/ / Chest collection: numbers, composition, instructions for use, indications, reviews

Chest collection: numbers, composition, instructions for use, indications, reviews

Catarrhal diseases associated with coughchills, fever, as a rule, overtake us suddenly. For a long time, traditional healers have used medicinal herbs to alleviate such conditions. Treatment of cough with the use of natural ingredients is relevant today.

Therapists and pulmonologists use drugs onbased on herbs, medicinal plants. Chest collection is a natural remedy that is successfully used in the complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory system. He is appointed to support basic treatment or enhance the fight against certain types of pathologies of the respiratory tract.

when to take a chest collection?

Nowadays, the pharmaceutical market offersprepared drugs for respiratory diseases based on medicinal herbs. This is well-known to many chest collections, which quickly and effectively relieve cough. These medicines are different from each other. And in its composition, and on the principles of effects on the body, and instructions for use. Breast gathering is important to choose correctly, and the doctor must do so in accordance with the patient's condition and basic treatment. Today, country pharmacies offer four types of such fees, depending on the content of medicinal plants.

types of chest collection

When are healing fees applied?

All types of the drug are taken for the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • chronic and acute bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma and other pathologies that are accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi;
  • acute inflammation of the airways;
  • tuberculosis - in this case, in accordance with the instructions, the use of chest collection is allowed only after consultation with the attending physician and in combination with antimicrobial, specific agents;
  • pneumonia;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, pathology of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough of various origins and the formation of sputum.

Besides, these remedies are recommended for the treatment of the so-called smoker's cough. Herbal infusions clean the airways and improve the overall condition.

Despite the general indications for use, as well as the method of their use, chest preparations for the treatment of cough have different compositions, which leads to some features in the appointment of drugs.

The composition of the collection number 1

This is the very first collection option that was created to get rid of cough. It consists of three basic plants:

  • Althea root. Althea rhizomes effectively reduce inflammation in the affected area. Much increased secretion of mucus from the bronchi, with improved output of sputum from the respiratory tract.
  • Coltsfoot leaves. The plant has a powerful expectorant effect, accelerates the withdrawal of accumulated mucus from the respiratory system.
  • Oregano Herb In addition to the expectorant effect, oregano soothes the patient, relieves emotional stress.
chest collection №1

Перечисленные травы входят в состав грудного collection number one in a ratio of 4: 4: 2. The drug is prescribed during the period of seasonal colds. When the temperature rises, the herbal extract is combined with antimicrobial and other medicines of traditional medicine. This tool is produced most often in the form of a dry herbal mixture, from which medical infusions are prepared. Sometimes the collection is made in the form of user-friendly filter bags. When dry cough chest collection No. 1 in combination with drug treatment shows good results.

Collection number 2. What is included?

The composition of this collection includes the following ingredients:

  • Licorice. The plant removes the inflammatory process, restores microcirculation, relieves the body from pathogenic microbes.
  • Plantain large. It has expectorant action and normalizes bronchial drainage.
  • Coltsfoot. The effect of this plant is described above.

Interestingly, in 1955, scientists from Germanyconducted a series of experiments with licorice root extract. In addition to the positive effects on the organs of the respiratory system, it was found that the plant reduces symptoms in patients suffering from rheumatological diseases. Later this phenomenon was studied in more detail. As it turned out, licorice effectively strengthens blood vessels, normalizing microcirculation.

chest collection number 2

Bioactive substances that are part of this plant, reduce inflammation and help reduce pain in patients with affected joints.

Herbs collection number 3

The mixture includes the following plants:

  • The buds of pine. Phytoncides that are part of coniferous plants, reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, have a disinfecting effect on the body.
  • Anise. It activates the withdrawal of sputum and inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Sage.The plant relieves inflammation, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, normalizing bronchial respiration. Sage additionally affects the hormonal background of the body of women. The plant is used in the treatment of imbalance, which often occurs during menopause.
  • Althaea, which we have already mentioned above.
chest collection number 3

Antimicrobial properties of this drugallow to use it during epidemics of seasonal colds. As a result of treatment, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is minimized and the recovery of patients is accelerated.

Chest collection number 4: the composition of herbs

This collection was created much later than the first three compositions. It contains the largest number of bioactive substances:

  • Chamomile flowers (20%). The plant is well known for its anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. In addition, chamomile flowers improve microcirculation in the respiratory organs and throughout the body.
  • Shoots marsh wild rosemary (20%). This natural component enhances the excretion of sputum, reduces inflammation, stimulates the myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus) and the central nervous system.
  • Calendula flowers (20%). Calendula effectively expands the bronchi, inhibits pathogenic microflora, reduces pronounced inflammatory processes, accelerates sputum discharge.
  • Grass violets (20%). Stabilizes and normalizes the emotional background and microcirculation of the patient, due to the sedative effect.
  • Licorice root (15%).
  • Peppermint (5%).
chest collection №4

Peppermint inhibits pathogens,stabilizes microcirculation. The composition of this plant allows you to use it in almost any form of respiratory pathologies. The tool stabilizes the function of the respiratory tract. The unique composition of herbs breast collection No. 4 allows you to use it for the treatment of most diseases of the respiratory tract.

