/ / Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis in children: menu

Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis in children: menu

Atopic dermatitis is a type of cutaneousdiseases, or rather, allergies, popularly referred to as diathesis. When potentially dangerous substances enter the body, an allergic reaction develops, which is accompanied by the appearance of dermatitis.

Atopy in Greek means"alien". The disease often develops with a genetic predisposition to the active production of immunoglobulin E. Inflammatory skin lesions cause severe discomfort to the child. And since allergens most often enter the body along with food, there is a certain nutrition and diet for atopic dermatitis in children. The menu will be presented in this article.

Varieties of the disease
diet with atopic dermatitis in children menu

In nature, there are several varieties of such skin diseases, among which are especially common:

  • atopic;
  • seborrheic;
  • contact.

In children, it is the atopic form of dermatitis that is most often diagnosed.

Terminology and useful information

Atopic dermatitis often get sick in babies.age from 5 months to one year. Usually this disease does not bypass families whose members suffer from allergies. This is a chronic disease that is diagnosed in 9 out of 1000 people.

There are many terms for dermatitis. Doctors call it eczema and neurodermatitis. In the people, this disease is called exclusively diathesis.

Atopic dermatitis is dangerous because it canpromote the emergence of a variety of infectious skin lesions. In addition, inflammation sometimes affects the human eyeball, which negatively affects vision, especially when it comes to a child. In the treatment process, diet with atopic dermatitis in children is of particular importance. The menu will be presented below.

The main forms of dermatitis

nutrition and diet with atopic dermatitis in children menu
Dermatitis can be divided into 3 groups, depending on the patient's age:

  • infants up to 2 years;
  • children - from 2 to 12 years;
  • teenage - from 12 years.

Dermatitis can manifest itself in completely different ways.The infant phase lasts from the moment the baby is born and up to 24 months. The main sites of injury are the face, the surface of the limbs and the stomach. The main features are the formation of crusts and dry skin. Very often, dermatitis occurs during the introduction of the first complementary foods.

The children's phase lasts from 2 years to 12.Most often there is a rash on the surface of the limbs and on the neck, it is possible that it appears on the skin of the abdomen. The main signs are dry skin and the appearance of cracks on the hands and soles, which greatly disturb young patients. There is pigmentation in the eye area, and wrinkles of dry skin under them may also appear.

Allocate and older group of patients - up to 18 years.At this age, the rash can both disappear and, conversely, turn into a more severe form by increasing the area of ​​the lesion. The tissues on the face become inflamed, rashes appear in the decollete area, on the hands, on the elbows. This complication of dermatitis often occurs at an older age. Regardless of the form of the disease and the age of the patient, all these types of illness are characterized by the appearance of dry skin, which is accompanied by severe itching and peeling.

By the way, the main symptoms are justrashes and itching, other signs of dermatitis are manifested by no means in all patients. Quite often, this disease is confused with scabies, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. During the activation of the disease helps correct diet. When atopic dermatitis in children, the menu should be carefully thought out.

The main causes of diathesis

hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis in children menu
In fact, scientists can not come to a common opinion about the main causes of this disease. But there are certain factors that contribute to its appearance:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the influence of the external environment;
  • the occurrence of toxicosis in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy;
  • the use of drugs in the period of childbearing;
  • improper diet of pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • allergenic products that a pregnant or nursing mother often eats, such as eggs, milk, caviar;
  • artificial feeding, intolerance matched for the baby mixture.

Ребенка нужно кормить так, как советуют врачи.Any experiment with food can harm the baby. Artificial nutrition can be different, and a certain mix suits every kid. Some porridges contain a large amount of sugar, and this can cause fermentation in the intestines and the appearance of skin rashes.

It often causes diathesis cow's milk,because many children have an increased sensitivity to the protein components of this product. The cause of diathesis can be vitamin deficiency, as well as viral infections, vaccinations, and weakened immunity. There are many factors that can trigger atopic dermatitis. Treatment of the disease must necessarily include a correction diet.

diet for atopic dermatitis in children’s menu for the week

Menu year old child with atopic dermatitis

As you know, many kids of the first year of lifeare breastfed. In such cases, the mother should carefully monitor her diet. For example, for breakfast you can eat oatmeal, for lunch - boiled chicken fillet with porridge and vegetables, and dinner is cottage cheese with a banana or yogurt. Naturally, the menu can and should be adjusted. But it is necessary to abandon the use of allergens, including dairy products, kiwi, tomatoes, raspberries, pomegranates, carrots, melons, chocolate. It is useful to drink a lot of kefir and eat apples, eat lean meat.

