/ / Tips on how to choose a stick for Scandinavian walking

Tips on how to choose a stick for Scandinavian walking

Walking is the most natural and natural sightmovement for a person. You can walk around the year and for as long as you feel. Now in Russia, walking classes are gaining popularity, but not ordinary, but Scandinavian. In this article, we'll talk about this kind of physical activity. Also we will answer the most common question of newcomers about how to choose a stick for Nordic walking. So, let's get started.


Scandinavian walking is a celebration withusing ski (mountain) poles. Sometimes it is called Finnish or Norwegian in honor of the same-named countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This physical activity is used when walking the hand, and if we consider the whole body, then 90% of the muscles of the body work. The support is distributed between the legs and the shoulder girdle.

how to choose a stick for Nordic walking

History of appearance

This style of walking was actively promotedsports communities in Finland in the 90s. Their main argument was that it involves additional muscles. Also, this physical activity allowed Finnish skiers to keep fit in the summer.

Now the whole world knows what isScandinavian walking (how to choose sticks and master the technique, read below). Everywhere amateur clubs are created. The World Association of this sport includes 25 countries. Negotiations are under way to join Russia.

Walking Technique

We have already talked about the fact that under the Scandinavianwalking actively used hands. What other muscles work? Naturally, the legs and muscles of the abdomen. But in order to use the latter, you need to connect the hips while walking, moving them left-right. The main thing is to go naturally, and in any case you will get the necessary load. While walking, gently move the foot from the heel to the toe. Hands should be slightly bent at the elbows, but do not take the sticks far back. The trunk body needs to be tilted slightly forward. Removal of the right leg should be accompanied by the removal of the left hand with a stick, and vice versa. And, of course, you need to keep the rhythm. This can help the corresponding music in your player. Slow contemplation will not do any good.

Recently, in search engines has become verythe query: "Scandinavian walking with sticks for weight loss technique" is popular. Here is an explanation. There is no special technique for walking for weight loss. Use the one we described above, and the weight will go away. For an hour of training, you will burn about 400 calories. But for weight loss it is important to observe two things: a diet and systematic training. If you ignore these two rules, you can forget about losing weight.

selection and purchase of sticks for Nordic walking

How to choose a stick for Scandinavian walking

This is a very important point, especially for beginners. Let's start with a description of the types of sticks.

Monolithic or telescopic?

Sticks are monolithic (height fixed) and telescopic (height adjustable). The appropriate height can be calculated by the formula: own height + height of the sole of the shoe x 0.68.

What are they made of?

In such a case, as the choice and purchase of sticks forScandinavian walking, it is important to pay attention to the material from which they are made. It can be aluminum, carbon or fiberglass with the addition of carbon. Sticks made of aluminum are suitable for beginners and for renting. And inveterate walkers need strong, resistant to stress, carbon sticks.

Scandinavian walking with slack sticks technique

About pens and timbers

The material from which the handle is made on a stick should not irritate the skin. The best cork is suitable for this - it does not cool in winter and does not heat up in the heat.

On the handle of the stick, the presence of a knob(belt) for a more dense grasp of the wrist. If you open your palm, then thanks to the sword, the stick will remain in your hand. The size of the belt should be selected according to the size of the palm. It should not be too large and sag on the wrist. Also, do not forget about walking in winter, when gloves are on your hands. The tight strap will simply squeeze the hand.

About the tips

At the end of the stick, the presence of a solidmetal spike. This tip is universal: it is suitable for walking on snow, sand, grass and soil. Also, the kit must include a rubber tip for asphalt pavement.

Scandinavian walking how to choose a stick and master the technique

For beginners

How to choose a stick for Scandinavian walkingnewcomer? It's simple. Stop the choice on telescopic sticks of aluminum. And it is better that the price was not high. Why? First, the above-described formula for determining the appropriate altitude may not be suitable for everyone. Only after several lessons the athlete finds the optimal height for himself sticks. In addition, the higher the stick, the stronger the load. So it's better to start with a minimum height. Well, and secondly, Scandinavian walking may not like, and you quit her to do. Therefore, it is worth buying the most common sticks and not spending money on the professional.


Prepared athletes already know the optimal load for themselves, so they will fit monolithic sticks. In determining the height, follow the formula above.

Scandinavian walking with sticks is a sport accessible to everyone


Scandinavian walking with sticks is a sport availableeveryone, and he has no contraindications. Even older people are engaged in this kind of physical activity. And there is no such disease that would interfere with walking. In addition, there is no need for special places for training. It can be done anywhere, even at home.


Now you know how to choose a stick for Nordic walking. Do not be lazy and do it regularly. Systematic training will not only improve your appearance, but also improve your health.