/ / Flagship Samsung Galaxy Core: review and reviews

Flagship Samsung Galaxy Core: review and reviews

In the spring of 2013 by Samsung to the masseswas presented a creation called Samsung Galaxy Core. This rather high-quality device only reached the counters in our country in the summer. I would like to note that this smartphone became interesting due to a very active and bright advertising campaign. About the line Galaxy Core does not know, probably only one who does not hear and does not see at the same time.

samsung galaxy core

Since the release, more than a year has already passed.I wonder how users rated this gadget. Let's do a small analysis of Samsung Galaxy Core, the reviews of which at this time are quite different. And we will draw our conclusions.


Mobile modern device Samsung GalaxyCore thanks to its pretty high-quality screen gives an excellent picture. The diagonal of the TFT-display is 4.3 inches, which is a good indicator for the device of such a price category. The matrix has a resolution of 800x480 pixels. It is worth noting that on such a screen it is very easy not only to surf the Internet, but also to edit various kinds of documents. Quite wide viewing angles and the most natural color scheme are not typical for such models, but Samsung awarded its Galaxy Core with this display. Having collected all the characteristics of the screen, adding to them a good sensitive sensor and multitouch, we get almost ideal characteristics, for which it is worth loving this smartphone.


The Samsung Galaxy Core gadget has a largeadvantage against their counterparts precisely because of high performance. Naturally, now you can already meet quad-core smartphones, but for the time of release, two cores, available for this gadget, are very distinguished against the usual weak phones on Android OS. The value of each core is 1.2 GHz. Comes with 1 GB of RAM, they make the smartphone "fly." Naturally, Galaxy Core will not pull very strong applications, but full-fledged work with an average level is ensured.

smartphone samsung galaxy core

The built-in 8 GB memory allowsstore video, music and photos. Naturally, it is not enough for active use. For this reason, it is also planned to expand the memory with a microSD card up to 64 GB.

The graphics processor is quite powerful, like a middle-class device. You can be sure that jerks and all sorts of "lags" in demanding games will not be revealed.

Support for two SIM cards

Modern mobile device Samsung GalaxyCore does not exclude the possibility of using two SIM cards. They function fully independently of each other. Naturally, this solution is quite good, but at the same time, the consumption of the battery charge increases, which significantly affects the operating time.

samsung galaxy core 2 reviews


The smartphone we are considering has twocameras: main and front. The first is equipped with an LED flash. The front camera has at its disposal a matrix of 0.3 megapixels. It is not enough to take normal pictures, but it will be enough to make video calls. The main camera has a separation capacity of 5 megapixels. In general, the pictures from it are normal, but with poor illumination, "noise" and graininess of the image appear. Naturally, to a professional camera is far, but for a mobile multifunction gadget is pretty good.

Software and Operating System

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Core runningAndroid operating system version 4.1.2. At the time of release it was the newest version, which was used in smartphones. Consumption of this version of the OS is small and the processing speed is not compromised.

samsung galaxy core reviews

Included with the smartphone were services Google Now and ChatOn. They allow you to quickly search for places and exchange messages with friends. In addition I would like to note the following functions:

1. Intellectual expectation. This feature easily recognizes the user's eyes and does not allow the screen to be extinguished by the system until it looks at it.

2.Also, the "Intelligent Alert" feature is very interesting. When the owner takes up a smartphone that has missed calls or SMS, the program will recognize the traffic and notify the events that have occurred.

3. The camera also has its own unique addition called "Best Frame". This utility makes it possible to select the most clear and high-quality frame from all that were made in the multisection mode.

And also: voice control, voice blocking, motion control and much more.


In this gadget called Samsung Galaxy Corea fairly powerful 1800 mAh battery is installed. Judging by the feedback of the owners, it is quite enough for active use throughout the day. But due to two simultaneously working SIM-cards the battery life is slightly reduced.


Soon after the release of the smartphoneappeared more advanced model called Samsung Galaxy Core 2. Reviews about it more flattering. But for a time when the first model came out, it was one of the best. All characteristics speak about this. In general, to put it in one word - Samsung Galaxy Core perfectly corresponds to its price category.