/ Acetone in children: how to treat (Komarovsky). Recommendations and effective ways

Acetone in children: how to treat (Komarovsky). Recommendations and effective ways

Acetone in a child is a condition caused bya significant increase in ketone bodies in the blood. In this case, there are characteristic symptoms, manifested by a sharp smell of urine, unexpected nausea and vomiting. With timely and proper treatment, acetone returns to normal. In the article we will talk about what constitutes elevated acetone in a child, how to treat this condition.

acetone in children how to treat Komarovsky

Komarovsky on increased acetone

On average, acetone in the blood is observed in 20% of children.at a younger age. It is usually detected after receiving a urine test, with a characteristic odor coming from the mouth or while urinating. Doctors do not recommend to ignore this condition, but to urgently take action, since very high figures may threaten the child’s life.

Acetone in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Increased acetone in children does not always meanthe presence of a serious illness. Doctors speak of it as a symptom characterizing the violation of carbohydrate digestibility and metabolic processes in the children's body. Also, this symptom may indicate severe fatigue and appear simultaneously with other symptoms. It should be noted that elevated acetone may be a consequence of a recently transferred intestinal infection.

If there is a problem - acetone in children, asto treat? Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich has his own opinion on this issue. Acetone is a breakdown product from the oxidation of fats. The fact is that our body needs energy for normal functioning, and it takes it in the required amount from glucose, the source of which is carbohydrates.

A significant amount of these substances does not meanthat energy will increase: excess glucose will invariably be deposited in the body in the form of glycogen. For an adult, there will be enough reserves for a long time, but for children this amount is not enough. The child needs almost 2 times more energy.

diet with acetone in the urine in children list of products

So, during stress, overwork, strongphysical activity the body needs to draw energy from its own fat and protein reserves. Oxidized, these substances form not only glucose, but also acetone.

It should be noted that the normal childWhen performing urine tests, the level of acetone should be zero or so insignificant that it would not be harmful to the baby’s health. A small amount of acetone is independently excreted through the respiratory organs, lungs and is processed with the help of nerve cells.

Signs of elevated acetone

Komarovsky speaks about acetone in children as a non-dangerous symptom (of course, this applies to cases of timely and proper treatment).

Итак, первым признаком, который свидетельствует о the fact that the child does not have enough glucose, is the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth. If an overestimated figure was found in the blood, then they say about the presence of acetonemic syndrome. If the pungent smell comes from urine, then in this case complain about acetonuria.

What else can increased acetone mean in children?How to treat? Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich warns that an overestimated level may appear after a high temperature, strong intestinal infections, as well as in the population of the body with helminths.

acetone in a child causes symptoms treatment

Secondary syndrome may occur due to the presence of endocrine, infectious, surgical and somatic diseases.

Rarely, but diabetic syndrome occurs withinsulin deficiency. Indicators can rise even because of unbalanced nutrition, that is, with long breaks between meals, as well as when eating large quantities of fat and in the minimum - carbohydrates.

As for the main symptoms, in thisIn case of arousal, there can be a sharp turn into lethargy, and vice versa. Abdominal pain, vomiting, temperature up to 38.5 can also be at elevated levels of acetone.

How to determine the level of acetone at home?

Currently determining the amount of acetonein a child's urine is possible at home. To do this, in any pharmacy special strips are sold. The most neglected cases are noted when 3 pluses appear on the tester. In this case, the child requires urgent hospitalization.

how to treat acetone doctor Komarovsky

Diet for acetone in urine in children: a list of products

What is acetone in children, how to treat, Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich tells in detail. What diet does a famous doctor recommend at elevated rates?

So, to reduce the amount of ketone bodies inin the body of the child, you should start by observing the drinking regimen. In this case, Komarovsky recommends watering the child with compote from dried fruits. It is these drinks that are able to increase the indicators of glucose in the body. Compote should be quite sweet and warm.

Be sure to give the child dailyfructose. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is absorbed faster than sucrose. Moreover, with the help of fructose, the glucose level increases gradually and evenly, without sharp jumps and recessions.

By the way, a large amount of this component is in the raisins. A handful of dried fruit should be filled with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, then filtered twice with gauze and give the child.

high acetone and lowering it at home

Do not interfere with glucose in ampoules.This method is most useful if the child complains of discomfort, dizziness and abdominal pain after intense activity. Glucose in ampoules (40%) will prevent nausea and vomiting.

Be sure to consume alkaline drink.Suitable in this case, mineral water without gas or "Regidron". It should be noted that the temperature of the liquid should be equal to the body temperature of the child. This will allow beneficial components to be absorbed into the bloodstream faster.

Diet by day

Итак, если доктор порекомендовал вашему ребёнку diet, then on the first day, try not to feed him anything, just drink in small sips every 5 minutes. If he wants to eat - give compote of dried fruit or decoction of raisins. If the child wants to eat - offer him home-made crackers.

On the second day, you can give rice broth andbaked apple. Be sure to drink the maximum, offer glucose in ampoules. On the third day, it is useful to offer the child porridge on the water. Among the cereals it is best to cook rice, oatmeal or buckwheat.

Next, make a soup for the kid with vegetables and add the dish to galetnye cookies or bread. Do not overfeed the child and do not force to eat.

What is not recommended to feed?

If such a condition befell the child, then whattreat acetone, Dr. Komarovsky knows for sure. By the method of the famous pediatrician doctor, many have already got rid of this symptom, for which many thanks to him. So, it is not recommended to include in the diet of the child:

  • mushrooms, mushroom broths;
  • meat, fish broths;
  • smoked food;
  • sauces, spices, mayonnaise;
  • fat milk and sour milk products;
  • fresh pastries;
  • sweets, chocolate.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, pickled dishes, as well as chips, crackers, sweet soda and store juices.

Komarovsky about acetone in children

What should be included in the menu with increased acetone?

High acetone and lowering it at home is possible if you follow the diet correctly. The menu should include:

  • eggs and quail eggs;
  • non-acid ripe berries;
  • rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, veal;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir (low-fat);
  • milk and vegetable soups.

The processing of food is also important in this situation. All food should be steamed or baked.

When vomiting should give the child an adsorbent drug - "Enterosgel", "Atoksil", "White coal".

We hope that the question of what acetone in children is, how to treat, Komarovsky Yevgeny Olegovich answered in an accessible and capacious way. Health to your children!