/ How to donate blood to cholesterol: preparation and decoding

How to properly donate blood to cholesterol: preparation and interpretation

Most people believe that cholesterolis a dangerous substance for the body. Indeed, its excess has a negative impact on health, but the lack of anything good does not. Each person needs to donate blood annually for the study of cholesterol level in order to detect deviations from normal indices. Below we will talk about how to properly donate blood to cholesterol and decipher the result of the analysis.

how to properly donate blood to cholesterol

Cholesterol - an indispensable substance for the body

At the root of the allegation is that cholesterolhas only a harmful effect. This fat-like substance ("fatty bile" in the literal translation) envelops all the cellular membranes of the body, protecting them from adverse factors.

Without cholesterol, brain work is impossible- it is a significant part of white and gray substances. The nerve fiber shell also contains cholesterol. Through participation in the production of hormones, it is necessary for the full work of the adrenal and reproductive system.

Cholesterol is partially synthesized by the body, the remainder comes with food.

preparation for the analysis of blood for cholesterol

"Good" and "bad" cholesterol

Physicians divide the cholesterol into useful and harmful because of the heterogeneity of its composition:

  • "Good" has a high density, it does not settle on the walls of the vessels, i.e., does not provoke the occurrence of cholesterol plaques;
  • "Bad" has a low density and can lead to the formation of plaques, as a result of which the walls of the vessels are injured, their lumen is significantly reduced.

How does it turn out that cholesterol simultaneouslyuseful, and harmful? It is transported from the blood to the tissues of organs with the help of special proteins - lipoproteins. These proteins also have different densities, the quality of cholesterol transfer depends on this. Proteins of low density can not completely transfer it - part of the cholesterol remains in the vessels.

Who needs to watch for cholesterol

Cholesterol should always remain normal. Its deficit is reflected in the mental state, and the excess provokes the occurrence of serious illnesses or complicates the current.

Taking a blood test for cholesterol is an important point of health monitoring. It is recommended to take an analysis every year in order to prevent the development of serious ailments in a timely manner.

in the analysis of blood elevated cholesterol

Persons at risk for high levels of harmful cholesterol:

  • smokers;
  • Those who are obese, inclined to a set of excess weight;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • having diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • with sedentary and inactive way of life;
  • having diabetes mellitus;
  • women in menopause;
  • people of advanced age.

How often to pass the analysis on cholesterol to people belonging to any category, should be decided by the attending physician in each specific case after a thorough examination.

Preparation for the analysis

From knowledge, how correctly to hand over a blood oncholesterol, the result of the analysis depends. This is actually very important. To obtain an accurate picture, special attention should be given to preparing for the analysis of blood for cholesterol:

  • During the week preceding the study, do not eat fatty and fried foods, alcohol. Strictly forbidden to eat: foods containing animal fats, cheese, sausage, egg yolk.
  • At least 2-3 days to exclude the possibilitythe occurrence of stress: overload at work, nervous breakdowns. It is also recommended to postpone visiting attractions, carrying out hardening procedures, unwanted hiking in the sauna and sauna.

Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach, the last meal should be held 12 hours before the analysis.

On the day of blood donation for analysis

Before you donate blood for cholesterol analysis,You must refrain from smoking for at least 4 hours. At the same time, the use of carbonated drinks, juices, fruit drinks, tea, coffee, etc. is prohibited. It is allowed to drink clean water without gas.

In order for the result to be maximallyreliable, it is not enough to follow recommendations on how to properly donate blood to cholesterol and prepare for analysis. An emotional state is of no small importance. Before the procedure you need to sleep, and for half an hour before giving blood to relax and think about the pleasant.

Blood is taken from the vein, so you need to take care of comfortable clothes in advance.

Normal blood cholesterol levels

Unit of measurement of blood cholesterolis mmol / l. It is one of the 3 main units of laboratory research and shows the atomic (molecular) mass of cholesterol per 1 liter of blood.

results of blood cholesterol tests

The minimum amount of cholesterol in the blood is 2.9 units, it is detected in children at birth, as it grows, it increases.

