Иногда вопрос о том, как побыстрее поправиться, turns out to be much more difficult than losing weight. Bbw, as a rule, are just too lazy to change their usual way of life in order to lose weight. But for those who need to gain two or three kilograms, it is very difficult to do.
Why there is a problem of weight loss
Not always enhanced nutrition helps to gain weight,sometimes you can achieve directly opposite results. For example, if you have an accelerated metabolism, you not only do not gain the necessary kilograms, but also lose weight even more.
In addition, this diet will be stressfulfor the body, as it will not have time to assimilate useful substances. Therefore, to solve the problem with how to get better quickly, there is no need to torture yourself. First of all, you need to know for what reason there was a shortage of weight.
If your health is in order and thinness is not causeddiseases, it is likely that the reason is purely physiological. There are such people who can eat a lot and often and at the same time do not get better per gram. The main reason for this is an excess of cortisol - a hormone responsible for the breakdown of tissues. Therefore, in order to gain weight, you need not just to eat hard, but to observe a special regimen.
How to get better quickly in a week
To create the necessary conditions to combatcatabolism must constantly consume carbohydrates, fats, proteins and proteins. Carbohydrates in large quantities are found in potatoes, bread, pasta and cereal cereals, especially in wheat. Also they are in sweets. This means that all these products must be present in your diet.
Please note that solving a problem about howquickly get better in a week, it is possible to eat fat after carbohydrates. Therefore, include in your diet potatoes with bacon, porridge with butter, and so on. Before you start the main dish, it is recommended to eat half a glass of sour cream. After dinner, you can treat yourself to a delicious ice cream, cake or a piece of cake. Such a diet will help you easily gain two to three kilograms.
Но при этом не стоит забывать и о протеинах, you need to build muscle. After all, it is necessary not just to accumulate subcutaneous fat, but to form a beautiful body relief. And for this you need to consume foods rich in protein. But only in moderation, since the body will take only what it needs, it will bring out extra protein.
The main source of these substances is milk,better rustic. Just keep in mind that you should not drink it immediately after a meal, but after a while. A day is recommended to drink about a liter of milk, and this will be quite enough to solve the problem of how to quickly gain weight. The source of protein are also the following products: fish, meat, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese and fermented milk.
Weight training
To cope with the task of how quicklyGet better, not one mode. Special training is also needed, which should be short-term, but at the same time high-intensity. Enough to do two or three times a week for one hour. Approaches should be performed at intervals of 60-90 seconds. The thing is that building muscle to a greater extent depends not on the time spent in the gym, but on the workload of the muscles.
For weight gain, be sure to include inworkouts exercises that trigger internal hormonal growth mechanisms. These are such as horizontal bench press, squats and deadlifts. Exercise machines designed to work with isolated muscle groups will help to get a beautiful muscular relief.
And finally, pay attention to the importancethe recovery period, as the weight gain and muscle growth occur at this particular time. Therefore, you should take care of nutrition after exercise, rich in proteins. In addition, the body needs rest, in particular a healthy sleep.