No wonder they say that the best trend of the modernFashion is a craze for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, a fashion for shaping and fitness. Motivation to lose weight and achieve ideal forms of the breast, abdomen, legs, buttocks abounds in women's and men's periodicals, popular blogs and social networks. But what to do if you still do not have enough inspiration to pull yourself together and begin to put your body in order? Try to find your own perfect motivation.

View in the mirror
When a woman does not like her appearance, shetries to avoid looking at his figure in the mirror. Often the reflection is used only to make hair and makeup. Hanging sides, bulging tummy, folds on the back in the bra area and progressive cellulite are successfully ignored - after all, all these flaws can be beautifully covered up with loose-fitting clothing. These girls are usually just too lazy to sign up for fitness; the motivation to have the perfect figure fades before the temptation to eat another piece of chocolate cake and lie down a little longer on the sofa with a laptop, phone or tablet.
If you, too, are afraid to peer into yourreflection, make a fist and go to the mirror, preferably in underwear or no clothes at all. Answer the question honestly: does everything suit you in your figure? Perhaps even the top-class world-class model does not answer "yes, everything suits." Carefully consider all the visible flaws - and then every time you open the refrigerator, you will remember in detail how the extra folds look on your body. Unpleasant? Of course. But this aversion to the obvious shortcomings will be for you the perfect motivation on the way to a flawless figure.

Before and after
Still do not want to fitness?Motivation is a complex, complex phenomenon, and it’s not surprising if the view in the mirror alone didn’t inspire your sporting feats. Try to be inspired by other people's accomplishments; All social networks are full of collages in the style of "before and after." It is not necessary to take an example from unreachable pop stars and cinema - you can search for real stories of people living in your city or region. Think about it: their life is the same as yours - they do not earn millions to spend on plastic surgery and liposuction, they also study, work, keep house, raise children, solve everyday problems in the same way. But at the same time, an integral part of their everyday life is fitness at home for losing weight, healing and well-being. To follow their example is not difficult at all.
Imagine what your own collages will look like after you have been stunningly successful in transforming a shape. To see this “after” in the photo is real, the main thing is to want it.
Remember the goal
It's easy to forget about dreams and plans when friendsThey call for a feast with a plentiful treat, a colleague shares expensive sweets, and the child refuses to eat his own piece of homemade pie (do not throw away the products?). Do not let the temptations lead you off the right path - hang “reminders” everywhere that you need to lose weight: mindboards, funny notes, pages from fashion magazines with photos of slender stars of show business.

What is a mindboard and why is it needed?
Inventive American women know how difficultinspired by shaping, fitness, sports. The motivation for them has evolved from an ephemeral notion into a real concept — a “moodboard” (moodboard). These are special wooden or magnetic boards for which you can hang any pictures and short quotes to work on your figure. Pictures and successful can be printed or simply cut from glossy magazines photos of seductive models in a bikini. It is better if these are beauties of athletic build, because fitness motivation for girls is largely based on imitation of idols.
Light exercise
Not everyone knows how to wring out or perform correctlytwisting - do not torture yourself if something is not working out for you or if fitness, for which you finally found motivation, does not give you any pleasure. It is better to look for more suitable exercises for you. There are even special complexes "for lazy dogs" - in them all movements are done in the prone position, however, the abdominal muscles of the abs, back and legs are perfectly pumped.

If the very thought of additional physicalThe load (as well as the appearance of light women's dumbbells in the store) inspires horror, do not forget: you do not need to swing the press and squat in order to find the desired shape sooner or later. Do something that does not cause you negative emotions: Pilates, callanetics, yoga. Fitness at home for weight loss does not always imply strength and cardiovascular exercise - it is often enough to devote fifteen minutes a day to relaxing exercises to stretch the muscles and observe how the butt, stomach and chest are gradually tightened and acquire natural beauty.