/ / Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies: the most effective methods, reviews

Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies: the most effective ways, reviews

Inflammatory process affecting the mucous membranethe membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, called pharyngitis. The disease is accompanied by discomfort, pain and discomfort. Most often carried out a comprehensive treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies and drugs.

Classification of the disease

Experts identify two forms of pharyngitis - acuteand chronic. The first form of the disease is concomitant with influenza and ARVI. In the case of chronic pharyngitis, it is classified into atrophic, hypertrophic and catarrhal.

Both of the first types have similar symptoms, therefore, it is possible to diagnose a specific form of the disease only after a special examination.

For catarrhal pharyngitis is characterized by diffuse venous hyperemia. Accurate diagnosis can only specialist.

Pharyngitis is treated with folk remedies at home in combination with medications.

Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies of children and adults

Болезнь в острой форме начинается стремительно.It is caused by infection, as well as adverse factors (smoking, exposure to cold). Acute pharyngitis occurs as a concomitant pathology in various infectious diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This form is most commonly caused by viruses. About 1/3 of cases are due to bacterial infection.

Causes of pharyngitis

The disease is a consequence of infection with staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus and streptococcus. Most of all it is distributed by airborne droplets. The most common causes of pharyngitis include:

  1. Permanent influence of irritating agents on the pharyngeal mucosa. This may be cigarette smoke, alcohol, too polluted air.
  2. Prolonged exposure to air and inhalation through the mouth.
  3. Flu viruses or SARS.
  4. Mushrooms Candida.
Atrophic pharyngitis treatment of folk remedies

Also contributing factors include:

  • bad ecology;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • eating very cold or hot food.

The chronic form of pharyngitis occurs if the treatment of the acute stage was performed incorrectly. And also in cases of impossibility of establishing an accurate diagnosis.

To alleviate the condition, a specialist along with drug therapy prescribes treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies.

Symptoms of the disease

When an acute form of pharyngitis occurs, patients develop the following symptoms:

  1. Difficult swallowing not only food but also water. Even swallowing saliva causes severe pain in the throat.
  2. Constant sensation of a lump in the throat. The patient tries to clear his throat, but he fails.
  3. Body temperature may rise, but the indicators are not critical.

The general condition in the acute stage of pharyngitis remains stable, but patients can constantly feel tired. It causes minor physical exertion.

In the chronic form of the disease, the following symptoms occur:

  • persistent cough with poorly separated mucus;
  • collecting sputum in the pharynx, which has a viscous consistency, and does not expectoration;
  • the patient has to constantly swallow mucus;
  • sore throat.

The chronic stage of the disease does not cause an increase in temperature, but due to other symptoms, the patient is disturbed by sleep and irritability occurs.

Does the effect of treatment of folk remedies?

Pharyngitis is successfully treated in different ways.The main thing is to follow the correct recommendations during the treatment of the disease. For the treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies - the most effective recipes should be appointed by a specialist.

Treatment of acute pharyngitis folk remedies

Good results can be achieved if applied:

  1. compresses;
  2. rinsing;
  3. inhalations and other therapies.

You can reduce the following symptoms:

  • tickle;
  • throat redness;
  • temperature increase;
  • nasal congestion and rhinitis.

When choosing a therapy, the formdiseases. If the treatment of the acute stage of pharyngitis is carried out incorrectly, then it can become chronic. And it requires a long and thorough therapy, because of the possibility of various complications.

In the treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies should be borne in mind that:

  1. It is necessary to do inhalations, wash the throat and use various compresses.
  2. Means should be used that can relieve puffiness and reduce inflammation.
  3. The patient needs to properly organize drinking mode. You can drink herbal teas and decoctions in large volumes.
  4. The patient should try to strengthen the immune system.

Using effective and time-tested recipes, you can get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a short time.


Folk remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis, there are many. For the preparation of propolis tincture adhere to the following sequence:

  • Crumble in a deep container and pour a small amount of water. Wait a while for all the impurities and wax to go up.
  • Propolis will settle to the bottom, carefully assemble it and place in a glass jar. Pour 1/2 cup of pure alcohol. Insist for a week in a dark place. Shake the jar regularly.
  • The finished propolis tincture is mixed with glycerin in a 1: 2 ratio. Smear the mucous membrane of the larynx and nose for 2 weeks. Apply it 1 time per day.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis with folk remedies in adults with propolis tincture was effective even in the absence of drug therapy.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis folk remedies

It is best to use the substance to rinse.And to ensure a good antiseptic effect, a piece of propolis can be chewed for several minutes. The tool will effectively clean the throat of pathogenic microflora and eliminate the inflammatory process.

