/ Tasty sunflower seeds. Benefits and harm to the body.

Tasty sunflower seeds. Benefits and harm to the body.

One of the most favorite products of all nations issunflower seeds. The benefits and harm of them have long been the subject of controversy. There are many opinions that this product causes serious dependence, contributes to the fullness, spoils the teeth and even leads to the appearance of appendicitis, but is it really so and in what cases is it possible?

A huge number of useful properties containimagine sunflower seeds. The benefits and harm of them are in the rich composition. They contain a large number of vitamins such as E, D, B, A that are useful for the body, each of which helps to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the body, improve skin health and strengthen bones, protect the nervous system and improve efficiency, and improve visual acuity. They have a good effect on the cardiovascular system, due to the content in its rich composition of arginine, a substance that strengthens the arteries and blood vessels. Here are the fatty acids that have a positive effect on the health of the entire cardiovascular system. Selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and calcium are minerals that sunflower seeds are rich in. Their benefits are great and each of the elements needed by man. Antioxidant relieves the body of harmful substances, cleansing and rejuvenating it. Good prevention of atherosclerosis, liver, biliary tract - is sunflower seeds. The harm and benefits of this product lies in the way they are used. They are especially good in their raw form, since they contain the greatest amount of useful substances. These seeds restore strength, promote healing of wounds, and a small amount, eaten before the main meal, will help improve the work of the whole organism, saturate it with useful elements and increase appetite.

Отдельно хочется сказать, что у них очень высока psychological ability to influence the body. On the one hand, this is not bad, and even experts in this field advise, after a hard day's work, eat a small amount (about half a glass) of sunflower seeds. The benefits and harm here are in the transition from love and enjoyment of this product, to dependence on it, and quite strong. The person, without noticing it, relaxes, only starting to husk the seeds, and no longer imagines rest without them. This leads to a few more problems associated with such a useful product as sunflower seeds. The benefits and harms here are in the opinion of people that if they are so useful, then they are necessary according to the principle “the more - the better”. Far from it. Long-term clicking of the seeds leads in time to damage to the enamel of the teeth and even their coloring. In addition, this product is one of the high-calorie, so in one glass of seeds contains about five hundred and fifty calories, and it is eaten quite quickly and unnoticed. If you still do not want to deny yourself the pleasure, then the caloric content can be reduced by buying bright seeds, in which the fat content is noticeably lower.

Many singers do not allow themselves such a weaknessas seeds, as they contribute to the irritation of the mucous. That is why they are contraindicated in angina. If you want to eat, stop your choice of raw, dried, but do not choose roasted seeds. The benefits and harms in this case are based on the effects of high temperatures, destroying almost all of their useful components. Even worse, commercially purchased seeds are commercially roasted, as they contain a large amount of carcinogens, including benzopyrin, which promotes cancer and lowers potency in men. Seeds need to be bought only in proven places, and even better to grow yourself, due to the fertilization of soil with nitrates and phosphates, resulting in the accumulation of cadmium sunflower, and especially in its seeds. This substance is quite dangerous for the body and its use over time leads to disruption of the nervous system, kidney work and bone structure. Therefore, the best option would be to warm the seeds in the oven.