/ / Fire hose - an important means of dealing with the elements

The fire hose is an important means of combating the elements

Случается большое количество различных emergency situations that can lead to negative consequences and even the death of many people. This is especially true of large industrial enterprises or apartment buildings.

pressure hoses
One of the most common and dangerous emergency situations is fire.

Пожар может возникнуть где угодно и в любое time, because its causes are very diverse. This could be an electric short circuit, a stub thrown or careless handling of fire. Therefore, it is very important to have at your disposal a sufficient amount of fire extinguishing agents. High-quality fire-fighting equipment will significantly improve the safety of people and property.

One of the main means of fire fighting wasfire hose remains. The main thing is that it should be of high quality and reliable, since its scope of application is too diverse. Fire hose is used to ensure safety at industrial facilities, in trains or public places.

Fire hose structure

Fire hose is a long and flexible extinguishing agent equipped with connection heads.

Fire hose
It is used to deliver a special mixture or water to the site of the fire. Mixtures are fed by pressurizing from tank trucks, hydrants, cranes or motor pumps.

Quality fire hose is made ofspecial tarpaulin, which is impregnated with the necessary compounds. It can also be made from synthetic fabrics. The main condition is that they can withstand high pressure, which reaches a value much higher than one megapascal. In addition, the fire hose has a polymer or rubber coating inside. This provides him with additional water resistance, and also makes it more resistant to external factors. Also sometimes the sleeves are made reinforced from the outside. They all require mandatory drying after use.

Types of fire hoses


Все пожарные рукава делятся на три основных вида.Pressure hoses are flexible. Apply them to deliver water under pressure. They have a length of fifteen meters and a diameter of twenty-five millimeters.

  • Suction hoses are stiff,used for water intake using a pump. Have a length of up to four meters and a diameter of seventy-five millimeters. Finally, pressure suction hoses are usually soft. They combine the properties of the above two types. Have a length of up to four meters and a diameter of seventy-five millimeters.

Safety first

Главное правило заключается в том, что Security does not happen much. It is much easier to entrust your fire safety to quality tools that will not fail at the most crucial moment than to cope with the consequences of emergency situations. Fire hoses are an obligatory fire-prevention device in any public, industrial and production buildings.