/ / "Trigrim": analogues, instructions for use, indications

"Trigrim": analogues, instructions for use, indications

Many residents of our country faced withproblem of swelling of the limbs. Sometimes it causes excessive fluid intake, but often it is a consequence of the pathology of the body. To reduce swelling, doctors use time-tested drug "Trigrim"whose price allows you to assign itpensioners who do not have the opportunity to buy expensive medicines. You can read more about the composition, release form, instructions for use, analogues and reviews of doctors and people treated in this article.

Indications for use

The instructions for use describe in detail the reasons for which patients are forced to take "Trigrim". Analogs have its similar actions, differing only in cost. Medicine - diuretic, that is, a tool that positively affects the activity of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system. Once in the body, such substances inhibit the absorption of water and salts in the kidney. tubulethus increasing the rate of urine formation. As a result, the fluid leaves the body faster, without being able to transform. in swelling.

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Abundant puffiness is the main reason tablets eliminateTrigrim".What makes it come from? Edema usually occurs in diseases of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. It helps the drug in the treatment of primary hypertension, which is expressed by high blood pressure. It is successfully used for monotherapy, and in combination with other drugs. However, do not rush to take "Trigrim"having found these symptoms in oneself. Treatment with the drug is possible only after consulting with your doctor.

Composition and form of release

In the form of small round white tablets, medicine is produced.Trigrim"Analogues, as a rule, do not differ in form. The Polish pharmacological company is involved in the release of the medicine."Polpharma".It has been operating in the Russian market for many years, supplying high-quality and inexpensive goods. One package of the drug consists of three blisters, each of which contains 10 tablets, that is, there are 30 of them in a pack. The packaging of the medicine is cardboard, it is made in white with red splashes, the name "is highlighted in blueTrigrim". The price of the drug starts from 250 rubles and may vary, depending on the region.

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One tabletTrigrima"almost completely consists of active active ingredient - torasemide. It can contain from 2.5 to 10 mg, independing on the dosage. Corn starch, magnesium, colloidal silicon dioxide and lactose can also serve as auxiliary substances. Tablets have a divisive risk, so they can be taken in portions.

Mode of application

Learn how to properly take "Trigrim ", the indications for use of which are described above, possible in the instructions for use.The manufacturer recommends that it is used by adults and elderly people inside, not taking into account food intakes. The dosage of the drug may vary, depending on the disease. So, with small swelling, doctors recommend taking "Trigrim"Once a day, 5 mg. If the effect is insufficient and the swelling does not pass, then the dose may be increased to 20-40 mg in exceptional cases.

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If the patient suffers from congestive heartfailure, then you need to take the remedy 5-20 mg in one day. Gradually, the doctor can increase the dosage, bringing it to a maximum of 200 mg per day. A larger amount of the drug can not be taken daily. In chronic renal failure, you need to take medicine in the same quantities. The dose should be increased gradually, doubling it until the swelling stops. To stabilize the liver in cirrhosis also take "Trigrim"(its analogues may have a different dosage).In this case, the patient is prescribed a small dose - 5-10 mg per day. They can also be increased, but the maximum single dose should not exceed 40 mg per day.

It copes well with the primaryarterial hypertension. In this disease, small doses are prescribed, not exceeding 5 mg per day. In this case, a greater amount of agent does not affect the efficiency and does not reduce the pressure. To see the results of treatment, you should take "Trigrim"for at least 12 weeks. After starting to use the medication, it is not recommended to drive a car on your own because of possible vertigo.

Contraindications and possible side effects

However, not all people can take "Trigrim"whose analogues have similarcontraindications. It is worth remembering that only your doctor can prescribe a drug and its dosage. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes, gout or impairment. water and electrolyte balance in the body. Liver diseases, including cirrhosis, can also be a reason for which you will not be able to take medicine.

