/ / "IPhone" does not catch the network: what to do?

"IPhone" does not catch the network: what to do?

So, today we will try to understand,for what reasons "iPhone" does not catch the network. The thing is that this problem is not so rare. And users are very interested in its solution. In fact, everything is not so serious and scary. Often you can deal with the problem yourself without assistance. What options are there in our case?

iphone does not catch the network

Network Failure

If the "iPhone 4" does not catch the network (like any othergadget), it is likely that the cause of this was a malfunction in the work of the mobile operator. That is, it is his fault. Accordingly, all subscribers will not be able to use the connection.

Fortunately, this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the operator corrects the problem, the connection will be restored. You can either wait a bit, or use a SIM card from another company.

Malfunction of the SIM card

Do you "iPhone" not catch the network?There are many options for the development of events. The next moment, which should not be overlooked, is a malfunction of the SIM card. There is a similar problem rarely, but it has a place to be.

Remove the SIM card from the device, then insert it into theanother gadget. There is still no network? Then you just have to change the SIM card. After all, it is the main source of our current problem. Not too serious phenomenon, only to find it is problematic. Sim cards rarely come to a non-working state, and it's difficult to think about what exactly happened to you.

On this, possible scenarios for the development of events do not end there. So, "iPhone" does not catch the network? What to do in this situation?

iPhone 4 does not catch the network

date and time

For example, make sure that the deviceis the correct date. Do not forget about time either! It's hard to imagine, but on modern gadgets communication problems can arise for incredible reasons.

It turned out that the date does not matchreality? Then, independently in the settings, change it to the one that has a place to be at the moment. Of course, the clock is also set to the desired rate. Sometimes it's better to do this with a Wi-Fi network and synchronization.

As practice shows, most often this ishelps to solve the problem that "iPhone" does not catch the network. Therefore, before the alarm is sounded, you must first eliminate this problem. After all, otherwise you can not figure out what's really the matter.


"IPhone 4" does not catch the network?This phenomenon is often observed not only in the owners of this gadet. People with ordinary smartphones sometimes also complain about the constant search for a network device. How can this be caused?

iphone does not catch the network what to do

For example, your location.Remember, the link itself is not caught everywhere. And so it can disappear. When you are in the subway, elevator or underground parking, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to make a call. Only in rare cases. Also to catch a network the device is not capable in a wood and the places remote from a civilization.

So, "iPhone" does not catch the network.What should I do in order to improve the situation? You can just change your location. Move to the place where the net was usually well caught. We'll have to wait a few minutes. Look at the result - did it work? If not, you need to look for a reason elsewhere. If so, then carefully monitor where you are. Mobile communication is not everywhere.

Card lock

"IPhone" - a device that requires compliancespecial rules when using it. So do not be surprised by some network failures. It is likely that you still have factory settings. And the smartphone is initially locked by one SIM card, and the mobile device will only work with the "sims" of one particular operator.

So, if there was a message from the iPhone 5:"No network", it's time to change the factory settings. It is advisable to use the corresponding service in the service centers for this purpose. Otherwise, you can generally make out of the "iPhone" idle gadget. After collecting factory settings, as a rule, the network appears. And you can work with all mobile operators without problems.

iphone network search


Do you on the iPhone search for the network happens all the time?Try to analyze your previous actions. If previously the connection worked fine, but then suddenly it suddenly started to malfunction, then something went wrong.

For example, your device was infected with viruses.This is also a common case, which users are not so often taken into account. The infection of any system disables the gadget. And on the "iPhone" it can be expressed through a complete loss of the network or its permanent malfunction.

Of course, in order to improve the situation, it is necessaryto treat the device. Independently it is done with the help of special antiviruses. You can also go to the service centers for help. In any case, if you cure the gadget, it will start to work at full force without interruption.

Gadget malfunction

iphone 5 no network

"IPhone" does not catch the network?If you have considered all the variants of the development of events, it remains to complain only about the malfunction of the device. The lack of a network can occur both with conventional smartphones and with fakes. It remains only to change the "iPhone" to a new one. Or give it to repair. Fortunately, the described malfunction of "iPhone" does not occur as often as it seems.

We hope, now you understand everythingcommon causes of our current problem. Try not to panic if the network on the iPhone is lost. To avoid searching for the cause of this phenomenon for a long time, you can immediately take the gadget to a service center. This will help in the shortest possible time to restore the smartphone.