What does a diet with atopic dermatitis look like?children? Menu a year for a baby can include artificial mixtures. It is necessary to carefully approach the question of the selection of milk porridge - give preference to higher-quality products. As for complementary foods, a child after 6 months can already eat some vegetables (be sure to boil), fruits, lean meat. Do not give your baby fruits and vegetables of orange or red color. Cow's milk, honey, sweets are contraindicated. But the cottage cheese and yogurt can be entered into the diet.

Menu of a five year old child with atopic dermatitis

diet for atopic dermatitis in children menu for the week recipe
Breakfast: oatmeal with sunflower oil, bran.
Dinner: mashed potatoes with cutlet and fresh cucumbers, rye bread, a drink of dried fruit.
Afternoon tea: curd with apples.
Dinner: baked mackerel and vegetable puree.

This is a hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis (menu). Of course, the dishes need to be changed periodically, this is only an approximate day menu.

What can a child eat?

Now you will learn about almost all the products from which you can cook a baby. We analyze in detail all the ingredients that may be needed during preparation.

How is the diet for children with atopic dermatitis? The menu for the week is recommended to make the following products:

  • Cereals that do not cause allergies: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley.
  • Dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, soft cheese.
  • Meat products: beef, lean pork, rabbit, chicken.
  • Vegetable oils: corn, sunflower, olive.
  • Fruits and berries: green and white apples, bananas, red currants.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, turnip, rutabaga, beans, green peas, greens.
  • Drinks: natural tea without various additives, any compote of dried fruit, slightly diluted with water.
  • Sweet: fructose.
  • Salt: not more than 3 grams per day.
  • Bakery products: rye bread or pastries made from coarse flour.

This is the basis for atopic dermatitis diet in children. In order to compile a more accurate list of approved products, you should consult a doctor.

diet for atopic dermatitis in children menu 5 years

Menu for atopic dermatitis for a week

What to cook a child? What does a diet for children with atopic dermatitis look like? The menu for the week (recipes can be found almost everywhere) should be tasty and varied.

From the above products you can cookyour baby useful food that will not cause exacerbation of the disease. For breakfast, it is better to give the child some porridge - it will charge the baby with energy for the whole day. Lunch should be more satisfying. Then a light snack and the same, not too high-calorie dinner. As an option:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal and some butter, compote with bread.
  • Dinner: rice soup with beef, black tea with rye bread.
  • Afternoon tea: cottage cheese with bananas.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad from cabbage and chop.

Advice of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky

What Komarovsky recommended diet foratopic dermatitis in children (menu)? 5 years is the age of the pediatric dermatitis stage. In order for the child to endure all the symptoms more easily during the illness, it is necessary, according to the pediatrician, to follow the most basic rules:

  • you need to be especially careful in caring for the skin of the child - during this period it requires moisture, you can use special tools for this;
  • cream moisturizes the skin much better and is absorbed faster than lotion;
  • It is most effective to apply the cream on the skin after a bath;
  • you need to dress the baby in especially high-quality clothes made from natural fabrics, 100% cotton would be an excellent option;
  • do not take a shower using hot water;
  • do not allow the child to scratch the damaged areas, because this can make the situation worse by an infection that will get through the wound;
  • In no case do not self-medicate.

Важна диета при атопическом дерматите у детей.Menu Komarovsky offers to make individually for each child. High-allergenic products that have already been described above should be excluded from it.

Principles of therapy

diet with atopic dermatitis in children menu per year

If the disease is not very advanced, the pediatricianmay prescribe a special cream or ointment. In a more difficult case, the doctor recommends taking pills (antihistamines). The most important thing is to find out the main reason for the occurrence of diathesis, and only then choose the appropriate method for its elimination. Komarovsky does not advise self-treatment and resort to the help of traditional medicine. Each child is an individual, so to draw up a treatment regimen you need to take into account absolutely all the features of the baby’s health.


When the first symptoms appear in mandatoryThe order is to visit the pediatrician and find out the main cause of dermatitis. Parents should limit their contact with the allergen. You can not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation. If you carefully follow all the requirements of the doctor and, most importantly, comply with the correct diet, the disease will quickly fade. Moreover, now you know how a diet looks like in children with atopic dermatitis. The menu can be adopted.