British scientists, celebrating the Month of Sexual Development and Education, offered students of the University of Wisconsin to try out their new invention - reusable condoms.

These devices are made of the finesthemp canvas and therefore do not pollute the environment. After a single use, students had the opportunity to throw it away (in the environment it decomposes completely, not emitting toxic compounds, in just a few months) or return them back to the university to scientists. There, scientists clean it thoroughly using special hypoallergenic disinfectant detergents. By the way, if you do not wash reusable condoms after use, they become crisp!
Condoms and ecology
In addition, scientists take for recycling andordinary disposable condoms, however for several years of work the percentage of return of latex products was recorded extremely small. Reusable condoms are an excellent alternative to disposable, environmentally unsafe condoms.
Think how many condoms usedjust floating in rivers and seas, polluting drinking water and the air we breathe. The average person eats about 50 pounds of meat per year, but few people know that our cows get food, which includes dried used condoms. So how many then dried ejaculates do we eat per year ?! So scientists have come to the conclusion that the best condoms are reusable.
By the way, disposable condoms became only in 1960, and before that for more than 20 years, people washed and used these products several times.

So latex appeared on the world market.reusable condoms. They are made from the finest latex (only 0.1 nm instead of 0.6 nm), which withstands mechanical damage, friction and pressure. Such a product is calculated on average for 100 sexual acts. Included is a special brush and disinfectant solution, and even a repair kit for sealing micro cracks. The cost of such a product is about $ 20.
Rigid constructions
Another new model of reusable productsIt is an overlay on the penis with a special relief. It lengthens the penis, prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse and prevents the risk of developing adenoma, due to the fact that in the process of sexual intercourse a vacuum massage of the penis occurs. The only difficulty is individual sizes. This condom is made individually for each man.

How to use a reusable condom
In principle, nothing complicated here.The only difference is that an ordinary disposable condom has a lubricant on its surface, and a reusable one requires additional use of lubricants, and on both surfaces, both internal and external. You can choose a lubricant to your liking, but you should use factory tools, petroleum jelly, as you know, can damage the structure and cause the product to become unusable, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the Pearl index.
After intercourse should be removed and washedcondom. This should be done immediately, since it will be difficult to wash off the already dried sperm. It should be washed with a special solution that can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a specialized online store.
How to be allergic
Quite often, men complain that they havelatex allergy and they can not use an ordinary condom, because so instantly erection disappears. That is why in the United States began to produce hypoallergenic rubber and polyurethane reusable condoms. This is a real salvation for many!
Reusable condoms: reviews and opinions
Most men do not like condoms in general.- neither disposable nor reusable. This is due to the fact that, they say, they dull the sensations. And the best condoms are their own skin! So the problem of contraception completely falls on the shoulders of women. But if oral contraceptives, spirals and other devices also have a contraceptive effect, they do not protect against venereal diseases, as well as the technology of interrupted sexual intercourse.

Therefore, we still come to the fact thatCondom use is a must. Reviews of most men say that there is no particular difference between a disposable and a reusable condom.
Some men complain that reusableproducts are often torn after the second and third use. But at the same time their price is much higher than that of their disposable counterparts. Here the only recommendation is that it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the manufacturer. Try to avoid cheap Chinese products - they, judging by the reviews of men, not only break, but also cause allergies, itching and even tumors.
Remember that in your hands the sexual health and yours, and your partner - do not save on yourself.