/ / Sanitary and hygienic working conditions - do they need today

Sanitary and hygienic working conditions - do they need today

The efficiency of a person depends not only onhis personal qualities, but also from the environment that surrounds him. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions should determine the situation at the enterprise, however, unfortunately, not every employer adheres to all recommendations. Theoretically, in the interests of leadership, ensuring the maximum performance of employees throughout the day, but in practice this is not always the case.

What regulate sanitary and hygienic standards?

These include sanitary standards of noise,state of the microclimate, the degree of radiation, vibration, light, dust and pollution as a result of production. The most optimal working conditions can be identified only by experience, taking into account all the biophysical, chemical and psychophysiological factors affecting the human body. If the norms of hygiene are not observed, it can be argued that the enterprise has dangerous working conditions that provoke occupational diseases.

Modern sanitary norms and working conditionsshould be developed taking into account the latest achievements of technology and science, since every year at the enterprises there are all new equipment requiring special control. 25 years ago it was impossible to imagine that one or two air conditioners can be installed in each office premises, although they perform an important function of filtration and purification of air. It should be noted that improper adherence to established norms can adversely affect the health of employees, because even in the means of air and water purification there are special filters in which the multiplication of pathogenic microbes begins in time.

Features of SNiP at enterprises of different profiles

If the enterprise is industrial, thensanitary and hygienic working conditions and norms are taken into account even during the design of the building. Even technical progress is not able to completely protect a person from the negative impact of production. Therefore, protection measures and sanitary and hygienic working conditions should be kept to the maximum in the conditions of this production. Especially dangerous are airborne gases and harmful vapors, which easily enter the body. When planning such institutions, the proximity of populated areas, the presence of nearby open water bodies or rivers, the nature of the terrain (forests, protected areas) are also taken into account.

The owner of the enterprise who complies with thesanitary and hygienic working conditions, should take care to ensure the maximum degree of comfort in the workplace for their employees and monitor their health.

How to improve working conditions

To maintain a suitable temperature inthe room uses household and industrial air-conditioners, as well as ventilation systems, but to maintain humidity, an air humidifier may be required. To eliminate the high noise level, you need to minimize the sound in its place of origin and use soundproof materials.

Fighting with vibration is very difficult, although itis quite dangerous and can cause a vibrational disease. When planning buildings, usually do not take into account the possibility of installing hydraulic cushions in the room for use in the workplace, while other effective means to eliminate permanent jitter does not exist.

Sanitary and hygienic working conditions must be strictly observed, otherwise the enterprise may have problems with the tax, sanitary and epidemiological service and other inspection organizations.

Long-term studies have shown that the means,the costs of hygiene in all industrialized countries should be greater than the funds allocated to cover the costs associated with occupational diseases. Only in this case the production will not suffer, and the owner of the enterprise will not have to pay huge sums for recourse payments to the injured employees.