/ / Microphone amplifier in modern sound recording

Microphone amplifier in modern sound recording

Many of us using at home or at workWith such a device as a microphone, you never wondered what difficulties the manufacturers of this type of device had, which amplify and transform your voice or musical work.

It would seem nothing complicated.For many of us, a microphone is just a small device that seems much smaller and easier to use than the same headphones or dynamic heads. Since the first batches of microphones released from production lines (an essential element of which is a microphone amplifier), no significant changes have occurred in their design. Whether they are microphones for use, for example, in espionage, or for recording music, the principle of their work remains the same: to convert sound vibrations of air into electrical oscillations that can be understood by most sound reproducing systems as efficiently as possible.

However, qualitatively convert sounds intoelectrical signals are not so difficult, it all depends on the elements of the microphone, such as a membrane, a microphone amplifier, a mechano-electric part. It turned out to be much more difficult, as it turned out, to ensure high quality of the conversion of the received signal and, accordingly, to achieve its amplification, to make it understandable to the audience.

The legendary rock band “Time Machine”, makingemphasis in his work on the semantic load, really faced such a problem as conveying the meaning of the work to the audience. And when the audience heard the lyrics, it stopped.

No matter what the microphone is made of, it’s goldenor platinum, from a technical point of view, it is important which microphone amplifier converts a signal, which filters pass through oscillations, etc. Much depends on the acoustics of the hall, the skill of the sound equipment operator and the performer’s art. Agree, I would not like to encounter a previously widespread effect, when, after a phrase uttered into a microphone, the result was a monotonous sound at the limit of the power of the equipment used, resulting from the resonant effect when using a microphone.

Today, most of the problems that existedThe dawn of the widespread use of microphones, successfully solved by engineers. Specialized amplifiers appeared, allowing to increase the power of the sound signal with almost no hindrance and give it to audio amplifiers working for sound reproducing systems.

There are developments that are protected from mostinterference inherent in the original products. Industrial production of such a component of the device, as a microphone amplifier, at the moment can offer a wide range of very different products, inaccessible to users, for example, 15-20 years ago.

Despite the proposed variety of speciesexpensive studio amplifiers, the relevance of simple devices did not become less. Not every recording studio can afford to buy an expensive amplifier, and besides, in the conditions of a limited budget of a home studio, the cost of an expensive device also does not make sense. After all, a microphone amplifier is quite easy to assemble with your own hands. There are videos on the Internet in which the process of self-production of this element of the microphone is described in detail.

Microphones are used in various fields.human life, ranging from household and ending with production. In popular television series, we often observe how the hero calls rescue services to the scene of an incident and, thereby, saves the world from destruction. I wonder how he would do it without devices that use a microphone and a microphone amplifier in their work?