They come to the gym mainly for one reason - they want to gain muscles like the bodybuilders depicted on the posters, or at least like the model guys with press cubes from advertising.
Daily body trainers meet new onesthe guys who rush to classes and are ready to move mountains. But why in a couple of months, or even earlier, out of ten guys in the hall there is only one or two, and the really achieved success - and even less? The answer is simple: the majority of failed athletes, who did not see a hint of result after a month, lost themselves and lost faith in themselves, and at the same time an interest in bodybuilding.

The secret is simple - the athletes who “built” the body, managed to motivate themselves not only to buy a subscription to the gym, but also for many years of exhausting workouts.

In this sport, like bodybuilding, motivation is a psychological mood for success. It is she who encourages action. The higher its level, the stronger the desire to engage.

- Any bodybuilder was motivated to practice,seeing the ideal on tv or on a poster. Not for nothing in the gym hang photos of bodybuilding winners. The conclusion suggests itself: you need to often watch videos of celebrity workouts, which causes a healthy envy and pushes for the speedy achievement of the result.
- Music during class, as it turned out, is important. She cheers up, causes desire to train and helps to do some additional exercises.
- Если у атлета есть единомышленник, с которым он visits the hall, it greatly increases the chance of not giving up classes and achieving success. If there are no such people among friends and acquaintances, you can keep in touch with someone from the audience. In this sport, like bodybuilding, motivation is enhanced by healthy rivalry.
- Good results are needed to achieve results.trainer, without which nothing happens. Therefore, you need to choose the right person to whom you entrust the construction of your body. A professional must understand not only purely sports matters, but also physiology, psychology and nutrition. If an athlete has bad luck, a real trainer will always find the right words that will not allow a future bodybuilder to give up classes.
- Bodybuilding motivation will increase if fixedown achievements. It is recommended to periodically take pictures of yourself, then to compare. Photographs should be taken in the same place and under the same lighting conditions.
Any famous bodybuilder will confirm that the only reason he did not give up bodybuilding is motivation. After all, she brought him to the hall every day.