The fair sex in pursuit ofbeauty is often willing to deeply experience, seeing the bruises under the eyes. This problem is quite relevant for many. Why bruises under the eyes appear, it is definitely difficult to answer. This may be due to many different reasons.
First, the most natural and banal of themis simple lack of sleep or ordinary fatigue. It is not necessary for the body to rest at night properly, to overwork during the day - and bruises under the eyes are provided for you. To eliminate them in this case is not difficult: you just need to provide your body with proper rest. Night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, the bed at the same time - comfortable. In the afternoon you should not be overworked, any work can be alternated with at least a few minutes of rest with regular periodicity.
Нервное напряжение и стрессы также вызывают bruising under the eyes. The more we are nervous, the greater the likelihood of this annoying trouble. It is necessary to learn to treat everything more calmly, in order not to “heat up” and not to over-stimulate your body.
Отчего синяки под глазами, могут подсказать и doctors, because the causes of this kind of "disease" can be certain diseases, such as blood diseases or liver problems. Without the help of medicine in this case simply can not do.
Lack of vitamins and trace elements in the bodyor beriberi - also cause bruising under the eyes. What to do in this case is clear: drink a complex of vitamins and microelements and provide them with vegetables and fruits enriched with them.
Contribute to the formation of blue and harmfulhabit - smoking, which affects the blood vessels and the enrichment of the body with oxygen. Vasoconstriction and insufficient oxygen supply to the body leads to bruising under the eyes.
Еще одной довольно часто встречающейся причиной и while the answer to the question "why bruises under the eyes?" are hereditary factors. As a “gift” from relatives, in this case, thin skin around the eyes may appear, through which the veins and blood vessels shine through, causing blue under the eyes. Well, and, of course, age. The older we get, the more chances we have to “get” bruises under the eyes.
The problem indicated in the article, no lessworries and parents. Bruises under the eyes of children is a rather frequent phenomenon. This fact can not but alert the parent and not attract his attention. Why bruises under the eyes of children? This question does not give rest and forces to search for the answer to it. It is worth noting that most of the reasons mentioned above are also characteristic of the appearance of bruises in children, with the exception of smoking and age-related changes.
In addition, among the reasons in this case shouldmandatory note of eye fatigue. Being a computer for a long time helps a lot (in adults, too). The time spent by the computer at the computer almost every 30 minutes should alternate with rest. It is simply necessary, otherwise it can end not only the appearance of bruises under the eyes, but also loss of vision.
Another cause in childhood can befood poisoning. In this case, the appearance of bruises is not uncommon, just as after the illness. General malaise exacerbates the problem.
Most often after enriched with vitamins andproper balanced nutrition in a certain period of time, an established daily routine and rest of the bruises under the eyes of the baby pass without a trace. However, if this did not happen, you shouldn’t pay a visit to the doctor to find the answer to the question “what causes bruises under the eyes?” And try to correct the situation by taking measures to eliminate the causes that caused them.