Smartphone Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533 reviewsdeserves only positive. If we consider its main characteristics, the screen resolution is 1920 by 1080 pixels. The operating system in the device is "Android" 5.5 series. The processor manufacturer provides "Mediatek", and its frequency is at 1.6 GHz. The camera, in turn, is set at 13 megapixels. If we talk about performance, then the RAM has 2 GB. All major wireless technologies supported by smartphone. Bluetooth in this case is set to series 4.1. The Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual phone is worth 26 thousand rubles in the market.

The chip in the specified model is installedpretty high quality. In this case, it is available on three channels, so the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533 gets good reviews on this part. Thus, the performance of the system as a whole is not bad. Also note that the contacts in the device are used exclusively with the lining. As a result, failures are quite rare. Filters in this model are installed in both duplex and half duplex types. Their conductivity is very good. Also note that the capacitor is used self-charging. Energy from the battery, it consumes very little.
Tools for communication
Chat with friends using your Sony phoneThe Xperia C5 Ultra Dual is very comfortable. First of all, it should be noted that browsers of this model support almost everything. It is also important to mention that you can customize the standard messages in the device. The function of predictive input is provided, therefore, from the owners of the smartphone Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual deserves positive reviews. Additionally, the user is able to change the language of the message.

If we talk about objects, they can be passedfriends using bluetooth. The user is able to activate this equipment through the settings menu in the device tab. Links to manage in this model is very simple. The scale of the user is able to customize. In this case, bookmarks can be renamed.
The camera is used in this model with goodparameters. The autofocus function in the device is installed by default. The option of encoding files by the manufacturer is also provided. Glare in the presented model, the user is able to customize. From the main menu, you can switch to the camera pretty quickly. Dimming in the presented device is also configured.

Минимальное разрешение видео задается через tab additional features of the device. At the same time, there are various modes for shooting. Saving photos is carried out with great speed. The image viewing mode can be activated via the general settings tab. The exposure parameters in the device can also be set. Alignment of photos is carried out only horizontally. AAC formats, these devices support.
Reviews about the camera
About the camera Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual honest reviewhard to find. Users talk about it differently. However, the camera has quite a few positive comments. The first thing to mention is high definition shooting. The maximum video resolution can be set using the main menu. In this case, the exposure parameters are set in the point mode. Encoding of files is carried out with the support of all major formats, and for this Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual White reviews get good.
Switching to the camcorder is carried out on the mainpanels. At the same time, the user has the opportunity to adjust the volume during shooting. The shutter sound in this case is configured through the special effects tab. If necessary, you can reset all encoding parameters. Photosensitivity in the camera is configured quite accurately.
Media Player
The media player in the phone functions hasquite a bit of. Its control buttons are located at the bottom. When playing a track, visual images can be adjusted by the user. Directly sound can be turned off using the button, which is located on the panel of the media player.

Also the user’s volume level is capable ofadjust using the device’s main menu. Directly video clips are played in various formats. Information he is able to view them from the album. In order to download new songs, you must first specify the source. The function of repeating the melody in this media player is provided by the manufacturer. However, a search by name can only be done from the main menu of the device.
Media Player Reviews
For Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual Media Playerowner reviews are different. This is primarily due to the fact that the user does not have the ability to adjust the color of the interface. Not everyone likes the standard background mode, and this should be taken into account. Directly visual images are configured from the parameters tab. The effects for these purposes, the manufacturer provides quite a lot, so the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual has good reviews.
It should also be borne in mind that inMedia player can be broken down alphabetically. In this case, albums are assigned even from a memory card. Directly downloading melodies from the device is fast. However, in this case, much depends on its size. All major genres in the specified media player are represented. Information about the tracks is in the parameters tab.
In some cases, the performance of thisThe phone may decline significantly, and for this Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual reviews often get negative. In order to completely update the system files, you must flash the specified model. To date, there are quite a few supporters of this procedure. Some experts in this regard prefer the program "Flasher". Find it in the public domain is quite simple, it is downloaded quickly. In order to run it, you must click on the start tab. However, before this directly the smartphone itself is prepared for the firmware.
To this end, first of all the phone is importantfully charge. Additionally, the user must go to the model settings and delete existing system files. After that, the cable is taken to connect the device to the personal computer. After the recognition of the latest model, you must run the application on the screen. Then the program is activated directly. To start the firmware, the start button is pressed. After that, it remains only to wait for the end of the process. It takes the entire procedure on average no more than 20 minutes.

General settings
Settings panel in the presented smartphonethere is quite extensive. In particular, the user has the ability to assign ringtones to the device. At the same time, contacts can be adjusted through the main menu, and for that the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual has good reviews. In order to put a melody, you must go to the "Sounds" tab. The tracks are loaded in this case through the gallery or memory card. It should also be noted that the sounds for blocking are selected in the main menu. In order to enter information about contacts, you need to go to the general settings.
Vibrating alert in the presented model is adjustable.At the same time, there are quite a few usage modes for this. Security settings are assigned in the presented device through the advanced features tab. To clear the memory there is a menu item "Device". Local groups in this smartphone can be assigned. Cocking calls from a device to track is quite simple.

Special abilities
Special features of the Sony Xperia smartphoneThe C5 Ultra Dual E5533 are quite extensive. Using them to improve the system is quite simple. First of all, it should be noted that the protection of applications in this model can be configured. Additionally, the user is able to view error reports, based on which the relevant decisions are made. The function of sounding passwords in the system is activated.
Также важно упомянуть о том, что работу cpu can be monitored. Monitoring functions have the ability to set the default. Also worth noting from the special features is the formatting option. If you believe the consumer reviews, then there is an opportunity to regulate the scale of transitions.
Useful applications in the smartphone Sony Xperia C5Ultra Dual E5533 has quite a lot. The first thing to note is a high-quality anti-virus system that is able to deal with malicious programs. In this case, by default, it uses one of the versions of the Doctor Web utility. For her, the Sony Xperia C5 Ultra Dual has good reviews. You can configure the anti-virus system settings from the main menu. At the same time for entertainment games in this model there are many, and by genre, they are quite different.
First of all it should be noted bignumber of card applications. In frequency, you can highlight solitaire with interesting animation. Additionally, the smartphone has a lot of racing simulators that will appeal to the male audience of users. The text editor in the model is set to type TXT 200. It allows you to work with different formats. At the same time, the application is updated automatically.

Вместе со смартфоном пользователь в комплекте gets a convenient charger. In this case, the cable manufacturer has provided a rather long, comfortable to use it. Directly box device looks great. The disk with the driver in it is available. Headphones manufacturer makes a pretty high quality, and there is no need for the buyer to purchase them separately.
The cover in the presented device has a bumpertype According to customer reviews, the display protects it from mechanical damage reliably. The flash drive in this case is set to 20 GB. However, the configuration of the device may vary.