Friends, love is, perhaps, the most beautiful andthe highest of all earthly feelings. Lovers are overcome by a variety of feelings. And here comes the time when the culmination of relations begins, and "an ardent feeling called passion comes on the scene ...
From the point of view of medicine, any sucking isintensive pinching of the skin, resulting in damage to small blood vessels. Internal bruises develop. And the point here is not even in the medical component, but in the moral aspect. After all, a person with suckers on his neck and hands attracts to him the curious looks of people surrounding him, turning into a subject of condemnation and gossip! What to do? How to quickly get rid of sucking? About everything in order.
Several ways how to quickly get rid of a suction
Modern ways
- You can apply any cool or cold object (for example, ice) to the suction. Your bruise will quickly become less noticeable.
- You can go to the pharmacy and buy a fresh-water sponge.Before using it, be sure to read the instructions! Otherwise, you can not only not remove the suction, but also get an additional burn. You can dilute the bodyworm with any cream, rubbing it into the bruise five times a day.
- One of the modern ways of telling us how to quickly remove a suck is to visit the solarium. Sunburn slightly level the overall tone of your skin, making the problem less noticeable!
- Use cosmetic means - a voice-frequency cream or a correcting pencil. This will also help you avoid unnecessary gossip by the envious.
Folk ways
- The most famous folk way, how canget rid of the suck, it's to resort to the help of onions and turnips. It is necessary to cut both vegetables in half and attach to a suck. You will feel a slight burning sensation - this is a normal reaction. By the way, you can use garlic or fresh peeled potatoes - they will cope with the problem no worse!
- If the "love" hematoma is fresh, then an effective toothpaste will be an effective method how to quickly get rid of a sucking!
Thoroughly grease the bruise with a white paste. As soon as it dries, rinse the leftovers. The fact is that the active substances contained in it, quite quickly solve the problem of sucking! - Take baking soda, mix it with water until you get a thick "sour cream". Apply this mixture to the pumps for 10 minutes two to three times a day.
- Use iodine. Draw a mesh on your bruise. She will quickly make him resorbed. Follow this procedure carefully so as not to get a burn on the skin.
- If the house has aloe, cook the hood.To do this, use its fresh leaves and alcohol. Do or make lotions. This way, like many others, will quickly eliminate the ignominious signs with a passionate passion on your skin!