The problem of peeling of the skin can appear on differentreasons. The most common problem is for women with dry skin. But sometimes peeling spots on the face appear and with a fat or mixed type of skin. In addition to being an unpleasant cosmetic defect, peeling of the skin can be a signal of internal diseases, an allergic reaction to any products, perfumes, cosmetics.
If the face is peeling, then you need to start withdaily care for him. You need to reconsider and analyze the cosmetic products that you use. Even the usual cream for you, nourishing, moisturizing, depending on the season can cause redness or peeling. It is very important to adjust the skin care products in accordance with the time of year.
So, in winter the skin constantly experiences stress. Sharp change of temperature and humidity for her is disastrous, she needs to help them move.
Humidity, cold, wind outside, dry and warm air indoors require completely different cosmetics.
Moisturizing cream can be applied to the face only if you are not going to go out in the near future (for 3 to 5 hours) or before going to bed.
To protect the delicate skin from negative effectsuse special creams and emulsions, which create a kind of protective barrier. If your skin needs a nourishing cream, it should be on a greasy basis. Gel-like creams in the winter months are useless, if not harmful. Sometimes, a peeling stain on the face appears precisely because of an unsuitable cream.
In the evening for cleansing do not use products containing water, best for this fit cosmetic milk or cream.
Irritated and flaky skin responds wellon herbal decoctions of chamomile, plantain, string, field horsetail. One tablespoon of dry herbs or a mixture of herbs to pour half a liter of hot water, boil twenty minutes, remove from heat, close and insist for two hours. For oily skin, you can make ice cubes from the broth and, turning the cube into a napkin, wipe them with problem areas.
It is very useful when the face is peeling off, making masks.They feed, soothe, remove irritation and peeling of the mask on the basis of flax or olive oil. In the pharmacy you can buy oil solutions of vitamins A and E.
In a teaspoon of warm oil, drip the vitamin oil and apply lightly to the areas of peeling. If after 15-20 minutes some amount of oil remains, it must be soaked with a napkin.
Spring warmth pleases everyone, but activeMarch sun irritates the cold skin, and immediately begins to peel off the face. You can add a peeling procedure to vitamin mask masks. For cleaning with a soft scrub, you can use soaked oat flakes, coffee grounds.
A cosmetic disc is a mixture of crushedoat bugs with warm milk applied to the face, let it dry and then wipe dry residue with a napkin. We wipe with herbal decoction and grease with baby cream. Coffee grounds - a more intensive means, the procedure is better done before taking a shower. Soaped with a neutral soap cosmetic disc dipped into the coffee grounds and light circular motions put on the face. We wash off with warm water, wipe with a medicinal broth and apply a baby cream or cream for sensitive skin.
Peeling cleans the skin of scales, keratinized particles, makes it fresh and supple.
Facial care requires an integrated approach,because the causes of skin peeling may be hidden in a lack of vitamins and fluid in the body. The intake of vitamin complexes and more liquid can solve this problem.
If, in spite of the measures taken, the face is still peeling, red spots appear on the skin, then you should consult a doctor.