in numerous lawsuits from drivers, which state that the wrong speedometer readings were the cause of fines or emergencies.

Почему случаются погрешности?The fact is that this device does not have high accuracy, since the vehicle wheel rotation is mainly used to determine the speed. It takes into account its diameter, and this parameter is not very stable. It is important to know when deciding how to make the winding of an electronic speedometer or mechanical.

Speedometers on many modern carshave an average error of 10% at a speed of 200 km / h. But dependence is non-linear. That is, at a speed of 110 km / h, the difference with the real one can reach 5-10 km / h. But if you go slower (up to 60 km / h), then the error is so small that it is impossible to feel.

Cost calculation

For many, the price issue standsfundamental factor in almost everything: shopping, services, and so on. In this connection, it is reasonable to ask yourself the question of what the speedometer adjustment, which is so necessary in some cases, will cost. Here, as in the course of any work in auto repair shops, everything depends on the complexity of its implementation and volume.

Don't bother with mechanical speedometersdifficult, all you need is to rotate the drive of the mechanism in a certain direction. There would be time, and desire will always be found. However, with electronic metering devices everything is much more complicated than it might seem. It requires basic knowledge of the electrical equipment of the car. And in some cases, not without the knowledge and skills of the programmer.

В настоящее время во многих магазинах, у которых There is a website, you can purchase a speedometer reel with adjustable winding speed. There are different options on sale, and any car owner will get what they want.

Make a speedometer winding
The first electronic speed metering devicesthey recorded the internal memory run, which made it relatively easy to adjust the values. In many modern cars, the necessary information is duplicated among electronic units of different systems (ECU, brake, lighting, immobilizer, etc.). This data is well encrypted.

Чтобы правильно провести процедуру, необходимо edit data wherever they are. This significantly complicates the matter, besides, it is necessary not to affect the important indicators of other systems. If you turn to a non-professional, you should prepare for the purchase of any new parts, perhaps not one. In addition, even the works themselves will be expensive.

As for the cost of a competent adjustment,then prices vary considerably and depend not only on the brand of the car, but also on the year of production. For example, for a UAZ Patriot car, the price may start from 1,500 rubles. Owners of a new Land Rover car will have to fork out for 15,000 rubles. There are companies in which the price of such work can reach 25,000 rubles. It may be worthwhile to purchase a speedometer winding scheme with an adjustable winding speed and do everything yourself.

Twist mechanical speedometer

If there is no extra money or desire to entrust yourcar to outsiders, you can do everything yourself. True, with mechanical devices, as stated above, it is easy to mess around, it would be time. To do this, it is necessary to disconnect the device cable from the box and fix it on the shaft of some motor. A drill is also suitable, which will be even better.

Choosing a direction, start to twist.It will take a lot of time, due to the high gear ratio of the gearbox. You can use another way - dismantle the odometer, then using a special tool and brute force, set the required readings.

Electronic Instrument Coil

To adjust the readings of electronic devicesneed to use special equipment and computer programs. You need to know exactly where to look for data, which is difficult. But often all the information is collected in one place.

Speedometer do it yourself scheme
The winding of the electronic speedometer is carried out by reprogramming the current data blocks of the car. You can use one of several connection methods:

  • directly to the data schema;
  • through the connector in the dashboard;
  • through the diagnostic connector.

Сматывание электронного спидометра является complex procedure, bordering on certain risks. Despite this, it is often used, because you can significantly increase the value of the car, which is only on hand to sellers.

Is it possible to detect the twisting of the speedometer?

It all depends on the type of device.If it is an electromechanical or mechanical device, it is enough to look under the car and inspect the drive box. In the presence of dirt and unusual traces, we can conclude that the speedometer readings were corrected. If the drive is clean, then with high probability everything is normal. Already a proven fact - 50% of cars from the total number of vehicles exhibited in the secondary market have incorrect mileage readings.

If the car has an electronic speedometer, then identifyoutside intervention is more difficult. But to connect the speedometer winding in this case is also not easy (at least some consolation). Without an experienced master and special equipment just can not do. Often in auto repair shops to the car tags are attached with accurate mileage data. This is done during maintenance or after replacement of parts of the fuel system. It is necessary to compare the data from the tag and the speedometer readings. If they coincided, it means that there is nothing to worry about, otherwise there is a possibility of deception.