/ / Medical Care. The learning process and professional field

"Medical business". The process of training and the field of professional activity

The main goal of the educational programprovided for by the specialty "medical business", is the training of doctors that meets the standard requirements of higher professional education. A graduate of the faculty receives the qualification of a specialist - general practitioner, which gives him the opportunity to take a position in the primary care unit providing comprehensive medical care. To obtain a certificate for the implementation of their professional activities, specialization in residency or internship is also completed.

What is taught


For the preparation of students in the specialty"Medical business" provides 6 years of study. In the future, they pass the following specialization in internship in one of the presented areas. Graduates of the medical faculty are given the choice of the type of profession from a fairly wide range of practical specialties: endocrinology, therapy, neurology, surgery, otorhinolaryngology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenereology, rehabilitation, occupational diseases and others. They also have a real chance to become scientists in such fundamental and theoretical areas of science as normal and pathological physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, and others.

Doctors have a rather intense curriculum. They master many medical disciplines, including psychiatry, hygiene, neurology, health economics and others.

Learning process

Medical program

The process of training in the specialty "medical business"includes two stages: preclinical (1-3 courses) and clinical training (4-6 courses). At the first stage, the theoretical foundations of the future profession are studied, the clinic is also introduced (courses of care for therapeutic and surgical patients, courses of general surgery and an introductory course of internal diseases, clinical practice). The second stage involves the transition to the cyclic form of education, the so-called clinical departments.

The learning process is based on principlescontinuity, demanding the most complete knowledge at each level of the consistent development of the form of students' activities, close to the doctor’s professional activities. A lot of attention is paid to increasing student activity. To do this, when building the educational process, emphasis is placed on the personal supervision of patients in a clinical setting. In the course of training, several types of practice are provided, which are conducted not only on the basis of an educational institution, but also in hospitals.

Программа «лечебное дело» включает следующие the main objectives of the training: the formation of students' universal and professional competencies in accordance with the general educational requirements in the chosen direction.

Medical specialty

The title of doctor is awarded to the graduate at the end of the course “medical business”. Specialty It also provides for the assignment, after all stages of training, of a degree or classification of a higher education level - a specialist.

Professional field

Begin their therapeutic and prophylacticThe activity of graduates was initially supervised by doctors who already have certificates. During the development of the specialty "medical business" they can carry out such types of professional activity as medical, preventive, diagnostic, organizational and managerial, educational and educational, research.

Having been educated in the specialty and graduating интернатуру или ординатуру, выпускники могут find a job in general hospitals and specialized treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, polyclinics, dispensaries, dispensaries, ambulance stations. They can also work in the medical and sanitary units of large enterprises, medical consultations, perinatal, diagnostic centers, social service institutions, research institutes, universities.

Positions for which can applyThe specialist of the postgraduate stage of education according to the chosen direction is a therapist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a surgeon, a laboratory assistant in a clinical laboratory, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, an orthopedic traumatologist, a psychiatrist-narcologist, an immunologist, a family doctor and others.


In private and public clinics mostgeneral practitioners, specialists in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology are in demand. Often, doctors practice combining work in specialized clinics with consultations in private medical centers.