Characteristics per student (student) isone of the most important documents that make up in a wide variety of situations: when entering and graduating from a higher educational institution, when translating, for encouragement or punishment, for passing a commission at a military registration and enlistment office, etc. Each manager must have a sample of characteristics from the place of study or practice study group, employee of the dean's office, curator of interns in the enterprise, in order to facilitate and speed up the preparation of reports.

Structural elements characteristics
Любая характеристика учащегося или выпускника consists of standard points that should be described. Further, it is supplemented with specific data, depending on the place of its purpose and individual moments concerning the student's personality. So, the sample characteristics from the place of study should include the following standard data:
- Cap or header. You must specify the full name of the university, address, contact information, as well as the details of the institution where the document is sent.
- In the main part of the characteristics (first paragraph)indicate the student's biographic data (name, year of birth, time of entry into the educational institution, faculty, specialty, name of the academic group).
- Learning and Attitude Data -grade point average, ability to the chosen activity, interest in the specialty, achievements, participation in side events (conferences, exhibitions), attendance of classes.
- Psychological and pedagogical data: behavior, interaction with the group and teachers, personal qualities, level of culture.
- Date and signatures of the responsible persons (necessarily the dean or rector and compiler - curator or another person)

Characteristics of the student from the place of study. Sample compilation
Characteristic graduate (student) ... (school name) faculty ... (faculty name) specialty (department) ... (name) Name of graduate (student) |
... (FULL NAME) studied in ... (university name) full-time from ... to ... (training period).
During the study time he showed himself capable anda diligent student. He diligently studied general education and special subjects, he paid special attention to practical and laboratory studies. Performance in all subjects is high - 4-5 (С-А). Educational qualification work on the topic "..." (title) differed autonomy and creative contribution.
During the practice in ...(name of institution) showed successful mastering of special disciplines, managed to put them into practice in such basic functions entrusted to him: ... (description of practical work tasks). He showed himself as an enterprising, responsible and outside-thinking intern, for which he was noted for the high appreciation of the company's management.
...(name, surname) was an active participant in the life of the university: the head of the student council of the faculty, a member of the disciplinary unit of the student council of the dormitory. During his studies, he participated in scientific and student conferences (title) and round tables.
... (name, surname) is a purposeful, creative and resourceful person. He enjoyed authority among fellow students and respected teachers.
He is interested in science fiction, is engaged in athletics, enjoys aeromodelling.
Characteristics are provided on request ... (name of institution) / Student ... (full name) can be recommended for postgraduate studies.
Signatures of responsible persons
So the characteristic from the place of study for work can look. Its sample can be changed depending on the individual characteristics of the person being characterized.

Characteristics from the place of internship by the student
Characteristics on the student is not onlythe educational institution, but also the enterprise (organization) in which he did any kind of practice - study, production or pre-diploma. It is compiled with the aim to illustrate the degree of mastering practical skills by a student, to analyze his application of knowledge in a potential workplace, to assess his attitude to work. This feature includes:
- Title (name and contact details of the institution that issues the document).
- Curriculum vitae of the student, department of the enterprise or organization where he had an internship, period.
- Description of the functions provided for the trainee, the degree of mastering the necessary skills, attitude to the work performed (initiative, good faith), attendance.
- Score for practice.
- Date and signature of the responsible person.
Characteristics in the draft board
A sample of the characteristics from the place of study can be used for the student to pass a commission at the military office. In this case, the document includes, in addition to the main ones, the following items:
- clarification of which student, specialty and group of students is currently a student;
- whether classes miss out without reason (if yes, how many passes for a period are a month, half a year, a year);
- are there any comments on the discipline, is it possible to characterize the behavior as not meeting the requirements of the higher education system;
- character traits: how balanced, prone to conflicts, how to get used to solving difficult situations;
- was seen in illegal activities.
This feature is also suitable in the case of a request from other authorities, such as the police.

Characteristics from the place of study. Sample for the student
Characteristics of the school student can be compiledwhen translating, when releasing, when passing a commission in the military, at the request of other authorities (police, social services), etc. In this case, a sample of characteristics from the place of study may look like this:
Characteristic per student (school name), 11-B (another name) class Student’s full name |
... (the name of the student) during the course of study he showed himself to be a responsible student. He was an active participant in the life of the team; he was respectful of the instructions of the class teacher.
Пропусков занятий за ...(student's name) was not noted. The student was active in the classroom, diligently doing his homework. The average mark in the subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle is ... (assessment), mathematical - ... (assessment). The student is an active participant in the school and district physics Olympiad.
...(name, surname of student) during his studies he took part in such extracurricular activities: an exhibition of technical creativity in the city (name), KVN among high school students ... (name) of the district, events dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, Day of the City and New Year.
...(name, last name of the student) is sociable, friendly, able to establish contact with people, among peers has many friends. By character - responsive, honest, balanced, optimist. By temperament - sanguine.
He is fond of football, is engaged in boxing, chess, is interested in creativity (learning to play the guitar). He took a permanent part in subbotniks.
In relation to elders, always courteous and polite, listens to the opinion of more experienced people.
Parents were actively interested in the school life of their son, attended all the meetings. Mom ... (student's name) - a member of the parent committee of the class.