/ / How to make the brain work? It's not as hard as it sounds.

How to make the brain work? It's not as difficult as it seems

Often we pay attention to the fact that ourmemory has become not as tenacious as it used to be, the speed of thinking and information processing is disrupted due to a violation of the cognitive functions of the brain. It may be caused by natural aging,

how to make the brain work
reduced estrogen, impairedhormonal levels and health, as well as other causes. There are also various diseases of the brain that disrupt its normal functioning, one of which is Alzheimer's disease. How to make the brain work? The answer is simple - it is necessary to create conditions under which the brain will restore its functions, it will also prevent the development of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease later.

In this article we will look at how to make yourbrain work, and try to explain how important it is for the normal operation of the brain to get rid of certain habits and start new ones that are conducive to his work.

There are several ways to make the brain work 100%:

  1. Sport and exercise stimulate him to work at optimum power,
    how to make the brain work for 100
    protect nerve cells from damage, while they multiply, and the connection between them strengthened.
  2. Another important factor for the brain -This is a complete sleep, lasting at least 8 hours and contributing to the relaxation of both the psyche and the physical body. After a full sleep, memory improves, and the brain easily solves the most complex tasks.
  3. If you have a question "how to make the braindo not forget about proper and complete nutrition containing omega-3 fats, vitamins B12 and D, which actively affect the overall development and functioning of the brain. The lack of omega-3 fats and vitamins B12 causes a predisposition to the development of Alzheimer's syndrome, while Vitamin D directly affects the growth of brain cells, metabolism in the cerebellum and the hippocampus - these are the brain regions responsible for processing information and building memories of recent events.
  4. На активность работы мозга также влияет музыка.When listening to music, especially classical, cognitive functions increase, concentration improves, cognitive abilities increase, fluency and smoothness of speech increases several times.
  5. Try to load your brain work.If you can say so - do the "charging" of the brain, giving it constantly new tasks. Traveling or learning to play any musical instrument, reading books or learning a foreign language - all this helps the development and restoration of the brain.

Many of those who have solved the problem for themselves, how to make the brain work faster,

how to make the brain work faster
developed several commandments:

  • avoid depression and stress;
  • fully relax;
  • take walks and exercise, supplying your brain with oxygen;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • constantly train your brain;
  • eat large amounts of vegetables;
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Adhere to these rules and commandments, and the question "how to make your brain work" will become irrelevant for you.