Not all womenunderstand what it means to be a medical abbreviation such as hCG. The decoding of these capital letters, as well as the analysis itself, will be detailed in the materials of this article.

General information
Sometimes there are times when womenI want to know as soon as possible about the presence or, vice versa, the absence of pregnancy. That's why they give venous blood for its further laboratory research.
HCG - interpretation of this analysis and allowsrefute or confirm the presence of an embryo. If to speak without abbreviations, then this abbreviation sounds like human chorionic gonadotropin. Such a substance is a protein hormone that produces chorion cells during pregnancy and immediately after the embryo enters the uterus.
Features of the analysis
So why is it necessary to decipher the results of hCG, andwhether in general it is necessary to hand over a blood for definition of pregnancy when it is possible to make the usual test or ultrasonic research? This question sounds from the lips of the fair sex quite often. But unlike the above methods of conception detection, the analysis for hCG is more accurate, and it gives a unique opportunity to determine the presence of pregnancy at a very early period (on the 6th or 10th day after direct fertilization).

Analysis of hCG - interpretation
As is known, the values of the chorionicgonadotropin rights are composed of 2 units (alpha and beta). To determine whether a conception occurred, only beta-hCG is needed. So, consider its proper level (mU / ml) for each week of pregnancy:
- 3rd or 4th week - about 25-155 mU / ml;
- 4th or 5th week - about 100-4870 mU / ml;
- The 5th or 6th week is about 1110-31000 mU / ml;
- 6th or 7th week - about 2570-82310 mU / ml;
- 7th or 8th week - about 23150-152000 mU / ml;
- The 8th or 9th week is about 27350-233000 mU / ml;
- from 9 th to 13 th week - about 20,950-291,000 mU / ml;
- from the 13th to the 18th week - about 6150-103000 mU / ml;
- from 18 th to 23 th week - about 4720-80150 mU / ml;
- from 23 to 31-st week - about 2750-78100 mU / ml.
It is also worth noting that controlthe results of the analysis of HCG (the transcript is presented above) is necessary not only to detect early pregnancy and its availability, but also to determine the normal development of the embryo. By the way, such values of the hormone can be significantly overestimated in multiple pregnancies (most often in proportion to the number of embryos in the uterus), as well as any pathology of the baby (eg, Down's syndrome or multiple other vices), diabetes, toxicosis and an incorrectly fixed term pregnancy.