With care propolis apply to people who are allergic to bee products.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment

The tool must be used to treat pharyngitis from the first days of the disease. There are several methods of therapy for sea buckthorn oil:

  • Soak a fleece slice and lubricate the inflamed mucosa several times a day. Can be mixed with olive oil.
  • In the event of severe pain, inhalations of up to 15 minutes will be especially effective.
  • For the treatment of pharyngitis in the acute stage, first lubricate the mucous membrane. After a time, make inhalations with sea buckthorn oil.
Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies in children

The substance has wound healing andanti-inflammatory properties. When treating pharyngitis folk remedies, sea buckthorn oil should be bought with a normal shelf life. Otherwise, the required effect will be completely absent.

Honey Therapy

Under existing methods, the product of beekeeping is distinguished by its special properties. Honey can be used for inhalations and compresses. It can be added to various herbal teas and teas.

For the treatment of pharyngitis in children folk remediesalso apply. Effective honey compresses. The beekeeping product is brought to a liquid and warm state with the help of a steam bath. Liberally lubricate the feet of the child with honey, and wrap them with several layers of gauze or bandage. Put on woolen socks. The exposure time is 30 minutes. Conduct procedures daily until the child is fully cured.

Effective folk remedies for pharyngitis

The most effective prescription for the treatment of pharyngitis in adults is garlic-honey composition, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 2 large crushed garlic cloves and 3 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat honey in the liquid state.
  2. The composition is heated on low heat until complete dissolution of the components.
  3. The composition is made up with a little boiled water and boil again.
  4. The finished product is cooled, filtered and placed in a glass jar.

Take the medicine every hour in the spoon. A marked improvement in condition is observed after 2 administrations.

Adults and children should be given warm milk with honey to relieve symptoms of pharyngitis. Drink reduces sore throat and dry mouth. Honey is best taken in liquid form.


Many have positive propertiesfolk remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis in adults. Steam inhalations are used to relieve the inflammatory process in the throat and larynx. There are several variants of procedures, so you can alternate them:

  • Small potato tubers are boiled until cooked.and breathe over the steam twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. This treatment is also used in children. They should breathe over potato steam, covered with a towel, 5-7 minutes daily.
  • Soda is dissolved in hot water and breathed over it for 5 minutes twice a day. Means is taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.
  • Steam inhalations with the addition of eucalyptus oil have an excellent effect. The tool has a bactericidal and expectorant action.

Sometimes pharyngitis is treated by steam inhalation with a decoction of bay leaf. As a result of the application, a positive result appeared instantly.

Use of herbs

Excellent proven for treatmentacute pharyngitis infusions of medicinal plants. With their help, you can gargle. After application, the pain is reduced, inflammation is relieved and the general condition of the patient is relieved. The following remedies for rinsing have the effect of folk remedies in the treatment of pharyngitis in adults:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of camomile, oak bark and calendula. The mixture is poured with a liter of hot water. Insist and gargle every 2-3 hours.
  2. A tablespoon of Hypericum pour a glass of boiling water and insist. Filter and add a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Rinse twice a day.
  3. A tablespoon of sea salt add 0.5 liters of hot water. Rinse your mouth 5 times a day.

To improve the overall condition of the use of broth hips. It can be drunk in the form of heat. In the broth, you can add infusions of other herbs.

Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies in adults

For the treatment of atrophic pharyngitis folk remedies fit these recipes:

  • 1/2 cup anise seed pour a glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes. Add 50 g of honey and a spoonful of brandy. Drink a tablespoon every half hour.
  • For inhalation, decoctions of pine and thyme buds are distinguished by a special effect.

Herbs are excellent means of getting rid of any stage of pharyngitis. The dosage should be determined individually for each patient, based on his state of health.


Evaluation of therapy of folk remedies pharyngitis inmostly positive. Thanks to the treatment started on time, the symptoms of the disease pass quickly and the patient feels relieved. Helps such therapy and children.

According to reviews, treatment of pharyngitis folkfunds carried out quickly and efficiently. Doctors along with medicines prescribe and decoctions of herbs. You can drink them in the form of tea, gargle.

Honey has a special effect for the treatment of pharyngitis. It is added to tea, used for inhalation and compresses.


Лечение фарингита народными средствами effective if used in combination with drugs. Despite their benefits, they should be used with caution because of the likelihood of allergies.