However, there are categories of people who are forbidden to use the drug. The instructions for use are the following contraindications:

  • Age up to 18 years. Doctors could not establish the effectiveness of the drug when it was taken by children and adolescents.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Anuria (insufficient urine flow into the bladder).
  • Hypotension and arrhythmia.
  • Severe hepatic impairment, including precomatosis state.
  • Chronic renal failure, expressed by increasing azotemia.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, namely torasemide or lactose.

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Like other medicines, "Trigrim" имеет свои побочные эффекты.They do not appear often, but it is still necessary to know about them. If you suspect that taking the drug causes discomfort, then stop taking it and consult your doctor. As a rule, the drug can cause the following negative conditions:

  • allergic reactions, which are expressed by severe itching and rashes;
  • headaches and dizziness, as well as weakness and great drowsiness, confusion and in rare cases seizures;
  • dry mouth and a gradual loss of appetite, heartburn, and symptoms of pancreatitis;
  • increased plasma urea levels due to acute urinary retention;
  • lowering blood pressure, reducing red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood, circulatory disorders;
  • disorders of the sense organs: blurred vision, tinnitus, turning into deafness.


In case of overdose, unpleasant symptoms may also occur, which multiply the side effects. These include:

  • confusion and drowsiness;
  • forced urination;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • decrease in electrolyte balance;
  • violation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Для лечения передозировки следует обратиться к a specialist. As a rule, he will recommend to reduce the amount of the drug taken or even cancel it. The patient must also fill the lack of fluid and electrolytes in the body in a short time.

Drug analogues

If for some reason the patient cannot take the medicine, then he is prescribed a remedy that in its action is similar to "Trigrim". Analogs are cheaper, but not always more efficient. However, it is strictly forbidden to choose the drug yourself, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. We list analogs containing the same active substance as "Trigrim":

  • "Britomar";
  • "Diuver";
  • "Torasemide".

"Britomar": instructions for use

"Britomar"- these are tablets, in which the active substance is also torasemide. They practically do not differ in composition from "Trigrima", но продаются в упаковках по 15 штук.The drug can be taken with caution during lactation, which is considered its advantage. At the same time, it is forbidden to use it in case of insufficient work of the kidneys and liver. The cost of funds is much higher than the price "Trigrima"and it starts with 350 rubles per pack. The drug is produced by a famous pharmacological company"Nycomed"from Switzerland.

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A drug "Britomar"the instructions for use are called effective, but it has much more side effects. As a rule, they are similar to"Trigrim", not counting the possible occurrence of nasal bleeding, diarrhea, flatulence and tachycardia.

Similar tablets "Diuver": instructions for use

Another popular analogue "Trigrima"is a means"Diuver". It comes in white round tablets containing 5 or 10 mg torasemide. Состав их не отличается от описываемого в этой drug article. They are sold in cartons that contain 2 or 6 blisters of 15 tablets each. The cost of one pack starts with 370 rubles. The release of the drug is a Croatian pharmaceutical company "Pliva".

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Virtually no different from "Trigrima" or "Britomar" pills "Diuver". Instructions for use describes similar contraindications, dosage and side effects.

Positive reviews

"Trigrim" - inexpensive and effective tool that makes it popular with doctors and patients. In their opinion, the drug has the following advantages:

  • instantly removes small swelling;
  • unlike other diuretics, it does not remove electrolytes from the body (magnesium and potassium), which is useful for heart disease;
  • does not cause excessive urination;
  • the medicine can be used once to relieve the swelling of the face;
  • at the host "Trigrim"people practically do not meet the side effects described above.

Negative feedback

Not without negative reviews. Some patients "Trigrim"did not fit. In their comments, they indicate the following drawbacks of the drug:

  • the tool does not always effectively relieve severe swelling;
  • the appearance of persistent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • high price;
  • small pills that are almost impossible to properly divide into 2 equal parts.

How to choose a diuretic? "Britomar","Diuver" or "Trigrim"- what's better?These questions often trouble patients suffering from edema. The effectiveness of each drug has been proven by many studies, but it is worth remembering that only the specialist treating you should prescribe the medicine. You can not independently begin taking the drug or change it to the equivalent.