/ / Regulations on remuneration: an approximate structure and content

Regulations on the remuneration of labor: an approximate structure and content

The regulation on remuneration of labor is a local actThe organization that regulates the remuneration of employees for work. It can be either an independent document or an annex to a collective agreement, if any. Usually the position on remuneration consists of several sections. There is no model structure for this document in the legislation, but if you analyze the acts of various organizations, you can see in them a lot in common. Next, we will talk about what issues include in the position on the payment of labor most companies.

position of remuneration

General Provisions

They describe the basic principles of charging andpayment of remuneration for labor, terminology is given, it is indicated to whom the document is distributed. Many developers make a provision on the payment of labor description of the regulations on the basis of which it was developed.

It is not superfluous if the document indicatesstructure of remuneration for labor, describe the existing system of payment in the organization, the issues of establishing and indexing wages, the ratio or the size of salaries (tariff rates). Principles for assessing positions and professions can be written to determine the remuneration, corresponding to the complexity, significance and intensity of the work performed. If the wage provision describes it in detail and understandably in one of the sections or in several (defined by the developers), then it allows you to remove a lot of questions in regulating the relations between employees and management.

wage position

Depending on the size, specifics,economic opportunities and the location of the organization, various compensation payments may be present in the structure of its wages. They are most often associated with work in harmful conditions, regional regulation, state secrets. In addition, the regulation on remuneration of labor LLC or other legal entity may include the amount of compensation for the service during off-hour time, divided day, acceptance-change shift.

Particular attention in the local act can bepaid to the questions of bonuses. They can also be viewed in a separate document. Here, as a rule, the indicators, conditions and sizes of the award, its types (monthly, one-time, annual, etc.) are determined. Also, criteria can be defined for which the employee can be increased, not charged or reduced the amount of incentive reward.

wage position

Even in the document can be described in whichPeriods after the person the average earnings is saved (paid), and, depending on the organization's capabilities, their list can be wider than in the legislation. In addition, the amount of remuneration to mentors, foremen authorized for various functions (quality, labor protection), alternates, or any other categories of employees can be determined.

An important aspect is the observance of allprocedural moments associated with the adoption of such a document in the organization: the consideration of the opinion of the trade union, the timely familiarization of personnel, notification registration (if the provision is an annex to the collective agreement).