/ / Restoration of microflora after antibiotics

Restoration of microflora after antibiotics

In the treatment of serious diseases, as well as inThe postoperative period to prevent possible complications and inflammatory reactions, antibiotic intake is unavoidable. Doctors and pharmacists have long been talking about the negative effects of antibacterial drugs on the human body, but they have not yet invented a worthy replacement for these drugs. Therefore, antibiotics have been and will be accepted, because, at times, the preservation of human life depends on them. What is their main harm? Antibiotics suppress not only harmful pathogenic bacteria, the beneficial microflora of the digestive tract suffers along with them, as a result of which allergic reactions and dysbacteriosis develop, immunity decreases, they promote the growth of unicellular fungi in the intestines, which, upon long-term medication, affect the stomach and intestines. In addition, the phenomenon of dysbacteriosis is now very common, not only because of antibiotics, but also unhealthy diet, the general ecological state of the environment, stress.

Recovery of microflora after antibioticsIt is very important, since the action of harmful microorganisms has a negative effect on the entire body. Absorption of beneficial minerals and vitamins is impaired, which leads to a breakdown in metabolism and a decrease in immunity. This contributes to the occurrence and development of chronic diseases, and also reduces the ability of the intestine to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria into the blood. Clogged blood increases the load on the liver, which ceases to cope with its primary function, which entails damage to the blood vessels, heart muscle and kidneys.

In childhood, the restoration of microfloraintestine after antibiotics is especially important, since digestive disorders, which are caused by dysbacteriosis, contribute to deviations in the development of bone, muscle and brain tissue.

As for the elderly, herea completely different picture appears. Due to dysbacteriosis, the intestinal microflora loses its immunoprotective properties, which reduces opposition to the formation of malignant tumors, as well as the growth of cholesterol synthesizing strains. Therefore, the restoration of microflora after antibiotics in people of middle and old age is also very important.

For women, the problem of impaired microfloraintestinal and development of dysbiosis is doubly important. The fact is that it adversely affects the microbiocenosis of the vagina, and this contributes to the development of candidiasis, a decrease in local immunity, and as a result, the risk of infection with various infectious diseases increases. In addition, a metabolic disorder adversely affects the condition of the skin, the beauty of the hair, and the health of the nails. At the same time, the digestibility of various vitamin complexes and drugs decreases. Therefore, the restoration of intestinal microflora in women is especially important.

There are various drugs that affectrestoration of microflora after taking antibiotics. Some of them carry out a cleansing, some - a regenerating function. There are combined drugs such as Laktofiltrum, which treat and have a preventive effect.

After a course of antibiotics should be drunkprobiotic preparations that “colonize” the normal microflora in the intestines and stomach. This, above all, Bifikol, Lactobacterin, Linex. They should be taken in accordance with the instructions in the instructions.

For successful reproduction of beneficial bacteria and their adaptation in the stomach using Hilak Forte, which is taken in addition to the above.

Effective means of positively affectingrestoration of microflora after antibiotics, is an earth pear - Jerusalem artichoke. It is used instead of potatoes, and also as an independent dish in stewed, boiled form.

Positive impact on recoverymicroflora after antibiotics provides therapeutic nutrition. Wheat bread and flour products should be excluded from the daily ration, replacing them with whole-grain bread with whole grains and bran, which stimulate the bowels. You also need to eat more garlic, apples, onions, replace black tea with green tea, and make decoctions from St. John's wort and chamomile. Finally, for the daily prevention of dysbacteriosis and normalization of the intestinal function, it is necessary to eat more dairy products with bifidobacteria.