Character in psychology is interpreted ambiguously.It is difficult to distinguish from temperament. He is too connected with the concept of "personality." In the literature on psychology, these terms are used interchangeably. Character depends on the person, and personality affects the character. But these concepts should not be confused.

The character in psychology has a narrowerdefinition This is a set of human properties, which reflect the ways of behavior and response to various situations. It can be said that these are features of an individual that determine his attitude towards other people or towards work. And if an assessment is made of the character of a person and his personality, then it may not be the same for these concepts, and in some cases be just the opposite. Everyday terminology suggests that this is a completely different education.

As an example, you can take outstandingpersonalities who had a "hard" or "cool" character. But this did not prevent them from becoming “creative” and “outstanding” people. And this proves that these two concepts are not the same. It is said that the results of the creation of personality are used by descendants, and the people who surround the person face the character.

Authors who study character in psychology emphasize that it may be less or more pronounced.
There are three types of intensity of human behavior. It forms the following types of character in psychology:
- “normal”;
- pronounced (accentuation);
- strong deviations (psychopathy).
The first two definitions refer to the norm.Accentuation can be explicit and hidden. Such features of character are not constantly detected, but only in a certain situation, in the situation that has developed, and under normal conditions do not appear. The third type is pathology. Of course, these boundaries are blurred, but still there are criteria that allow you to determine the belonging to a particular intensity.
Regarding psychopathy, character in psychologycan be considered a pathology, if during the life it is stable, changes little over time. The second sign is that the same manifestations of behavior are found everywhere: at home, at work, among friends, in any circumstances. If a person is alone at home, and another in public, he cannot be considered a psychopath. An important feature of this pathology is social maladjustment. A person is constantly in difficult situations, he has problems, he is experiencing difficulties that can affect the people around him.
In the history of psychology have repeatedly been undertakenattempts to create typologies of characters. One of the first scientists in this field was the German scientist E. Kretschmer. Among our Russian colleagues, A. Licko was engaged in the classification of human behavior. His field of study was psychology, the topic “Character of a teenager”.
Strengthening some behavioral traits that are notgo beyond the limits of norms, but border on pathology, most often can be observed in adolescence and youth. Such manifestations reveal weaknesses and allow you to prescribe preventive measures in time. Accentuation develops mainly during the period of character formation and is smoothed when a person matures.