Modern mobile phones have hugethe possibilities by which a person can enjoy a large number of the most various services. However, since scientific and technological progress is taking great strides forward, it sometimes becomes necessary to reflash the phone in order to increase its capabilities. In addition, the need for re-patching also arises if the old mobile phone software has started to fail or it is simply outdated and does not meet modern requirements.
That is why many are interested in howreflash the phone and is it possible to carry out this operation yourself? Immediately it should be noted that this is quite within the power of an ordinary person who is well acquainted with computer equipment and has sufficient knowledge in the field of information technology. Even if you do not have the relevant information, you can always get the necessary knowledge through the Internet and specialized forums and websites dedicated to this topic.
So, in order to reflash the phone, first of all, you should be familiar with the terminology, knowing that you can understand what it is about:
- Flex (flax) is a file system that is used in a mobile phone and in which the address book, phones, sounds, games, ringtones and various applications are stored.
- LangPack (langpack) is a language utility,which includes fonts, languages and translators. If necessary, Russify the phone, or correct the transfer defects, this software package will provide an invaluable service.
- Reflash (Reflash) - is used to update the software, all settings of the mobile phone are saved.
- Fullflash (full flash) - includes all the above packages, as well as add-ons in the form of various programs, games and multimedia applications that are not included in the standard phone package.
Now, knowing the basic terms and concepts, you can already navigate in how to reflash the phone under the parameters that you need.
On special sites you can find all the necessary programs and applications that may be useful for a mobile phone.
To carry out the process of flashing we need the following:
- mobile phone;
- laptop or computer;
- data cable;
- necessary drivers for mobile phone and data cable;
- current mobile phone firmware version.
When flashing the phone in it completelysoftware is replaced, after which it can be used as a new phone. For a better understanding of the process, a mobile phone can be compared with a computer or laptop. Like a computer, a mobile phone contains a central processor, operational and permanent memory (Mini CD), a keyboard and a screen. If the computer has a BIOS (basic input / output system of information that starts, tests and manages technical devices), then SW acts as its analogue in the mobile phone.
Today, many firms know howTo flash the phone of almost all models, so if you want to change the configuration of your mobile phone, it is quite feasible. You can do this process yourself, but for this you need to know one important rule: before flashing your phone, you should make a backup copy of the existing software. Technically, this operation is called Back up. Thanks to it, you can always return the old software with all existing settings without the risk of losing important data.
Just reflash the Chinese phone,since in comparison with European manufacturers it contains much less difficulties in the work of software. Due to the mass production of Chinese mobile phones, as well as their low price, manufacturers are trying not to complicate the software applications in them.
Summarizing all the above, you canIt should be noted that there is nothing difficult in the flashing of a mobile phone itself, but for its proper implementation it is necessary to have certain knowledge. If you comply with all safety requirements for the safety of information on your mobile phone, you can not worry. Thus, now we know how to reflash the phone and what is needed for this.