/ / Keep Hand On Health Pulse

Keep Hands on the Health Pulse

Ever since the first physical education classes at school, from the firstcompetition in the race for one hundred meters, we know that the human body reacts to physical activity. The first sensation is increased heart rate, rapid pulse. This is the answer of our blood circulation to the processes introduced from outside. Pulse is an indicator of how the circulation of blood in our body occurs.

В третьем веке до н.э.people came to understand that the pulse is the essence of all parts of the body, the subtlest representation of the inner spirit. No wonder the doctors of Tibet took the pulse of a person as the main indicator of the state and functioning of the body. The circulatory system is very closely connected with all organs of the body. Remember what a doctor does in the first place, when he needs to get minimal information about a person's condition? He takes his hand and listens to the pulse. For a more accurate conclusion, doctors use pulse meters.

Research in this area is very ancient.the story. They are based on the installation that every organ, as well as the process that takes place in our body, has a pulse point. On the radial artery of the arm there are three points to determine the pulse. These are the most famous points that each person can find and independently listen to the pulsation.

Tibetan lamas know 72 pulse points.More advanced in their cultivation can determine about 300 points. Of course, modern man does not need to know even 72 points. But you need to study them. This is an information wave, the conductor for which is running blood. Learn to listen to your pulse, and know that it is better to do this in the morning. Attach three fingers to a point on the wrist. Do this on both limbs. The pulse should be smooth, without jumps, without slowing down. But keep in mind: what the doctor will hear, measuring your pulse, will be much deeper and more informative. The specialist will be able to hear different in depth waves. A strong imposition of fingers on the points of the pulse will help to see the picture of the state of the cardiovascular system.

What you need to know to the minimumto determine what is happening with your body? Let's look at it through the prism of emotional feelings that accompany us in life. Joy, sadness, fear, anger, care. And the point is that each of these conditions has an effect on a specific area of ​​the human body. Impact over time turns into a disease.

A feeling of joy, however strange it may sound,affects the heart. If you are sad, then know that at this very moment there is a negative effect on your lungs. The liver is very sensitive to anger. And the kidneys remember the state of fear or fear of something. To keep the heart shell in good condition - do not cry.

But to catch all the nuances and subtletiesthe body's response to external influences, not necessarily to be a doctor. Enough minimal knowledge about the conformity of the pulse to your condition. And also use technical devices - enough buy a heart rate monitor. And you will always keep abreast of your health.