/ How to choose a good multivark for a family?

How to choose a good multivark for the family?

Modern kitchen by the number of electronicdevices can compete even with a scientific laboratory. Microwave, food processor, juicer, toaster - this is not a complete list of assistants in the kitchen. True, among these devices are both highly specialized and universal. One of these multi-functional kitchen units is a multivark. With her help, you can make soup, bake a cake, make a vegetable stew and fry the cutlets. And this is not all that this miracle-pot can do.

How to choose a good multivark
In any store today there will be at least 10different similar units. And how to choose a good multivark among them? Initially, you need to understand how much it is needed. A bachelor or a family of 2 people will be enough and a bowl for 2.5-3 liters. Also, such a multivarker is suitable for cooking a child. For a large family it is better to take a multivark more - at least 5 liters. It will already be possible to prepare meals for even a small company of guests.

How to choose a good multivark by the volume of the bowl,now it is clear to everyone. Then you need to figure out which of the functions will be really useful in the future. Most of them have such standard programs as "Pilaf", "Quenching" and "Groats." Some manufacturers add to them the following modes: "Soup", "Baking", "Yogurt", "Milk porridge" and "Frying".

Advise a good multivarka
Those who do not usually require a lot of variety indishes for every day, they can choose the multivark with a minimum set of programs. For young mothers with children, programs such as "Yogurt", "Milk porridge" and "Varka na stei" will not be superfluous. Those who are used to experimenting in the kitchen, it is better to choose a multivark with the ability to set the time and temperature of cooking.

But to fully understand how to choose a goodmultivark, it is not superfluous to pay attention to the additional options. The presence of a timer allows you to prepare a dish for a given time. Using the function "Warming up", even a schoolboy can warm the already prepared dish from the refrigerator. It will not be superfluous to have a measuring cup, a spoon, a ladle and a removable lid. Some manufacturers supply it with a window of thick glass, so that you can monitor the preparation of food. Of course, a multivarker should have a comfortable bowl with non-stick coating.

multivark St. Petersburg

The main thing to remember is thatmultifunctional device can not be cheap. Therefore, one of the criteria may be the price of it. It is best to choose from the middle price segment. If you can not decide on your own, you can contact the seller-consultant in the store with the request: "Advise a good multivark." The main thing is for the prospective buyer to understand what he expects from the kitchen assistant. Then it will be easier to understand and the seller how to choose a good multivark for this particular store customer.

Over the past few years, a multi-interesting novelties turned into an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Regardless of the chosen model, all owners note its main advantage. Now do not need to stand for hours at the stove. All work on cooking can be done by a multivarker. Even in the most remote region you can buy multivarks today. SPb and Moscow are no longer the only cities that appear in search queries.