/ / Capillary grid on the legs: what to do?

Capillary grid on the legs: what to do?

Capillary grid on the legs - prettya common problem, which consists in the pathological expansion of subcutaneous small vessels. The statistical data testify that in about 10 percent of cases such a disorder leads to the development of varicose veins. That is why this condition requires medical examination and quality treatment.

Capillary net on legs: photos and main symptoms

capillary mesh on legs

As already mentioned, such a violation is associated withexpansion of small subcutaneous capillaries. At the same time, they can be easily seen on the skin - small strips of reddish or blue. By the way, they can appear not only on their feet - often a similar problem appears on the skin of the face, in particular, in the cheek and nose. The dilated vessels may have stellate or tree-like shape, but quite often they form quite large spots.

Capillary mesh on legs and causes

As already mentioned, in some cases, the presenceso-called vascular asterisks on the legs indicate the development of varicose veins. Nevertheless, there are many other reasons for the appearance of a capillary grid. Here are just the most common of them:

capillary grid on the legs photo

  • Quite often, the expansion of capillaries is associated with a violation of the permeability of the vascular wall or its weakening.
  • In addition, the causes include hormonalviolations. It is worth noting that quite often a capillary mesh on the legs appears during pregnancy or menopause. Fluctuations in the hormonal background can also cause abortions, various diseases of the genitals, and the use of hormonal contraception.
  • Often, the expansion of the vessels is associated with a constanta strong load on the legs. The risk group includes employees of those professions that require a long standing position, for example, sellers, waiters.
  • Such a problem is often faced by people who abuse solarium, chemical peeling and some other cosmetic procedures.
  • Sometimes the stack of capillaries appears as a result of frostbite.

Capillary mesh on legs: modern methods of treatment

treatment of capillary mesh on legs

There is an opinion that getting rid of vascularstars on the skin are simply impossible. Fortunately, today there is really effective treatment of capillary mesh on the legs. For example, the most popular is sclerotherapy. During the procedure, using a thin needle, a special substance is inserted into the vessel, which adheres the walls of the capillary - during the next three weeks the mesh in this place simply disappears. In addition, the removal of dilated vessels is carried out with the help of electric current or modern laser equipment. Each of these methods gives really noticeable results and does not take much time.

Nevertheless, the removal of the affected vessels is notis able to insure against the reappearance of capillary stacks. That's why doctors recommend adhering to the rules of prevention, in particular, in the first weeks after removal, wear compression underwear, and in the future avoid excessive loads, do not abuse sunburn and refuse to take hormonal medications.