The company "Garmin" produces touristnavigators with various functions. The size of the device is quite different. The minimum operating frequency is 3 Hz. All tourist navigators, except for "Garmin Dakota 20", are issued with NAR maps. Maintenance logs can be viewed through the main menu. To connect the navigator connector is used YUSB.
The conductivity models are quite different.The function of determining points is not provided in all devices. It is also important to note that many models use the "Line" option. It allows you to accurately calculate the length of the route. There is an average tourist model in the area of 36 thousand rubles.

Tourist navigator "Garmin": instructions for use
On the market are various navigators.In the campaign is very important to know the basic functions of the device. How to use the tourist navigator "Garmin"? The end point is selected first. For some models, the route can be set manually. To add new tags, use the adjustment function.
Чтобы включить опцию компаса, надо перейти в Main menu. Display settings are set through the screen tab. There you can adjust the brightness and resolution. To get acquainted with local attractions need the option "Asit".

Description of the model Garmin eTrex 10
Presented tourist navigators "Garmin"reviews tend to get good. Owners praise the device primarily for compactness. The function "Asit" in this case is available. The operating frequency is at least 3 Hz. The backlight in the device is not very bright. If necessary, the main points of the route can be changed.
Приемник в устройстве применяется без датчика.The compass at the tourist navigator is turned on through the main menu. The model has a road recognition function. PAP cards are loaded in this case. Voice control of the model is not provided. It is possible to buy this tourist-type navigator at a price of 28 thousand rubles.
Garmin eTrex 12 Navigator Settings
From the company "Garmin" navigator (tourist)eTrex 12 is very easy to use. First of all, it is important to note that with its help you can build only one route. If you believe the reviews of customers, the map is very convenient to view. The main functions of this tourist navigator supports. Display color can be changed if desired. The resolution indicator of this tourist navigator is 340 by 400 pixels.
The transmitter of this model is not provided.It is also important to note that there is no photo navigation in the device. However, PAP cards can be reloaded if necessary. Compass model is selected through the main menu. The option of changing points in the model is available. New satellite maps are quite difficult to download. However, the connector under the PC in this case is. It is possible to buy the navigator of the presented series at a price of 33 thousand rubles.

Consumer reviews on Garmin eTrex 15 models
This is an inexpensive and high-quality navigator.Buyers appreciate it for durability and easy handling. The route can be quite quickly. The function "Asit" is supported by the model. Display color change is not possible. It is also important to note that the model is afraid of moisture. The speaker in the navigator of this series is used low power. The resolution of the device is 340 by 420 pixels.
The route on the display can be seen very clearly.The voice recognition option is not provided by the manufacturer. PAP cards in this case are available. According to the buyers, the presented tourist-type navigator is switched on quite quickly. Charging it lasts about four hours in operation. In our time, the model of the presented series is about 27 thousand rubles.
Description of the model Garmin Dakota 20
Specified tourist navigators "Garmin"Great for beginners. Functionally, they are simple and convenient. First of all, it is important to note that the model has PAC maps loaded. Using them is quite simple. However, waypoints are not allowed to change. The shortest path detection system works fine. Voice alerts are not very loud. The navigator backlight is adjustable.
The function "Asit" in the device is available.The highway is clearly visible on the map. To view the sights useful option "Line". The compass in the navigator of the presented series is turned on through the main menu. New maps on the device are loaded not for long. Many people like the user interface. The icons in this case can be changed in size. The price of the specified tourist navigator is not more than 33 thousand rubles.

Consumer Reviews on Garmin Dakota 22 Models
Firms "Garmin" navigator (tourist) Dakota22 is in great demand. This model is produced with a wired detector. The operating frequency is at least 4 Hz. According to buyers, the compass works very accurately. In this case, failures occur infrequently. PAP cards of this model are loaded.
The user interface stands out for itssimplicity. In this case, the program "Last" device is supported. The display is used with a low resolution, but the route is clearly visible. Data on major highways in the device is loaded. The specified tourist navigator is connected via the USB connector. For firmware model is not suitable. This model has no camera.
The transceiver is a single channel type.The control buttons are used very compact, and they rarely stick. The device is not suitable as a player. Function "System" in the model is not provided. Information about local attractions is not available. Buy this tourist navigator can be priced from 34 thousand rubles.

Description of the model Garmin Dakota 26
It is a compact and versatile tourist.navigator. Function "Line" he has. Information about the highway can be viewed through the main menu. In this case, the route points are very easy to correct. If necessary, the color is allowed to change. Voice alerts are easily disabled. The operating frequency of the modification is at least 3 Hz.
According to customers, RAC maps are loaded.very fast. The resolution of the specified tourist navigator is 320 by 430 pixels. In this case, the screen is used at 3.3 inches. The model has little memory. It is possible to buy the navigator of the presented series at the price from 29 thousand rubles.
Options navigator Garmin Nuvi 2689LMT
Garmin Companies Navigator (Travel) Nuvi2689LMT differs from other models in a robust case. The function "Line" device is supported. If necessary, information on the main routes can be viewed. The screen is provided with a backlight, and its resolution is 430 by 530 pixels. If you believe the reviews of customers, then updates occur regularly. Compass problems are rare.
The shortest path determination system workswonderful. Key points are allowed to transfer. PAP cards are not available in this case. According to buyers, this tourist navigator is absolutely not afraid of high humidity. The option "Asit" in this case is not provided. Buy a model of this series can be at a price of 32 thousand rubles.

Consumer Reviews on Garmin Nuvi 2690LMT Models
This GPS navigator "Garmin" (tourist) inrecently enjoyed great popularity. Buyers choose it for an interesting look and simple menu. According to the owners, the route is quite simple to set up. However, it is important to note that the system is slow. Key route points are allowed to change. This can be done through the main menu. In total, the device has three modes of operation.
Charging the battery lasts about five hours.The backlight in the device is not very bright. Flashlight from this tourist navigator is missing. According to customer reviews, the resolution can not be reconfigured. The voice alert function for this series is missing. Communication with the satellite can always be checked through the main menu. Present in our time this tourist navigator in the region of 37 thousand rubles.

Description of the model Garmin Nuvi 2692LMT
Фирмы "Гармин" навигатор (туристический) Nuvi 2692LMT is produced with a variety of modes. According to customers, the road map turns on very quickly. If necessary, the appearance of the icons can be changed. The speech recognition system in the device of this series is missing.
The display at the tourist navigator is appliedwith weak backlight. The speaker model is available at 2 watts. Information on the road is viewed from the "Data" tab. The camera is not provided for the model of this series. The operating frequency is at least 3 Hz.