/ / "Crosses" (SIZO-1). Detention Unit 1 Crosses

"Crosses" (SIZO-1). Detention Unit 1 Crosses

The pre-trial detention center No. 1 - "Kresty" prison -is a true monument of Russia's architectural heritage. After all, he is over 120 years old. This prison is located in the city of St. Petersburg on Arsenalnaya embankment. Prison "Crosses" is still the largest among the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The original purpose of the detention facility is a single prison. Currently, in the "Crosses" everything has changed very much and has become more modern. Only the prospective malefactors are kept here.

Historical reference

crosses siso 1

During the reign of Anna Ioanovna "Wine Town" was built on the Arsenalnaya Embankment. There were small buildings in which there were people who committed crimes.

Only in 1868 the decision was madere-equip the "Wine Town" in a complex for temporary detention of prisoners. But very soon everyone realized that the existing buildings are not suitable for finding prisoners in them.

Later, in 1884, under the decree of Nicholas IIthe construction of a new large prison begins, which today is considered to be the largest pre-trial detention center - SIZO No. 1 "Crosses". The architect of it was A. Tomishko. According to the project of the last two main buildings have the form of crosses. This, according to the idea of ​​the author himself, was supposed to remind the prisoners about God, and in the case of prisoners having no remorse - the cross put on their fate. The year of foundation of "Crosses" is 1892.

Known prisoners

SIZO No. 1 "Crosses" is famous not only for itsan unusual kind, but also by the fact that at various times there were well-known political and public figures, representatives of art. This prison was for them a temporary home. The most famous of those who were in the Crosses are Lev Trotsky, Joseph Brodsky, Gumilev and Kerensky. In addition, the father of the famous writer Nabokov also visited here. Being in the walls of SIZO No. 1 "Crosses" has broken the lives of many strong and talented personalities. Nevertheless, many of the detainees admitted after liberation that their stay in prison benefited them.

Conditions in the past

crosses of St. Petersburg syzo 1

The pre-trial detention center No. 1 "Crosses" was introduced inoperation in 1893. Then in prison prisoners were placed only in solitary confinement cells. In the remand prison there could be 1150 people at a time. In addition, 960 cameras were created here.

In one of the corps "Crosses" was a church,consecrated in the name of A. Nevsky. Initially, this prison was created to keep only those intruders who committed criminal offenses. But after a while there were also political prisoners.

In the early 20th century, "Crosses" was called an exemplary prison. In the cells, prisoners were one or two people. There was heating, ventilation and a toilet with a sink.

The most terrible for the prison were the nineties. Then in the cells of the detention center, up to 18-20 prisoners were held. Although originally the prison was built in such a way that each cell was supposed to be single.


address sizo 1 crosses

SPb SIZO No. 1 "Crosses", in the opinion of persons under investigation,which come here not the first time, is a prison, which is more like a sanatorium. Here they improved the bathrooms and replaced the bunks. Of course, because of the oldest layout of buildings, it is not possible to make major repairs here. Otherwise, the destruction of cruciform bodies will simply not be avoided.

Currently, there are approximately 2,500 prisoners. Many of them have already been convicted and are waiting for convoy to other correctional institutions.

Also in the beginning of 1993 in "Crosses" the thematic museum was created. After six years of its existence, it became an open exposition for all comers.

Important information

fuku remand center 1

Многие граждане, чьи близкие люди по воле судьбы found themselves in this remand center, are interested in the question of where the prison is and what is the regime of work there. So, the full address of SIZO No. 1 "Crosses" is as follows: the city of St. Petersburg, Arsenalnaya embankment, house 7. The pre-trial detention center is open from 8 am to 5 pm.

The full name is PKU SIZO-1 ("Kresty") of the UFSIN of Russia in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Head of the institution Lvov VA

Existing rules

Alleged intruders who arein the PKU investigatory isolator № 1 "Crosses" in St. Petersburg, have the right to a meeting with relatives or other persons only on the basis of a written permission of the investigator who conducts the case. This must be known to those people who want to visit their loved one who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

The duration of the meeting is three hours.only twice a month. In this case, an employee of the SIZO should be present at the meeting of the person under investigation with relatives. If the latter notices that the person who came to visit the alleged intruder, will try to transfer to him prohibited items or substances, then the meeting will be immediately over.

If you need to get information

fku sizo 1 crosses

Здесь, как и в любом другом следственном isolation center, there is a telephone for communication with the administration of the institution. In order to find out any interesting information about the rules for visiting the prison and opening hours, you can contact them in person or call the SIZO-1 Kresty. Contacts of the detention facility can be found on the official website of this correctional institution.


"Crosses" are considered one of the most crowdedprisons of Russia. There was a time when there were more than ten thousand people here. Prisoners can take a shower once a week. The duration of this procedure is not more than fifteen minutes.


For such a long period of existence of this detention facility, only a few people were able to escape from here, of which:

- in 1922, people from the criminal group of Lenka Panteleyev escaped, using the help of a security guard;

- one of those under investigation at the time of the walk jumped over the fence (1969);

- In 1984, prisoners escaped due to the fact that they were handed fake police IDs;

- In the beginning of the 90s, the convict to the death penalty decided to escape, the woman-investigator helped him.

New prison

remand prison 1 crosses

The question of transferring the detention facility toA new place has been discussed for quite a long time. After all, the prison is an architectural monument, but it does not decorate the center of St. Petersburg at all. In addition, the number of places in the "Crosses" is very limited. After all, as it was said earlier, in this prison it was planned to place convicts only one person in the cell.

The construction of the new "Crosses" was started back in2007 in Kolpino, near St. Petersburg. This was allocated a very large amount of cash. The object was planned to pass in 2015. Nevertheless, it is already called other terms.

"Crosses-2" is now completed andMany people, who accidentally noticed the building of a new insulator, are admired. Multi-storey prison buildings can freely accommodate even up to four thousand prisoners. Most of the cells of the isolator is designed for four people, there are also single and double.

According to experts, the new "Crosses" will be oneof the largest insulators in all of Europe. In addition, there is only the most modern equipment. Special sensors and video surveillance cameras are installed around the entire perimeter of the remand prison.

What awaits the old "Crosses"

Sizo 1 crosses contacts

Currently here plan to openspecial shop with prison goods, as well as expand the existing museum. Although not so long ago it was said that a new improved entertainment complex or a hotel would be opened here. After all, most likely, the territory of a historical prison will be leased for a long period of time to a private investor. Nevertheless, this is only a discussion.

After all, now prisoners continuebe in the walls of the old "Crosses", built on the project of that time. The new prison has not yet been commissioned. Currently, they plan to do this by the end of this year. Many prisoners of the “Crosses” want to quickly find themselves in new and more comfortable conditions.