/ / Increased appetite: causes

Increased appetite: causes

Об идеальной фигуре мечтают практически все.A thin person will never understand how much effort people are prone to fullness spend to look good. In the modern world, there are many medications, diets and many other things that one way or another can help those who want to improve their figure. Means for losing weight really a lot, but that's the enemy of those who lose weight, all the same as before. It's about increased appetite. Because of him to achieve the goals set in the fight against excess weight is very difficult. It is also worth noting that the increased appetite, the reasons for which we are considering here, is by no means always the norm, which means that we must fight it. In some cases, it may even be a symptom of some kind of disease or mental disorder.

Increased appetite: causes

Some people have been hungry all their lives,which can not be appeased by anything, while others do not eat much, but from time to time something is switched over in their organisms, and they begin to eat for two or even for three. As a rule, an increase in appetite is not always observed, but only at certain hours. For example, late at night. Surely many people now remembered how they often got up among midnight and went to the refrigerator, wanting to eat everything that is there. In the morning, of course, everything that happened at night caused only confusion.

In general, it is worth noting that the saturation center,like the center of hunger, is in the hypothalamus. They come from the stomach signals that say whether a person needs food. As a result of any disorders with these signals, various kinds of problems can arise. Just these problems include increased appetite. The reasons for all this, as it has already become clear from the above are various, the following are the main ones:

1) Many women have an increased appetitebefore menstruation. This can be explained by the fact that during the PMS in the body there is a shortage of a hormone called estrogen. This hormone makes people cheerful, responsible for a good mood. It can also act as an anesthetic. It is also worth noting that before menstruation, and also during it falls the level of hemoglobin, and a woman begins to feel weak from it and tries to regain strength with the help of food. In increasing appetite with menstruation, there is nothing to worry about.

2) A person can constantly want to eat, if alltime experiences great physical exertion (sport, hard work). All this is quite natural, because the body is simply trying to gain strength. In such cases it is recommended to eat food that contains a lot of protein.

3) Increased appetite may appear inthe result of stress, mental disorders or a serious emotional shock. The fact is that the process of eating is usually very pleasant. This means that a person during food is always a little bit removed from reality. The brain tells us that it's worth eating not because the body needs nutrients, but because we just want to get away from problems that have piled on us, or forget about something very bad. In this case it is recommended to seek professional psychologist's help, since it is quite possible that the problem itself will not disappear.

4) The main reasons for increased appetitealso include problems with carbohydrate metabolism. With such a violation, people subconsciously tend to absorb the food that contains a lot of carbohydrates. In this case it is recommended to consult a doctor.

5) The cause of increased appetite can be a brain tumor.

6) Increased appetite in children, as a rule, is associated with their growth. Many adults begin to worry when their child starts eating everything, but in fact there is nothing to worry about.

Finally, I want to say that people who do notcan lose weight due to the fact that they are constantly tormented by hunger, it is recommended to use what reduces appetite. The simplest ways to reduce it are:

- drink a glass of carrot juice;

- Eat oatmeal porridge;

- to eat grapefruit.

The increased appetite, the reasons for which we have considered, can certainly become a big problem. Ignore it is impossible.