/ / Holotropic Breath: reviews about the most important

Holotropic Breath: reviews about the most important

In the modern world, people are increasinglythink about how to maintain your own health. All the blame for ecology and quite a complex and fast rhythm of life, which, unfortunately, negatively affect the state of the body. Recently, various techniques of maintaining their own health began to appear.

holotropic breath reviews

About Technology

Today there are many different psychotechnicsself-knowledge. One of them is holotropic breathing. The reviews say that thanks to her, a person enters a shallow trance state, then psychic healing and deep knowledge of one's essence takes place. The authors of this technique are the couple - Christina and Stanislav Grof, since 1975 the technique has won an ever larger audience.


What is holotropic breathing?Reviews of people who use this technique, say that the main thing here is frequent breathing. This is the only way to get into the right state. Well, if this sounds calm calming music. This technique is suitable for both independent and pair lessons. If two people are selected for the session, the sitter will act as a so-called assistant, which is called to make the session deeper.

holotropic breathing


So, from several stages the technique consists"Holotropic breathing." Training begins with coaching, adjustments, relaxing techniques that simply prepare the brain and the body. Then follows the main part - the very breath, through which a person falls into a special state. After the session there is an exchange of experience - participants share what happened to them during the session. It should be noted that if at the first visit to the training the person has nothing to tell - this does not mean that it will always be like this. For the result, you need time, this must be remembered.

Fundamental rules

It is necessary to practice correctlyholotropic breathing. Reviews say that the great importance of the usual implementation of the rules. So, what is worth remembering. The most important thing: you need to breathe only with your mouth, nose is not involved. It is also important to observe a certain rhythm: a quick breath and a relaxing exhalation. With this technique, only the thorax is activated, upper respiration works, and this need not be forgotten. It is also necessary to be able to concentrate on what is important: do not involve unnecessary thoughts, follow the technique of breathing, think about bodily sensations. Until the end of the session, you must observe immobility and not open your eyes, because it is so very easy to lose the energy that works with a person.

Holotropic Breathing Training


For those who want to practice holotropicbreathing, expert feedback will not be superfluous: many people say that sometimes a person may feel discomfort during the training. How to get rid of it? If the body has unpleasant sensations, numbness, you need to try to fix the situation with the help of positive images and mood. If this does not help, you need to know how to quickly get out of the trance: for this you need to move on more rapid, canine breathing and gradually return to reality. Sharply stopping the occupation is highly discouraged, it can be very harmful. It is important to remember that after the session you need to relax and be in a state of calm for about half an hour.


Nowadays holotropic practice is practiced everywherebreath. Moscow, St. Petersburg - these are the cities where you can easily find similar activities without problems. In smaller cities, they can also be, but in any situation it is worth making sure that the organizers know what they are dealing with and they have certain documents that allow them to engage in this activity.