/ / Who is a gynecologist and what he treats

Who is a gynecologist and what he treats

Medicine includes many different areas anddirections. These are specialists involved in neurology and motor apparatus, physicians helping to treat vessels, and neurosurgeons. Also, a person often has to go to general practitioners, cardiologists, oculists and other doctors. Who is a gynecologist? This question often arises among the representatives of the weaker sex. After all, they have to deal with this health worker. This article will tell you about what the gynecologist treats. You will learn about some varieties of this industry.

who is a gynecologist

Who is a gynecologist?

First of all, a gynecologist is a specialist,graduated from higher medical school. Also, this person must undergo internship and practice. Only after that he is allowed to conduct his own medical activity.

Who is a gynecologist?This is a doctor involved in the regulation and control of women's health. It is worth noting that men do not have to visit this doctor. Representatives of the weaker sex throughout life periodically fall for this technique. It is worth noting that the gynecologist is addressed not only if there are any complaints. This is a unique profession. Many healthy women regularly go to this specialist for confirmation of their normal state.

These different gynecologists

A gynecologist - who is this? You already know that this is a specialist in women's health. However, gynecologists are different. Perhaps for some it will be a revelation.

  • Obstetrician-gynecologist. This specialist leads the pregnancy and takes delivery.
  • Gynecologist, fertility specialist.This department of medicine appeared relatively recently. These doctors are engaged in the continuation of the kind of a married couple with the help of the latest technology and in vitro fertilization.
  • Gynecologist-endocrinologist. This specialist deals with the hormonal background of a woman. Also, the doctor is well versed in the patient's thyroid gland.
  • Children's gynecologist. This specialist is in almost every hospital, in contrast to the above. A health worker examines girls under the age of 18.
  • Gynecologist-surgeon. This doctor specializes in surgery.

К какому именно гинекологу нужно обратиться вам – Depends on complaints. Most often, women come to the appointment with their local gynecologist. After that, if necessary, the specialist sends them for additional consultations.

gynecologist's day

At the doctor

If you need a gynecologist, femaleConsultation is the very institution that you need to contact. You must have documents with you. You can also get an appointment with a private gynecologist. Such doctors practice their activities in many cities. However, for the inspection and all additional analyzes will have to pay. Be ready for this.

During the reception, the doctor first pollsthe patient. All existing complaints are recorded in the card. Be sure to remember the date of the last menstruation. The doctor will surely ask you to name her. Also, after the survey is conducted inspection. If there are relevant complaints, the doctor probes the mammary glands. However, this manipulation is performed exclusively in the first half of the cycle. Next, the gynecologist will ask you to sit on the chair. If you are not yet having sex, then the uterus and ovaries are probed through the anus. In other cases, the classical vaginal method is used. At the end of the manipulation, the specialist takes a smear that can be examined for flora, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, and so on.

gynecologist female consultation


In Russia, the Day of the physician, and separatelythere are holidays of narrow specialists. Female doctor is no exception. Gynecologist's Day is celebrated on July 15th. If at this very moment you are going to see a specialist, do not forget to congratulate him. Surely the doctor will be pleased to hear the kind words from his patients. In the country, the specified date is not a day off. Therefore, a narrow circle of people is aware of the holiday.

gynecologist what diseases deals

Diseases with which the doctor is struggling

What gynecologist deals with diseases?First of all, the doctor monitors the state of the vaginal microflora. After all, it depends on her immune status of the patient. At each examination, the health worker determines the state of the flora. This is done quite quickly with the help of smear and laboratory research. The gynecologist deals with such problems as:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, adnexitis, metritis);
  • infectious diseases (chlamydia, candidiasis, trichomoniasis);
  • pathology of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia);
  • pelvic neoplasms (fibroids, ovarian cyst, polyps of various localization);
  • ectopic pregnancy or infertility;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • failures in the menstrual cycle and frequent breakthrough bleeding;
  • decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness;
  • menopausal correction;
  • endometriosis and so on.

In addition to the treatment of diseases, the doctor conducts preventive examinations, leads pregnancy. Also to the gynecologist are representatives of the weaker sex, only planning to become moms.

gynecologist who is

Gynecological surgeons

Who is a gynecologist - you already know.A separate step in this area is occupied by surgeons. These are doctors who can not only treat with conservative methods, but also conduct operations. Most often, these specialists have to do cesarean section or gynecological curettage. Also, often specialists produce resection of the ovaries, excision of cysts, removal of fibroids and uterus extirpation. All these operations require further conservative therapy and rehabilitation. Relevant recommendations are given by the same gynecologist-surgeon.

The profession described involves skillperform abdominal operations (laparotomy) and minimally invasive interventions (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, etc.). Most often, gynecologists and surgeons work in hospitals. Rarely they can be found in women's clinics.

what does the gynecologist treat

Instead of concluding

After reading the article, you can certainlyto answer your question about who the gynecologist is. The information provided only superficially describes the work of these doctors. For a more detailed study of the spectrum of work of specialists, it is necessary to consider separately each area of ​​work of gynecologists. Remember that a woman needs to visit this specialist every year (in the absence of complaints). The first visit is carried out after the onset of menstruation (menarche). Follow the health of your sexual sphere and do not get sick!