How to succeed?Such a question always arises in front of any goal-oriented person. The pursuit of achievements, the setting of new tasks in front of us are features that are inherent in nature both in men and women. How to achieve your goal? This process resembles the realization of dreams, fulfillment of desires. Many books and articles have been written on this topic. In some of them, it is written that a dream that has become a goal is often realized without human activism, the authors of other publications state that it is necessary to work hard and make titanic efforts.
And what is the difference between the fulfillment of desires andachieving goals? Probably the fact that desires and dreams are sometimes unattainable, and sometimes in general belong to the realm of fantasy. On the other hand, if the dream lies not only in the plane of the spiritual world, but is potentially realizable in the material world, then the following question becomes relevant: "How to achieve the goal?". Plans for this are very different. Someone wants to enroll in an institution of higher education or find a good and profitable job. Other people dream of creating a family, and still others are trying to beat a serious illness.
The goals listed above are theoretically quiteachievable isn't it? But, if, for example, a person dreams of becoming a pilot-cosmonaut or a surgeon, but at the same time is in retirement age, weak health, illiterate, how to achieve the goal in such cases? Probably nothing! Such dreams are called fruitless, and they are not in the material plane and not even in the spiritual, but in the realm of fantasy.
Таким людям можно лишь посоветовать – больше devote time to parenting. Perhaps it is the descendants who will accomplish such goals. You can call the above principle fundamental and formulate as follows: "Your dreams should be really feasible, at least theoretically!". If so, how to achieve the goal? Really realizable dream is accompanied by desires associated with its implementation. Desires, in turn, turn into goals. Then it is time to stop dreaming and start acting.
Empty dreams and desires can be voiced as follows:"It would be nice to be a rich man! That would be to become healthy!". Really feasible goals are formulated differently: "I will become rich! I will be healthy! To carry out my intentions, starting from this minute, I will take certain steps!". With this approach, the person not only wonders how to achieve the goal, but also develops a detailed plan for achieving it. It is recommended to write down your dreams, methods for their achievement and a step-by-step implementation plan on paper. This is done in an extremely clear form, without the use of the particle "not."
The point is that insteadwrite down "I do not want to be sick," should write - "I want and intend to become healthy." It would be better if the goals are set for all areas of your life: health, family, career, financial stability and so on. Over time, you may notice that some intentions are combined into one. For example: raising children is most directly related to the family, isn't it? Authors of books writing on this topic recommend specifying all the details that your goal contains, as if it has already been realized.
For example, you want to have a house.Which one, where? You want to get a car. What is its color, brand? Well, and so on, as detailed as possible. There is really great literature that will surely help you in achieving your goals. Some statements can be called typical for such books and some are worth citing in this article:
- Thought is material, so you should learn and try to think in a positive way.
- Your intention must be clearly and articulated and written down.
- Be attentive to what intuition suggests. When you see the hint - act!
- Using all available methods, develop the thinking of a successful person. This will help reading the relevant literature, communication with successful people.
- Do not look for excuses if something does not work, but continue to move towards the goal.
Also be flexible in cases where deviations from a previously developed plan occur. Higher forces know better what path to the realization of your dream is most favorable.