/ / Why the skin on palms is shelled. The reasons. Treatment methods

Why the skin on the palms. Causes. Methods of treatment

If the skin on your palms peels off, first of allit is necessary to establish the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. The most common of these is insufficient moisture. If you are sure that you moisturize your skin enough, pay attention to the soap that you use daily, perhaps the reason for it.

Soap with deodorizing or antimicrobial effectoverwhelmingly causes dry skin. If the skin flakes on the palms, therefore, it is tender and sensitive, and in this case it is recommended to use soap, for example, with olive oil, that is, the fat content should be higher than that of ordinary soap. In addition, you need to pay attention to the composition of the soap used. Lanolin is widely used in its production, but it is he who often causes peeling and allergic reactions of the skin.

Surprisingly, the reason for such unpleasantphenomena like peeling can be a towel. On the recommendation of beauticians, sensitive, delicate skin should only be slightly soaked with a towel, and not rubbed with enviable zeal after bathing, washing, etc. Intense friction damages the upper layer of the epidermis, and if you add to this a hard towel, it is not surprising that the skin on the palms peels off.

If your hands are in contact with annoyingsubstances penetrating deep into the skin, it can also cause peeling of the skin on the palms and even cracks. In winter and in early spring, a lack of vitamins in the body can be the cause.

Peel skin on the palms and for other reasons:damage to the upper layer of the epidermis (scratches, bruises, cuts); destruction of the upper protective layer of the skin (use of cleansers / detergents); environmental influences (wind, cold, heat) and so on.

Methods of treatment

Peeling of the skin on the fingers and palms is treatedin a few simple ways. First of all, it is necessary to remove dead, dry particles using a scrub - the procedure is repeated several times a week. You can also use a peeling gel or exfoliating mask. For daily care of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to use products and creams that contain moisture-retaining components, namely silicone, mineral oil, etc.

Before going to bed you need to wash your hands, get wetwith a terry towel, generously spread your hands with a thick cream or vegetable oil (you can use cosmetic gloves made of cotton fabric) - this procedure is very simple, but incredibly effective.

If the cream does not cope with peeling skin,additional procedures should be used: baths, masks, compresses. You can use the bath with salt or lemon juice. Immerse your hands in warm water for about half an hour, then dry with a soft towel. This procedure relieves fatigue and effectively cleans hands. Then immerse your hands in a healing bath: preheated olive oil or other vegetable oil. After half an hour, the remnants of the mask are thoroughly washed with warm water, hands are lightly dried with a towel, and a nourishing cream is applied.

The effectiveness of masks is much higher than creams, as they have a high degree of penetration into the skin. In addition, the mask nourishes the skin with essential nutrients for its healthy state.

One of the best treatments for peelingis sea buckthorn oil, which can be both an independent tool and the basis for the mask. The mask is applied for 30 minutes (example: sea buckthorn oil (125 ml) mixed with pumpkin juice (3 tablespoons), beat a lot), then the mask remains are washed thoroughly with warm water, hands are dried slightly, nourishing cream is applied.

It is also very effective oatmeal mask,olive oil, milk and honey. All ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 6: 2: 2: 1, then put the finished uniform mask on your palms, and after an hour, rinse with warm water (the use of cosmetic gloves significantly increases the mask's effectiveness).