Отличается количество холестерина у мужчин и women. In addition, in women, the rate is increasing slowly, and in men it rises sharply in adolescence and middle age. With the onset of menopause in women, the amount of cholesterol is rapidly increasing and becomes much larger than in men of the same age. That's why the onset of menopause is a good reason to donate blood for research.

The normal range of cholesterol in the blood in women is 3.5-7 units, in men - 3.3-7.8 units.

If the study showed abnormalities, it is necessary to donate blood to an extended analysis of the amount of lipoproteins showing the ratio of "good" and "bad" cholesterol.

The norm of low-density proteins: in men - 2,3-4,7 units, in women - 1,9-4,4 units; high: for men - 0,74-1,8 units, for women - 0,8-2,3 units.

Additionally, the amount of triglycerides- substances taking part in the cholesterol metabolism, the unit of measurement is also mmol / l. Their number should not exceed 0.6-3.6 units. in men and 0.5-2.5 units. among women.

The final step is to calculatethe coefficient of atherogenicity: the ratio of "good" and "bad" is subtracted from the total cholesterol. If the result is not more than 4, it is considered that the state of cholesterol metabolism is normal.

Important! Indicators may have minor deviations, which may be the norm - each person has their own individuality.

how often to take tests for cholesterol

Increased cholesterol - what to do?

If the results of blood tests for cholesterolshowed its total amount over 5.0 mmol / l, and the “bad” cholesterol is more than the “good” one, it is customary to talk about hypercholesterolemia. It is important to take tests regularly, since at the initial stage the disease does not manifest itself.

Over time, there are symptoms that indicate the progression of the disease:

  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • temporary loss of vision;
  • memory losses;
  • lameness;
  • stains on the skin of yellow color.

If cholesterol is increased in the blood test, it is important to rethink the lifestyle and change the diet.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meat products;
  • egg yolk of a hen's egg;
  • high-fat milk;
  • margarine;
  • mayonnaise;
  • by-products;
  • fat;
  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • crackers, crisps.

It is necessary to focus on the content of saturated fats in foods, and not on cholesterol, because the human liver synthesizes "bad" cholesterol from them.

blood test for cholesterol

To reduce the cholesterol, it is recommended to regularly use:

  • greenery;
  • legumes;
  • garlic;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • olive oil;
  • seafood.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and proper rest will solve the problem of high cholesterol.

Low cholesterol

A cholesterol count below 3.0 mmol / l is a serious health hazard.

With a reduced content of the vessels weaken andbursting is the main cause of hemorrhages leading to death. Nerve fibers are deprived of a strong protective sheath that threatens with depressions, dementia, chronic fatigue, aggression.

People with low cholesterol are more susceptible to cancer and mortality for various reasons.

Hypocholesterolemia increases the risk ofalcohol and drug addiction 5 times. This is due to the fact that the psycho-emotional state of a person depends on the level of cholesterol, which can even lead to suicide.

The problem of cholesterol deficiency is very serious.First of all, it is important to exclude from your life harmful addictions and to reconsider the gastronomic habits. It is important to follow a diet and not to eat foods that are prohibited with high cholesterol. In order not to bring to excess the "bad" cholesterol, you need to more often eat greens and nuts.

how to donate blood for cholesterol analysis

Where to take tests for cholesterol

Any laboratory can do this analysis.For a free procedure, you must take a referral from your doctor and register for blood donation. As a rule, it takes a long time, so people often turn to private clinics. By prior appointment (the registrar will always remind you how to donate blood for cholesterol), you can come to the medical clinic and go through the procedure. The result is usually ready on this day or the next. Independent laboratories also take blood for cholesterol, most often on a first-come, first-served basis. The choice should be made in favor of the institution where blood is collected quickly and comfortably, the result is prepared promptly and there is an optimal research cost.