Pentax — это довольно старая компания, которая engaged in the manufacture of cameras since the distant 1952. This company was a pioneer in the field of photographic equipment. The quality and innovativeness of Pentax's technology hit minds. However, in 2008, due to the crisis, the company was absorbed by the giants Ricoh and Hoya. And although now such a company like Pentax does not exist, photographic equipment is produced under this brand.
It is worth noting that Rioch hold the brand.Pentax is still synonymous with the word quality. Nevertheless, the popularity of this brand is quite low. What is the reason? The fact is that the market for photographic equipment was actually divided between the giants Nikon and Canon. Less popular brands are not in demand. But such a disgrace will not last long. Indeed, a new SLR called Pentax K-50 was recently announced. What is so special about this camera? How are Rioch going to attract a buyer? Answers to these questions can be found in this article.
Pentax K-50 Review

Современного потребителя довольно трудно удивить.Nevertheless, the Pentax K-50 reflex camera was able to do this. He made a real sensation. But what is so special about this camera? Perhaps this device has extreme technical characteristics? Or maybe the whole thing in the ergonomics of the device? No, everything is much simpler. The main advantage of the Pentax K-50 - design. Experts from Rioch have resorted to a rather interesting and non-standard solution, which you can read about below.
Already at the first look at the camera becomesIt is clear that the manufacturer has relied on the design of the device. Compared to the K-30 model, body lines have become smoother. Matte case made of high quality polycarbonate. On the front of the camera you can see the rubber pads, which provide additional ergonomics. Thanks to them, the camera is very good in the hand and does not even try to slip out. The main disadvantage is the weight of the device. With prolonged use of the camera hands get tired and numb. And in general, the mass of Pentax K-50 is the largest among cameras of the same price category.
The body consists of 81 rubber seals,which perform a protective function. Due to this, the camera mechanism is fully protected from water, snow, rain, dust, etc. Therefore, you can use the DSLR even in adverse conditions. Of course, in the pouring rain you should not take pictures (and the photos will come out of poor quality due to low visibility). However, light rain will survive the camera. In addition, the camera can be safely taken to the beach. After all, the body is almost hermetic, and this, in turn, means that not a single grain of sand will penetrate inside. This feature is quite rare in cameras of this level. Doubt the sustainability of this camera? The rollers are walking around the net, in which Pentax is covered with fine sand, after which the camera is poured with water. Even after such bullying, the camera remains in working condition.

But, perhaps, the main thing in the new Pentax K-50 (photocan be seen above) - a huge number of color variations. What is most interesting, the buyer has the opportunity to independently determine the design of his gadget. Six different colors of the handle and twenty colors of the case together allow you to collect about 120 combinations. And this is an interesting, albeit rather risky, undertaking. Thus, you can collect a unique camera that can emphasize the individuality, the inner world of the owner. In addition to the design, the device has a couple of interesting features, which you can read below.
Most of the features got the K-50 from itspredecessor K-30. Thus, the 16.28 megapixel matrix (APS-C size) is still used in the new camera. Thanks to her, the camera makes pretty bright and as close as possible to reality pictures.
However, K-50 is not a pale copy of K-30.The new device boasts improved processing algorithms. This made it possible to raise the maximum ISO sensitivity threshold to 51200. In addition, the Pentax brainchild received a new module for autofocusing called SAFOX AF IXi +. It provides increased accuracy and faster focusing speed.

Attention is worthy and image stabilizer.Thanks to him, the clarity of the image while shooting at times improves even without using a tripod. Thanks to good software, the camera turns on pretty quickly and focuses. It is also worth noting that the speed of continuous shooting is as much as 6 frames per second. For amateur equipment, this is a pretty good indicator.
Camera Pentax K-50 boastsa huge number of modes for shooting. Among them there are automatic, manual, and stage (about 19 variants), and video. Do not forget the manufacturers of classic Tv and Av. Moreover, Sv (priority is given to sensitivity) and Tav (priority is given to exposure). There are also a couple of custom modes.

Optical viewfinder gives 100% field of view.A three-inch screen has a rather high resolution (approximately 921,000 pixels). This allows you to evaluate the quality of the photo immediately after the shooting. The camera takes photos with a resolution of 4928 x 3264. Images are saved in RAW and JPEG formats.
In addition, the Pentax K-50 providesthe ability to shoot in HDR. This allows you to significantly expand the dynamic range. It is also possible to configure HDR (indicating activity, etc.). You can shoot straight from the hands, there is no need for a tripod. However, there is a rather significant minus here - gluing and photo processing takes quite a long time (about 13 seconds). Although it is worth noting that it is much faster than the speed of the same K-30.

In the Pentax K-50 installed proprietary systemstabilization called ShakeReduction. It compensates for the negative effects of device vibration, which makes the photo clearer. It is also worth noting that the camera is capable of correcting chromatic aberrations and distortion. Among the interesting little things we can mention the possibility of interval shooting. Thanks to it, you can get from 2 to 999 images in a period of time from 3 seconds to 24 hours. In this case, you can accurately specify the beginning and end of the shooting.
Pentax K-50: reviews
The public warmly apprehended the new mirrorcamera. Many liked the idea of different color options (thanks to this, the Pentax K-50 is particularly popular in Europe). Among the advantages of buyers notice the presence of different shooting modes, a stylish design of the device and resistance to external conditions.
However, it was not without drawbacks. The weight of the device significantly reduces its ergonomics, which upset many users. Also, the discomfort brings long-term processing of photos with HDR-shooting.
The result

The Pentax K-50 is an amazing camerathe main advantage of which is the ability to adjust the appearance of the device. However, in addition to the design, the camera boasts extensive functionality, good protection system. Also can not but rejoice the price, which is much lower than the competition.