/ / Pamela Fruit: Benefit or Harm?

Pamela fruit: benefit or harm?

Pamela refers to the genus citrus.Other names: pomelo, pomel, pompelmus, shaddock. Pamela looks like a big grapefruit - on top of a thick peel, and inside large slices. Pamela fruit can have a different shape and color depending on the growth medium. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits.

Преимущество его в том, что срок хранения памело longer than other fruits of this family. At room temperature, it can be stored for more than a month, and in the refrigerator - and longer. Season of its ripening is February. In this fruit, a high concentration of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B5, A, C, useful proteins and fats.

The homeland of pamela is China.Currently, this fruit is grown in Taiwan, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Israel, the United States. From the thick peel of this unusual plant in China, are made various decorations, and fruits are used in religious festivals.

Разберемся, что же представляет собой памела fruit. Its use for the human body is truly great. The fruits of pamela contain a large amount of vitamin C and essential oils. Due to this, he copes well with SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Antioxidants and vitamin A prevent the emergence and division of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. Microelements, contained in this fruit, slow down the aging process. Favorably it influences on digestion. After all, its composition includes enzymes that break downfats and proteins. Pamela is widely used in various diets. Strangely enough, but the most important part of it is a bit bitter veins, which are often thrown away. They perfectly clean the intestines, removing from it unnecessary slag.

При лечении и профилактике атеросклероза также Pamela fruit is indispensable. Useful properties of its juice help in the treatment of hypertension, promote the normal course of pregnancy and the development of a healthy fetus.

Повышается работоспособность и выносливость, если to use a pamela fruit. The use of this fruit is indisputable with regular use and for the heart. He treats and asthma. For people with excess weight pamela is also indispensable, because it actively helps to break down proteins and carbohydrates, contributing to rapid weight loss. This fruit also helps with low acidity of the gastric juice, accelerating the production of digestive enzymes.

Cooks around the world are using pamelafruit. The benefits of the dishes in which it is contained, for those who are on a diet. Europeans prepare salads, pie fillings, various desserts and marmalade from the pamela, serve meat and fish, make all kinds of sauces. It is perfectly combined with wines and cheeses. In the cooking of Asia pamela is used in combination with seafood and poultry meat.

It is important to be able to choose the right fruit in the store.Since carriers do not want their goods to deteriorate during transplantation, pamela is brought to us unripe. Therefore, to determine the average buyer the ripeness of the fruit is almost impossible. But nevertheless there are some rules on which it is possible to define it: the rind of ripe fruit should be a little smooth and shining. The stronger and more pleasant the smell of the fruit, the better.

Pamela fruit - Benefit and harm: what will outweigh? On a par with great benefit this fruit has someside effects when improper use. This is far from an inoffensive fruit. If you eat too much, your intestinal disorder may start, since the pamela also has a laxative effect. Like other citrus fruits, pamela is a strong allergen. Overeating it can even provoke itching and hives.

As you can see, the harm of this fetus is rather conditional, it's just necessary to know the measure in everything, especially in citrus fruits such as pamela. The benefits of this wonder-fetus are still much greater, so eat on health.