/ How to kill love in yourself? How to stop loving and live on?

How to kill love in yourself? How to stop loving and live on?

Any romantic story onceends. The only problem is that in the overwhelming majority of cases, relations cease when one of the parties is not ready for it. How to kill love in yourself, if circumstances hinder or desired man made it clear that the continuation of the novel is impossible?

Stop and think

How to kill love in yourself

Rational assessment of the situation has never been to anyone.did not interfere. Are you sure that there is no way back? Situations are different: a man could go to another woman or simply disappear. Sometimes the reason for the gap is the relocation of one of the partners. But no matter what happens, parting can be considered held only after a few weeks. If a quarrel occurred only yesterday, where is the guarantee that the day after tomorrow the lover does not come to ask for forgiveness? Agree to reconciliation or not, this, of course, is a separate issue. We should not forget about those frequent cases when we stop the relationship in the interests of the woman herself, but the feelings do not. It's about families where psychic and physiological violence occurs regularly, or the spouse simply does not have enough respect for his second half. The reasons can be very different, but if your partner is not completely satisfied, it's time to think about how to stop loving him and stop the prolonged relationship.

Emotional liberation

Even if the gap occurred by mutual consent,it's always a lot of stress and pain. The first hours or even a few days it is impossible to fully understand what happened. But as soon as understanding comes, the mood deteriorates noticeably. It's no wonder - love relationships mean a lot to any person. And now, with their cessation, a completely new and unknown life begins.

Rule one - do not need to keep everything in yourself.It's perfectly normal to be sad in this situation. It is advisable to postpone all business for a few days, you can even take a vacation. Invite a best friend to visit or be alone. You can make a diary, virtual or paper - anyway. Give vent to emotions - remember everything that connected you to this person. Reconsider all joint films, read letters and messages. You can write your story on the women's forum and ask how to kill love in yourself. The most important thing in this period is to remember that the pain will once pass. To prolong suffering is not recommended. Some psychologists even advise to define for themselves a "crying time". In advance, decide that 3-5 days you will enjoy your grief, and then proudly return to normal life.

How to Stop Loving

Destroy the evidence

Do not you know how to forget your former love?It is not surprising: you will forget here when the apartment occupies the things donated by this person or things purchased together. All sentimental property must be disposed of. If some things are of material value or useful, just remove them for a while. But photos, notes and postcards can be safely thrown out. Do this way you need not only with gifts, but also with what reminds you of a former lover. It can be dishes from which he liked to eat, or his towel. If possible, repairs can be done. This is not only a good way to get rid of memories, but also an opportunity to distract yourself.

Renewing ourselves

How to stop loving a married man

Abstracted from emotional experiences helpany updates. So why not take care of your appearance? You can change the hair color or haircut, make a tattoo, or limit the temporary. If you do not want cardinal changes, buy new clothes and jewelry and think about changing the image.

A popular advice from psychologists on the topic of howto stop loving a man - to remember what he did not like. He was jealous and forbade wearing short skirts? So buy a pair of mini - now everything is possible. He categorically did not like yellow in clothes? Do not be too lazy to add a pair of blouses of this color to the wardrobe. The parting time - it's time to lose weight or replenish yourself. Yes, yes, now you can find your own figure without thinking that he will tell about it.

We continue the psychological work

Nothing helps, and you still think aboutHow to kill love in yourself? And what exactly do you remember in dreams of a former partner? Probably, these are some romantic moments and a pleasant time spent together. Drive the memories away and do not be lazy to reproduce in memory all the negative. Write down on paper all its negative qualities: beginning from the fact that he was not punctual and did not like your cat, and ending with his betrayals and other serious sins. And as soon as you want to indulge in nostalgia, instead of candlelight dinner, remember the scattered socks and eternal nitpicking without an excuse. Well, he's not that perfect anymore?

Существует и универсальный совет в вопросе о том, how to stop loving a married man or a cheater. This type is a real negative hero, just imagine how he dared to lie to two women at once? But he did quite well every day. And this means that all that was between you is also only his lie. So why love him?

Distance kills love

How to stop loving and get better?

After the end of the relationship free timegetting too much. Find what to spend it with benefit. You can do sports or start attending some courses. If all this is not to your liking, engage in self-education. Read more and attend a variety of activities. Try not to leave a single minute free. Such a lifestyle will help to distract, as well as enrich you.

You can combine business with pleasure - to raiseprofessional qualification or even change jobs, having received a new education. Go for it - the choice is yours. Having gone through a similar cultivation program, after a while you will be sincerely glad that he abandoned you and made you change for the better.

Conspiracy to stop loving

Forward to a new life!

Communication is necessary for any person.Having lost love, it's time to renew ties with old friends and find new ones. Chat with colleagues, feel free to make new acquaintances. If there is not enough time, the Internet will help. Today you can meet on social networks and on sites of interest. While the pain from the previous gap has not subsided, it is not necessary to draw closer to the opposite sex. But you can go on a few dates. The time spent in the men's company will help raise self-esteem, feel attractive and interesting. Only it is not necessary for everyone to meet in colors to retell their story of unhappy love and ask everyone about how to kill love in themselves. By such behavior, you will significantly harm your reputation and show yourself as a person who is hysterical and loves to “suffer” in public.

Should I ask for help from a higher power?

If the desired calm never comes, you cantry to appeal to the higher forces. To resort to this method is only when you feel a similar need. Remember, no matter how good a magician is, he will decide nothing for you. To work on yourself and your life will have even after the most powerful ritual. Visit a fortune teller or psychic or try to carry out the ritual by yourself.

How to forget the former love

Самый простой заговор (чтобы разлюбить) можно make at home. To do this, light a candle and, looking at the flame, remember the former man. Imagine that from you to him stretched thin threads. Now wish all the best to him and cut them all with the flame of a candle. You should feel liberation, if this did not happen, it is worth repeating the ritual in a couple of days.

Those who do not believe in magic can trygo to church. Pray for the release of mental load and ask for women's happiness in the future. Confession or a confidential conversation with a priest can help. Perhaps during a conversation you will understand why distance kills love and what is the reason that your relationship did not withstand the test of time. It is worth visiting a church even if you are skeptical, because even if this does not help you, you will not lose anything.