/ / Timely diagnosis of prostatitis - the key to success

Timely diagnosis of prostatitis - the key to success

The prostate or prostate gland ispart of the reproductive system. Its function is to develop a secret to thin the sperm and accelerate the movement of sperm. Disease of the prostate gland is insidious, because men for many years due to weak symptoms may not even be aware of it. The disease "prostatitis" is caused by inflammatory processes that occur in men in the prostate gland. Most often, it hurts those who stepped over the fortieth year.

The disease can be acute and chronic.form. The acute form is most often observed in men of young age. Chronic prostatitis is usually observed in men who have reached a mature age. In order to provoke a disease, you do not need much effort. It can begin in men leading a sedentary life, injured pelvic.

Prostatitis develops with irregular andpromiscuous sexual activity, hypothermia, impaired blood circulation and other factors. It occurs when the infection penetrates into the prostate gland. In this case, the bacteria can get into the gland from the bladder, inflamed urethra and other organs where there are foci of infection.

Disease can result from stagnationblood in the pelvis. Negatively affect the prostate and the decay products of alcohol, they irritate the mucous membrane. The same action can cause spicy seasonings and smoked meats. Once in the blood, they are irritating to the prostate gland.

Poor circulation of the pelvis contributesdevelopment of prostatitis and constipation. Diagnosis of prostatitis by external signs is difficult, because the disease is often asymptomatic. The appearance of problems urinating (frequent desire to urinate, burning sensation and a weak stream), pain in the perineum, reduced potency and other signs can be a signal that prostatitis has appeared. True, another prostate gland disease, adenoma, has similar symptoms.

Acute prostatitis is quite rare, and hequite easily diagnosed. It is characterized by general intoxication of the body, which is easy to check laboratory. The disease is accompanied by pain in the perineum and groin. Chronic prostatitis is more caused by stagnation in the pelvic area. Manifested in middle age with weak sexual activity. In addition to the main, there are additional factors that can cause this disease (smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

Symptoms of chronic prostate inflammationmanifested by pain in the groin and genitals. Diagnosis of prostatitis in this form is difficult due to the lack of objective signs of the inflammatory process. Ultrasound (ultrasound) and rectal examination are used to make a more accurate diagnosis, in some cases a biopsy is performed. The infectious agents are determined by a special technique, and in case of confirmation of the bacterial origin of the disease, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

Diagnosis of prostatitis without failprovides for blood and urine tests. The treatment of this disease depends on the cause of it. For this purpose, different types of therapy (antibacterial, vitamin and physiotherapy, etc.), acupuncture and urological massage are used. When the infectious nature of the disease are selected special antibiotics.

Hypothermia, lack of exercise, stresslead to impaired blood circulation in the prostate. To restore it, apply massage and physiotherapy. In recent years, began to actively practice acupuncture. Diagnosis of prostatitis, and then treatment, give the best results, if carried out comprehensively. To avoid the problems associated with this disease, you need to strive not to miss its first symptoms. To this end, you must periodically visit doctors, undergo the necessary medical examinations.