/ / Why women live longer than men

Why do women live longer than men?

There are many different jokes aboutwhy women live longer than men. For example, because the lady will not agree to die with the thought that her chosen one will change after death, or without having watched the show to the end (and they have a lot of them). There are, of course, other assumptions, but they are all frivolous. But really, why women live longer than men?

There are several reasons for this.Starting with physiology, it is worth saying that it is a matter of hormones. Scientists have long proven that estrogen, which is the main female hormone, reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In this regard, in a 40-year-old woman, the vessels look about the same as in a 30-year-old man. That is why diseases of the cardiovascular system do not pose such a threat to women, in men they occur much more often. In addition, testosterone (the sex hormone of men) is responsible for the aggressiveness of a person, which leads to a considerable number of accidents among men, shortening their lives. Thus, only at the level of hormones the woman’s body is programmed for a longer life expectancy.

Another reason why women live longermen - their caution. They act as carriers of a conservative hereditary principle, and therefore they carefully consider and weigh all their actions. They are more circumspect, they better follow the rules and are practically not inclined to take risks. As a direct result, lesser injuries occur to women. At the same time, it is not only genetic predisposition that affects, but also upbringing, since boys are the ones who are taught to be strong, brave and courageous, and girls are careful and diligent.

Health care also plays a significant role inwhy women live longer than men. Ladies visit doctors more often. Some men do not “drive” into the clinic, because they do not want and do not like to look weak. Others are accustomed to “cure” all ills with the help of alcohol, which only aggravates the disease. In this regard, women suffer from the same diseases approximately 12 years later than men, and they are much more active in resisting them (i.e., life expectancy of sick men is, on average, 3 years longer than in sick women).

A woman is more emotional.It does not restrain negative, frustration and discontent, but “throws out” all this as complaints and tears. It is interesting to know that with tears such harmful substances as prolactin and leucine encephalin, which have a detrimental effect, leave the body. Since men do not get rid of bad emotions (at least, with the help of tears), they often accumulate irritation that develops into diseases associated with the nervous system, depression, and sometimes even a tendency to suicide.

Shorter male life expectancyRussia is also caused by bad habits. The representatives of the stronger sex are much more often and more addicted to drinking, smoking and uneven rhythm of life. Drunkenness often causes fatal accidents, and also contributes to the development of cirrhosis of the liver. Smoking considerably "loosens" the nervous system, leading to lung cancer. The uneven rhythm of life is expressed in the contrast between daily activity (at work) and evening passivity (on the couch in front of the TV), which is clearly not conducive to health.

The permanent responsibility of a man (for work, forfamily, etc.) exhausts the general condition of the body, contributes to the constant headaches and on this basis the development of other diseases. It was found that the life expectancy of managers is much lower than that of their subordinates, despite the best working conditions (from a physical point of view) and a good financial situation.