Does cough type matter?

Doctors divide the cough into two types - wet and dry.In the second case, the cause of the cough is often chemical or mechanical stimulation of the receptors, which are located in the upper respiratory tract.

Wet cough cause disruption.bronchial glands. Most often, patients do not know how to choose the herbal drug to eliminate unpleasant symptoms correctly. To accelerate recovery and reduce the duration of treatment should always consult with a specialist.

Dry cough

Considering the causes of the symptoms, it is necessary to selectchest collection with dry cough. It is necessary that the attending physician does this, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. What cough to drink chest collection number 4? It is effective in pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. In the same diseases (with a dry cough), the use and collection No. 1 is recommended.

These drugs contain sedatives,soothing patients and reducing the intensity of symptoms. If a dry cough is a precursor to the early stage of bronchitis, then you can use any of the above drugs for a speedy recovery.

From wet cough

With a wet cough, any ofdescribed nursing fees. It should be understood that the separation of funds from various forms of symptoms is rather approximate. In the early stages of the disease it is difficult to establish the exact cause of the cough, as well as the mechanism of its occurrence. The final decision is made only by the doctor after examining the results of the tests and assessing the patient’s condition.

Healing fees for cough for children

Many parents are interested at what agechest collection can be given to children. Herbal formulations number 1 and 3 can be given to children from 12 years. The use of herbal preparations for infants is impractical because there is no data on the clinical effect of such therapy. At the same time, the pediatrician prescribes medications that stimulate expectoration, dilates the bronchi and anti-inflammatory.

chest collection for children

What cough to drink chest collection number 4, 2 and at what age? For babies, these fees are recommended from the age of three with a dry cough. The advantages of treating children with breastfeeding include:

  • minimum side effects;
  • availability;
  • security;
  • efficiency.

Очевидные положительные стороны этого natural remedies for cough, allows you to use it for medium and mild forms of respiratory diseases of the child. According to data obtained by Moscow scientists in 2014, the described herbal preparations are recommended for inclusion in the treatment of chronic, acute bronchitis and seasonal acute respiratory infections. In addition, they gently stabilize the condition of children suffering from bronchial asthma.

Use during pregnancy

Quite often women expecting a childthey ask: “Is it possible to take a chest collection for pregnant women?” In the first trimester, this should not be done, since today not enough information has been gathered on how the herbs affect the future mummy's body and the fetus.

chest collection for pregnant women

Methods of use and dosage

В соответствии с инструкцией по применению, nursing charges № 1, 2, 3 are accepted according to one scheme. Herbal mixture (1 teaspoon tea) or filter package pour 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for half an hour, filter and take after eating.

To prepare the collection No. 4 package pour boiling water (100 ml). Use it before meals 4 times a day. There are differences in dosages:

  • № 1. It is recommended for all patients 75-100 ml three times a day.
  • No. 2Take from two to three times a day (depending on the state). Chest collecting for adults and children over 14 years old is prescribed 200 ml of infusion, for children from 12 to 14 years old - 100 ml, from 7 to 12 years old - 50 ml, from 3 to 7 years old - 20 ml.
  • No. 3. All patients are prescribed 100 ml of infusion four times a day.
  • No. 4. Adults and young patients over 12 years old take 50 ml of infusion, from 6 to 12 years old - 3 tablespoons (tablespoons), children from 3 to 5 years old should be given no more than two tablespoons (tablespoons).

The duration of treatment is from 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the condition). After completion of treatment, a small residual cough may persist, which passes in 2-3 days.

Before the start of treatment with the chest collection instructionon the application should be studied very carefully, since some manufacturers make minor changes to the traditional rules for the use of a particular collection.

Interactions with other drugs

If you follow all recommendations for the use of chest collection - it is a safe tool that does not cause allergic reactions and side effects. Not recorded and overdose cases.

Do not combine chest collection of any kind with antitussive drugs of central action - "Glaucin", "Butamirat", "Codeine". This can cause stagnation of sputum.

Side effects and contraindications

During treatment, the patient may experience:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • allergic skin rash.

In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or discontinue treatment if the symptoms persist.

Contraindications to use

To the use of breast collecting them a bit:

  • age of the child - № 2 and 4 to three years, № 1, 3 - up to 12;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of drugs.

Attention! Chest collection can not be used for inhalation. Formulations are recommended for internal use only.

Patient Reviews

About breastfeeding patient reviews are mixed.Someone considers these herbal formulations as effective and efficient means, while to some they seem to be just “useless weed”. The advantages of these drugs patients include: efficacy in the treatment of cough, affordability, ease of infusion, safety, ease of use.

Недостатками этого средства многие считают long course of treatment, the possibility of allergic reactions in case of non-acceptance of the components of the collection. Someone does not like the taste of grass, someone is upset by the inability to receive during pregnancy and lactation.