The temperature of the body from birth isthe main indicator of human health, which is not only due to the fact that this parameter can be easily determined without special laboratory supplies, but also because the normal body temperature is the main indicator of the work of all metabolic processes in our body.
Normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius, it is with her that the normal functioning of all substances in the body is possible. Why is body temperature exceeding 42 degrees deadly? Because with her protein denaturation occurs in the body, that is, the whole protein, which plays a huge role in the normal functioning of our body, will undergo irreversible changes and lead to changes in the functioning of the body, which are said to be "incompatible with life."
What does lower body temperature mean?
Most often this means the existence of objectiveexternal factors that can cause hypothermia. Reduced body temperature in most cases is associated with hypothermia of the body. At least, this can be said until it falls below 33 degrees. In what way is this expressed? A normal reaction of the body to the cold is observed in a person, that is, there is a chill, a blockage and weakness throughout the body. A person with this kind of hypotension is in consciousness, and his breathing and pulse slows down, while the blood pressure rises slightly. In the event that a person has a low body temperature due to cold factors, most often this will not have any serious pathological effects on the normal functioning of the body in the future, it is enough only to eliminate the causes of the cause of lowering the temperature and to give a person warmth.
In most cases, no hypothermiashould cause a person problems with the work of his brain. Therefore, if due to the fact that a person has a lower body temperature, he loses consciousness, then this is a sign of the beginning of irreversible effects on the body and immediate medical attention is required.
Constant hypothermia
Constant hypothermia is observed in those people,which causes a significant reduction in heat production, for example, in the elderly or in those with a very delicate physique. Constantly lowered body temperature negatively affects the work of all internal organs, in particular, on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
How to deal with this?First of all, a person needs more physical exercises, and also should pay more attention to his diet, in particular, the food should be not only tasty, but also nutritious, and ensure the normal functioning of the entire organ.
Diseases in which a low body temperature is observed
Most often, these diseases includeendocrine disorders. In particular, if the normal functioning of such an organ of the endocrine system as a thyroid gland is disrupted, skin pallor, drowsiness, fatigue and reduced heat production may be observed.
Reduced body temperature in the child due tothe disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland can have quite negative consequences for the rest of his life in the future, because the normal functioning of this body directly affects the development of his mental abilities.
In hypotension, hypothermia is observed in most patients. In the event that it does not exceed the limits of the conditional norm, this does not give any additional negative consequences for the organism.