/ / Drug "Reduxin": instructions for use warns of possible side effects

"Reduxin" preparation: instructions for use warn of possible side effects

The drug for weight loss "Reduxin" appeared inPharmacies a few years ago. Many Internet portals describe the properties of this drug and say that it is completely safe and does not cause addiction, even after prolonged use. However, is this really the case, and how harmless is Reuxin in fact?

Instructions for use of this tool forlosing weight contains an impressive list of contraindications to its use: it is not only pregnancy and lactation, but also various diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, taking certain other drugs, etc. This fact alone casts doubt on the safety of this drug, and how it turns out not in vain.

Weight Loss Remedy"Reduxin" (instructions for use describes in detail its properties) is the so-called preparation of central action, or anorexant. This means that it reduces the appetite and contributes to the appearance of a long feeling of fullness. This property of the drug "Reduxin", the use of which without the observation of a physician is unacceptable, is due to its active ingredient - sibutramine.

Сибутрамин представляет собой лекарственное means, for many years used in the complex treatment of obesity. Initially, it was developed by an American pharmaceutical company as an antidepressant, but the results of the experiment did not meet expectations. Along the way, the ability of sibutramine to significantly reduce appetite was discovered, in addition, as it turned out, it promotes fat burning, increasing thermogenesis. As a consequence, sibutramine was officially registered in the United States as a drug to combat obesity. It is often recommended to receive not only adults, but also children with overweight.

However, after a few yearsshocking facts. It turned out that sibutramine is characterized by many side effects, of which insomnia, nausea, and a feeling of dryness in the mouth were the most harmless. After serious research, this tool was banned for use and removed from sale in the US and European countries. In Russia today, sibutramine, as well as preparations containing it, is prohibited for free sale and can be purchased only by prescription. Unauthorized use of the drug "Reduxin", the dosage of which is clearly defined and adjusted by a specialist in each case, can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Sibutramine is an active substance and suchslimming products like Meridia, Lindax, Slimia, Goldline (some of them have already been suspended by manufacturers). As for the indications for the use of sibutramine-containing agents, here the opinion of experts is the same: and the drug "Reduxin", the instructions for use of which contain relevant information, and any of its analogs can be recommended only in one case - if the excess weight of the patient poses a serious health threat, and all other measures aimed at reducing it, the effect is not brought. The patient's body mass index should be no less than 27 kg / m2.

As for contraindicationsof this drug, then, in addition to the above, among these are the presence of organic causes of overweight patient - hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, and others. It is strictly forbidden to take the tool "Reduxin" in violation of the functions of the kidneys and liver, glaucoma,mental illness. It is contraindicated in elderly patients, as well as children and adolescents. In addition, the drug "Reduxin" (instructions for use pays special attention to this) can not be assigned to persons with severe alcohol or drug addiction.

However, even if the drug wasofficially recommended for admission by a specialist and for this there were all indications, you should be aware of the possible side effects: increased blood pressure, tachycardia, headaches, constipation, nausea and others. At the slightest deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to consult your doctor, since, among other things, individual intolerance to sibutramine is also possible.