/ / Safety rules at school

Safety rules at school

Compliance with safety regulations -an inalienable condition that must be met both by the employer and employees, and by children in schools. Especially children. This applies to all places of general visit: cafeterias and restaurants, schools and kindergartens, courthouses and shops. There is no such thing as general safety rules. For different enterprises, organizations and other places of concentration and work of people, specific rules for compliance

safety regulations
security.Children are often not worried about the need to be cautious in schools. Therefore, future teachers are obliged to study such a subject as the protection of life and work. These rules should first of all be known by the teachers, the second - the students.

General safety rules at school

Strangely enough, even observance of the most seemingly ordinary, rules protects students from accidents and injuries. So, the disciple will be safe if:

- beforehand comes to the lessons, does not hurry, calmly reaches his place in the classroom;

- visits (and enters) the office of labor only with the permission of the head;

safety rules in the chemistry room
- Wash hands thoroughly before culinary (if any) classes;

- Do not fidget in the chair, do not leave his place until the end of the lesson;

- behaves attentively and calmly at the lessons, starting and finishing work only with the permission of the teacher;

- does not touch without the teacher's permission items that he was not familiar with before (rulers, protractors, bulbs, etc.);

- Children do not use school requisites for games (this also stipulates the safety rules);

- correctly uses tools, under the careful supervision of the teacher;

- observes the rules for storing personal belongings in the classroom and other classrooms of the school;

- does not bring to school pricking / cutting objects, observes cleanliness on the desk and in a personal locker;

- Do not be distracted by conversations with other students during the use of special tools;

Finally, safety rules at school exclude the presence of students in classes at the break.

Самые «опасные» кабинеты в школе – лаборатории по physics and chemistry. Strangely enough, senior students break the order more often than children of primary school age. Therefore, a separate graph is prescribed for all schools general rules of safety in the study of chemistry. So:

safety regulations

- in no case can "try the language" of the substance, as well as sniffing them at close range;
- To avoid injuries, one should maintain silence and order at the desk of each student;
- When handling certain chemicals, protective gloves should be worn; Do not allow substances to enter the open skin of the hands and body;
- each reagent vessel must be signed, kept clean;
- when working with substances in test tubes, they should be supported with one hand at the bottom, the other at the neck;
- the safety rules in this case also include the competent handling of test tubes and flasks: they can not be guided by holes to themselves and others;
- used substances must be poured into a specially designed container, and not to the sink.

Compliance with all of the above rules will protect children.